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<philipp__> Hi, I need some very basic help because my brain stopped working. I am in SLIME and try to define a variable like this: (defvar *tmp*) – but I always get "The variable *tmp* is unbound". What was the correct way to define a variable again?
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<philipp__> Now it works for some reason, nevermind.
<beach> Did you get that error when you evaluated the DEFVAR form?
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<philipp__> Yes.
<beach> If so, you must have been in a package where DEFVAR is not CL:DEFVAR, so it thought it was a function, and evaluated its argument.
<philipp__> I see.
<philipp__> That makes sense, thanks.
<beach> Sure.
<yitzi> Also defvar without an initial-value leaves the variable unbound
<beach> Yes, that's why I asked when the error happened.
<yitzi> Gotcha
<philipp__> I must have somehow borked the cl package. After restart the lisp process, it works fine now.
<yitzi> That seems unlikely, especially if you are using SBCL which locks the CL package.
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<agm> if foo has a setf expansion, then (setf (foo a) b) first evaluates the value forms and binds the result to the temp variables, then evaluates b and assigns the result to the store variable, in that order right?
<beach> Yes, the order of evaluation is as expected.
<beach> ... from left to right.
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<beach> So in (push b (foo a)), it will be the other way around.
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<pkal> agm: you can always check out what the expression expands to, and then you know it will be evaluated with the regular left-most-bottom-most strategy.
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<agm> i find the order of evaluation somewhat implied in http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/05_aab.htm, but not abundantly clear
<beach> agm: Not really. That page just talks about the place itself, not about the entire form.
<beach> agm: That's why I gave you two possibilities with the same setf expansion but with two different forms and two different orders.
<bike> the evaluation order is actually in rather than
<bike> " For the macros that manipulate places (push, pushnew, remf, incf, decf, shiftf, rotatef, psetf, setf, pop, and those defined by define-modify-macro) the subforms of the macro call are evaluated exactly once in left-to-right order, with the subforms of the places evaluated in the order specified in (1)." the value you're pushing is left of the place so it's evaluated first.
<agm> bike: rule 2?
<agm> ok
<bike> for push, yes. for setf alone it's point one.
<bike> you're allowed to define a setf expansion that doesn't evaluate things left to right, like how you're allowed to punch through glass windows.
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<bike> but that just applies to the place subforms. b is always going to be evaluated after place subforms in (setf whatever b).
<agm> haha ok, thanks everybody
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<mfiano> I wish CFFI:WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA allowed binding the data vector of a non rank-1 specialized array, or a rank-1 array displaced-to it, but nope, needs to be rank-1 and specialized.
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* mfiano wonders if there is a solution to one or the other without getting even more into the weeds
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