jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<bike> i'm not offended, i just don't understand your standards
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<agm> about floating-point numbers, ANSI CL mandates negative epsilon constants, but I can't find any resources about them, only about usual (positive) epsilon. can someone help? floating-point is a world in itself, as usual
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<Pirx> good afternoon
<moon-child> agm: single-float-epsilon pertains to the numbers immediately above 1s0; single-float-negative-epsilon pertains to the numbers immediately below it
<moon-child> typically, the latter will have greater precision, and so a smaller epsilon
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<agm> moon-child: thanks!
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<Brucio-61> hayley: i'm looking into using one-more-re-nightmare to implement (incremental) regex search on cluffer buffers for Second Climacs. with a bunch of hacks in one-more-re-nightmare, i got this to work: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3989 . would you accept a proper version of such changes to one-more-re-nightmare if performance degradation for the string case can be avoided?
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<poww0wmus1c> hi, I'm pretty new to Common Lisp. I am authoring a package and wondering how to write regression tests for private functions (i.e. not meant to be exported).
<aeth> moon-child: but s is short-float which isn't necessarily single-float?
<aeth> i.e. should be 1f0, not 1s0
<aeth> poww0wmus1c: ::
<aeth> poww0wmus1c: your-package::private-function
<hayley> Brucio-61: Certainly; I've been meaning to expose the layout protocol but never got around to it.
<Brucio-61> hayley: thanks. i will try to come up with a pull request
<poww0wmus1c> aeth: oh cool. thanks!
<hayley> Thanks!
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<hayley> I need to survive my last few weeks at this university and apply to another university, so I might or might not be able to look at it properly this month.
<Brucio-61> don't worry, it is not urgent. and good luck with both universities
<hayley> Thanks again.
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<beach> Brucio-61: It looks like you are making good progress.
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<Brucio-61> beach: well, i started with just plain incremental search and had that mostly working but then thought generalizing to regex search would be more useful. so the progress is backwards in a way :)
<beach> Heh, but you are very quiet about your progress, so seen from the outside the net result is great!
<Brucio-61> thanks
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<Brucio-61> beach: this shows some of the features in Second Climacs such as (the simple) isearch, filling, multiple cursors with their own point, mark and kill "ring": https://scymtym.github.io/text.editing/editing-library-3.ogv
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<beach> Sorry, was away, watching now...
<beach> Very impressive!!!
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<beach> Brucio-61: I am reading the manual. The equivalent Emacs command kill-line is indicated with C-n, but it should be C-k.
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<Brucio-61> yeah, the table is just a sketch at the moment
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<beach> Fair enough.
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<beach> Should we tell the #commonlisp participants who watched that demo that the functions they are seeing are not strictly part of Second Climacs?
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<Brucio-61> definitely
<beach> So the plan is to create one or more libraries of editing functions on top of Cluffer, but extracted from Second Climacs. The consequences are that 1. There won't be much left in Second Climacs proper, and 2. It will be easy to create your own editor by using these libraries.
<beach> For example, jackdaniel could use those libraries for the input editor of McCLIM. And someone who prefers VIM-style editing, can create an editor with all the functionalities provided by those libraries, but with VIM-style user interface.
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<Equill> I like the sound of that last part :)
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<beach> Great! The good news is that you will then still have all the functionalities we are working on for parsing Common Lisp code. Still only partially finished, though.
<Equill> Sounds like emacs already!
<beach> Bah! We are already doing better than Emacs in terms of analyzing Common Lisp code. But more is to come.
<Equill> That sounds good, too. The repo to follow is the one on Github, yes? Checking in case it's moved somewhere else in the last month or so.
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<beach> The one Brucio-61 is working on is still not public. And the one for Second Climacs gets smaller every so often, because we extract things.
<Equill> Groovy; I'll keep an ear out for changes. I seem to be back for now, so I should catch it as it comes out.
<beach> Yes, we'll announce things when something significant happens.
<beach> I just wanted to avoid that people think that all this work is done in Second Climacs, and to let them know that the work is being done to allow people to write their own editor if they want.
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<moon-child> aeth: you are right, of course
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