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<ixelp> Cl Theora
<Shinmera> Please support my continued work on Patreon: https://patreon.com/shinmera
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<ixelp> Shinmera: "Anyway, here's some more footage from my game. .…" - TyNET
<beach> Congratulations to the progress.
<Shinmera> Thanks
<Shinmera> I don't have audio integration with the video playback yet
<Shinmera> but I'll probably worry about that some other day :)
<beach> Sounds like a plan.
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<doulos05> I'm having some trouble parsing a CSV file. I think it has to do with getting the symbols interned correctly in the package.
<doulos05> I tried to compile my file using `(asdf:operate :program-op :megastrike)`, which works for the cl-gtk4 examples, I get a error with parse-integer trying to parse nil.
<doulos05> There's no line number, but this function contains the only calls to parse-integer that run before the menu screen loads.
<doulos05> It works fine from the repl, unless I forget to IN-PACKAGE into my program, in which case it fails in the same place.
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<bike> doulos05: if you need the parser to intern symbols in a particular package, you should bind *package* within your parser function. otherwise it will just use whatever *package* is in place at runtime, which may not be your megastrike package.
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<doulos05> So if I have (let* ((*package* :megastrike) (data (loop to collect data))) (parse stuff)) That should work?
<bike> (find-package :megastrike), but yes, then the read-from-strings will intern in the *package*.
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<bike> by the way, if there's any possibility of this file being modified by an attacker, you should be pretty careful about using read-from-string. it can have all kinds of side effects and such. but maybe that's not a concern for this game file.
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<Pirx> good afternoon
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<doulos05> Well, I'm certainly open to a better way to handle it. But it's getting late, so that'll have to wait.
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<NotThatRPG> Anyone know if there's a CL test library that handles expected failures (i.e., by not treating xfails as failing a test suite, and by treating them as failures if they pass)?
<varjag> wrap them in handler-case and retrun pass?
<beach> Can't you handle that by using IGNORE-ERRORS?
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<bike> it's convenient to be able to have a list of tests you expect to fail, based on system configuration or whatever, and then when you run the tests and the expected-to-fail tests fail you don't get an overall failure of the suite. so i don't think handling errors is the point.
<|3b|> is failing to fail a failure?
<NotThatRPG> beach: I could... but it's not really the right thing, and it's something that any modern test framework should have.
<beach> I see.
<bike> we have expected failures set up for ansi tests, but i don't think the rt framework it uses is independent enough
<NotThatRPG> |3b|: Yes, in the sense that it requires attention. If you expect a test to fail, and it succeeds, you should at the very least examine your test suite
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<NotThatRPG> ALEXANDRIA uses RT, which doesn't handle this, which is a big pain for a library that must work across a wide variety of implementations.
* |3b| supposes it is sort of a problem of things not having multiple levels of "needs attention", would be nice to have something in between
<NotThatRPG> |3b|: Having to look at an expectation violation like this isn't really such a problem as to merit adding a lot of complication. Also, even if we had a test library that had multiple levels of needs attention, we don't have CI frameworks that do.
<NotThatRPG> (that's an oversimplification)
<|3b|> right, "ci frameworks" are included in the "things" that don't support it :/
<NotThatRPG> At least one of the GitFOOs has actions that are permitted to fail, actually
<NotThatRPG> I suppose I could add this to FiveAM, but then I would have to get it merged and.... I'd just rather take a solution off the shelf if one exists.
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<NotThatRPG> I just want to fix Alexandria!
<NotThatRPG> Is there a software engineering equivalent of the phrase "mission creep"?
<skin> Yeah, scope creep.
<NotThatRPG> skin: +1
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<NotThatRPG> "Dependency creep" could be a special case of scope creep
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<NotThatRPG> (Also it sounds like a personal insult -- "They're a real dependency creep.")
<NotThatRPG> Thanks, everyone. TTYL. Please leave me a message if you think of such a test library
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<skin> Sorry, one last one: "Yak Shaving" is the what is used for this type of thing also.
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<bike> ::notify NotThatRPG not sure if you saw what I said, but ansi test RT supports expected failures now. If alexandria already uses RT it might be simple to adapt that code.
<Colleen> bike: Got it. I'll let NotThatRPG know as soon as possible.
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<fe[nl]ix> NotThatRPG: fiveam is due a complete rewrite, similar to bordeaux-threads
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<doulos05> Anybody here using github actions with a Common Lisp project who is willing to look over my Github action and help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
<doulos05> I'm trying to use this action to build an executable for people who want to use this project but don't have lisp installed. I'm trying to get the linux build working first, but eventually I need MacOS and Windows.
<ixelp> build-linux-release · Workflow runs · jonathanabennett/megastrike · GitHub
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<bike> sure, lemme see
<bike> well. i'm not familiar with qlot. but you shouldn't need fancy quotation. i don't understand the error you get.
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<mfiano> exec seems to be a toplevel command, not a switch
<mfiano> According to the syntax it prints, anyway
<bike> i think the idea is that qlot run starts lisp, and then --exec etc is the arguments to the lisp?
<mfiano> well then that is ambiguous unless it just escapes the rest and passes it through after it sees that
<mfiano> I don't use it either
<doulos05> bike: yes, that's the idea
<bike> yeah. in my github actions i just run sbcl/whatever directly.
<doulos05> Do you have a github action that also works on windows? Could I get a look at it?
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<bike> i've actually only used mac and linux, sorry.
<mfiano> pngload has one for pretty much all platforms/impls
<mfiano> (that matter)
<doulos05> Ok, I'll read over theirs and try to figure it out
<bike> can't believe you're not testing gcl on haiku.
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<doulos05> I don't necessarily want to use qlot, but it is what 40ants uses and I could not get windows to work at all
<mfiano> :)
<mfiano> I will test gcl on foo when gcl is not just g
<doulos05> Ok, I'm going to go back to not using qlot, since I didn't really want to use it anyway, and see if I can figure something out between your example and pngload
<bike> also if that is the idea, what lisp accepts an --exec command line argument?
<doulos05> My first attempt at this didn't use exec, it had a much more traditional look to it.
<mfiano> Our point is your last attempt didn't either
<doulos05> Didn't it? This is me picking this particular problem back up after almost 8 weeks, so I'm struggling to remember where I was.
<mfiano> read the help text it prints after your command, before the exit status. You can see that you passed --exec, but the help text says that it is not an argument, but a command named 'exec'.
<mfiano> (going by memory, hopefully i didn't mess that up and confuse you even more)
<doulos05> Ok, I'll read it again closely. But I think my plan is actually going to be to go through and rewrite so it grabs sbcl and then does the usual --load and --eval pattern
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<doulos05> Basically taking the pngload yaml as a template and replacing their testing code with asdf:make
<mfiano> qlot is for projects. roswell is for implementations (and more).
<mfiano> if you are happy with no portability testing, sbcl is fine
<mfiano> (and maybe even some conformance testing)
<doulos05> Yeah, my test script will look different, but for now I'm trying to build a tar file I can ship to non-technical users with an executable in it for the 3 main platforms.
<doulos05> But before I do that, I should probably be testing more than ~10% of the codebase.
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