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<Shinmera> as always: :USE is the devil
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<moon-child> or maybe alexandria is an angel for being designed to allow you to :use it
<moon-child> (I kid, pln 4 lyf, but still)
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<|3b|> "will never add a new exported symbol, ever" isn't really a design thing though
<|3b|> and i'd argue alexandria isn't designed to allow me to :use it, because it has symbols that conflict with domain-specific things i'd want. pretty common to want to ROTATE things in 3d for example, and easy to not notice conflicts of things you don't use directly
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<lispmacs[work]> hi
<lispmacs[work]> I was just curious: if SBCL compiles a function FOO inline into function BAR, and then I run (trace FOO), how does trace keep track of that?
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<NotThatRPG> Morning, everyone!
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<beach> Hello NotThatRPG.
<beach> lispmacs[work]: Do you have reasons to believe that it does keep track of that?
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<jcowan> Easy enough to test it
<lispmacs[work]> it just see, in the debugger, that it appears that FOO must have been inlined into BAR, which I observed by purposely causing a division by zero error in FOO. But yet, I can also set (trace FOO) and I will still get the FOO trace output
<beach> I see.
<lispmacs[work]> e.g.,
<lispmacs[work]> (defun foo (x) (/ x 0)) (defun bar (x) (+ 1 (foo x))) (bar 1)
<jcowan> Maybe you should do a dissasemble on foo to see if it uninlined bar.
<lispmacs[work]> in the backtrace, the error appears to be thrown in BAR
<jcowan> That definitely makes me suspicious
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<lispmacs[work]> hmm, even without setting (trace foo), it appears there is still a call to FOO in BAR
<lispmacs[work]> according to DISASSEMBLE
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<lispmacs[work]> so it seems the answer is that it is not inlining the function, even though the function name does not appear in the backtrace for some reason
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<johnjaye> how would I get the dot product of two lists in a recursive way?
<johnjaye> so '(1 2 3) and '(4 5 6) -> (4 10 18).
<johnjaye> i know map can do it but is there another way
<aeth> you can just write it out in LOOP with COLLECT
<aeth> but why
<aeth> generally, if you're list-building and don't want to (or can't) use a higher order function (like MAP, MAPCAR, etc.), then the next fastest way is :collect inside of a LOOP because you have to think about the iterating but you don't have to think about the low-level list building from conses part
<aeth> I mean, the second fastest way to write. Probably actually the fastest way to run, but it's not going to make a huge difference.
<aeth> If speed's an issue, not using a list is probably the way to go
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<jcowan> aeth: is :collect typically transformed into a map, or how is it done?
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<aeth> jcowan: I don't think so because :collect is much more general so I'd assume the implementation goes the other way around (although you could implement multiple :COLLECTs inefficiently with e.g. REMOVE-IF/REMOVE-IF-NOT)
<aeth> e.g. (loop :for i :from 1 :to 10 :if (evenp i) :collect i :into a :else :collect i :into b :finally (return (values a b)))
<aeth> and something like that is generally where you need to fall back to LOOP for lists in CL unless you're stubborn
<jcowan> that could actually execute at compile time
<moon-child> jcowan: loop typically expands into--well, a loop, using tagbody/go or similar
<jcowan> mmm
<moon-child> but I would expect (loop for x in xs collect (f x)) to produce basically the same code as (mapcar #'f xs), in a compiler like sbcl
<moon-child> so what are you asking really?
<jcowan> How smart the macro actually is (typically)
<aeth> jcowan: fine, this: (defun split-range (f a b) (loop :for i :from a :to b :if (funcall f i) :collect i :into a :else :collect i :into b :finally (return (values a b))))
<moon-child> what kind of smartness are you looking for?
<aeth> e.g. (split-range #'evenp 1 10)
<moon-child> also, as far as I know there are only two implementations of the macro--one which everybody uses, and one which beach wrote for sicl a couple of years ago
<jcowan> ah
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<jcowan> this is more or less a continuation of the april discussion on detecting idioms
<aeth> jcowan: just seems far more natural to implement new HOF on top of LOOP (as I just did) than the other way around (implementing LOOP on top of dozens of conditional functions)
<moon-child> jcowan: I don't understand what idioms you're looking for loop to recognise, though
<aeth> moon-child: I could actually probably implement a third version of LOOP using some of my planned iteration macros as a base, if I ever get around to doing that.
<jcowan> in general, you want to take advantage of the second-class nature of LOOP iteration (at least when some clauses are not present)
<jcowan> or take special forms
<jcowan> Also there is the question of what guarantees exist about variable scope and order of execution
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<moon-child> I don't think there's any profit to be had by making anything specific to loop
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<aeth> moon-child: fwiw, there's a really easy way to go from jcowan's insight of "that could actually execute at compile time" to actually guarantee it if the implementation doesn't do it (and it probably doesn't, at least not yet)
<aeth> #.
<jcowan> I see that http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw51/CLHS/Body/06_aaf.htm provides order of execution
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<aeth> Although actually it doesn't seem to combine well with multiple values. But e.g. '#.(multiple-value-list (loop :for i :from 1 :to 10 :if (evenp i) :collect i :into a :else :collect i :into b :finally (return (values a b))))
<moon-child> jcowan: insofar as there's nondeterminism, taht's a spec bug
<moon-child> (I believe there is a wee bit of nondeterminism, but it's not too bad)
<jcowan> it doesn't define variable scope afaict
<jcowan> e.g. are with-clauses guaranteed to be within the scope of preceding with-clauses (simplest case)
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<bike> is pretty clear about that one actually
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<lispmacs[work]> I just learn about how to use CERROR to create a continuation restart option, which seems very useful. But it seems like I should be able to offer more than one continuation restart option if I want to. Is there some way to do this?
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<lispmacs[work]> using SBCL, if that makes a difference
<lispmacs[work]> (warn "test warning")
<lispmacs[work]> sorry, wrong window
<lispmacs[work]> the danger of using an Emacs IRC client
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<bike> ::clhs restart-case
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro RESTART-CASE
<bike> lispmacs[work]:
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<lispmacs[work]> bike: okay, thanks
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* edgar-rft sets RESTART-CASE to :UPCASE
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