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<doulos05> Well, rewriting it so it doesn't use the 40ants process at least produces a new error
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<ixelp> Rewrite windows release · jonathanabennett/megastrike@80b977d · GitHub
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<doulos05> I made sure that my ql-dists are up to date on my computer, then tried it again. MAKE-COLOR-DIALOG-BUTTON is part of cl-gtk4
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<doulos05> I opened an issue for cl-gtk4, but I suspect that it isn't a common lisp problem but an environment problem since I'm pretty sure cl-gtk4 basically generates everything via some kind of introspection.
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<skin> doulos05: I'm a CL hobbyist, but a professional DevOps engineer. I can help you with your build. It looks like your build is failing on installing GTK 4 because your version of Meson is out of date. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/723g13k78ls1npih8aiqh/2023-10-24-06-53-51.png?rlkey=m6mooq5aieili45fiisp8drcc&dl=0
<skin> I can put in a PR, perhaps :)
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<jcowan> skin: Yak shaving is different: it means the unexpected and annoying things you have to do to get something working that should Just Work without fuss
<skin> NotThatRPG was mentioning that in order to solve his problem, he may have to add something to FiveAM. I'd call that Yak Shaving by that definition :)
<jcowan> mmm, fair
<ixelp> Don’t Shave That Yak! | Seth's Blog
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<Pirx> jcowan: this is the modern incarnation of an old type of story, I bet that there's one of that kind in Arabian Nights... the hero needs some magical item and its owner accepts lending it in exchange for some other precious item in the hands of someone else that in turn ask for another item... last time I saw it: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0709201/
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<Pirx> seth's conclusion is insightful anyway: don't shave the yak! :)
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<skin> doulous05: I tried to fix your build, here's the PR: https://github.com/jonathanabennett/megastrike/pull/13
<skin> I hope you can at least glean something from it as it took me waaaay to long to get it to where it is now. Best of luck!
<ixelp> Make the CI pipeline robust by djhaskin987 · Pull Request #13 · jonathanabennett/megastrike · GitHub
<skin> doulos05: ^^^ Sorry messed up your username.
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<Shinmera> I would rather die than stop shaving yaks
<Shinmera> And I definitely would never have made a game if there hadn't been someone (read: me) to shave that many yaks
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<NotThatRPG> Surely there must be a casual phone game that involves literal yak-shaving?
<Colleen> NotThatRPG: bike said at 2023.10.23 15:29:28: not sure if you saw what I said, but ansi test RT supports expected failures now. If alexandria already uses RT it might be simple to adapt that code.
<NotThatRPG> Colleen: Thanks! I will have a look. Maybe I can pull the patches for expected failures over.
<Colleen> Unknown command. Possible matches: 8, grant, time, tell, set, say, mop, get, block, award,
<NotThatRPG> ah, I see -- that's a bot
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<yitzi> NotThatRPG: let me know if you need assistance. I wrote the expected failure stuff for ansi-test.
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<NotThatRPG> yitzi: Thanks! I think the big question is what to do to integrate this into Alexandria. The easy route is to monkey-patch, but that's yucky. The problem is that Alexandria just loads stock RT.
<yitzi> You'll probably have to change its RT somewhat.
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<NotThatRPG> And looking at Quicklisp, it looks like RT has been static for > 10 years.
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<Pirx> Shinmera: the real yak story is not that someone shaves a yak, but that someone does nothing because there's too much to do before doing it. If you've already made a game, it doesn't apply to you
<NotThatRPG> Replacing it for this purpose with "alexandria-rt" is probably required. But I wish someone would either maintain RT, or put it out of our misery
<Pirx> IOW: it's about excuses
<Shinmera> Pirx: not everything I do is always applicable to the goal at hand
<NotThatRPG> I'd be willing to replace Alexandria's tests with a diff test library, but only one that's demonstrably better.
<Pirx> Shinmera: if you gets things done, it doesn't matter
<Pirx> get*
<Shinmera> shaving a yak is getting something done tho
<Shinmera> the yak is shaved
<Pirx> maybe the yak wanted to be shaved
<NotThatRPG> Or maybe it will freeze to death on the cold mountainside
<Pirx> maybe the yak was on holidays in a sunny places, sweating all the time
<Pirx> do yaks sweat?
<NotThatRPG> Apparently not: "aks are native to Tibet and are most suited to a colder climate, where there is a winter, but they can tolerate hot summers as long as they have some shade and easy access to water. Yaks don’t sweat, so they can’t rely on evaporative cooling. They will want shade for protection from the sun during summer. Some ranchers will use a sprinkler system to artificially create evaporative cooling. "
<NotThatRPG> From the "YAK-FAQ": https://www.usyaks.org/yak-faq/
<ixelp> Yak FAQ – USYaks
<Shinmera> let's get back to lisp now
<NotThatRPG> Oddly, no mention of shaving there
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<NotThatRPG> Shinmera: +1
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