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<Shinmera> Sorry for the Colleen / TyNET service interruption. We should be back now.
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<flip214> Shinmera: ah, right. but RANGING will include the end value, which is again incompatible with array indizes.
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<Shinmera> hmmmm
<Shinmera> oh, wait, you're wrong, though?
<Shinmera> or at least, the standard from x :to y excludes y
<Shinmera> sorry, I'm missing the message history atm
<Shinmera> As the documentation says: An optional TO keyword argument is accepted, which determines the exclusive limit.
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<flip214> Shinmera: (loop for i below 10) gives 0 .. 9. RANGING will also include 10, which would be out of bounds unless I add a 1-
<Shinmera> yea, but (for ((i from 0 to 10))) gives 0...9
<Shinmera> as the docs say
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<random-jellyfish> symbol-macrolet is awesome
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<mfiano> As with all things Common Lisp, yes.
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<mfiano> I always urge people to be careful about using them without much thought in an effort to save code or make things more readable, because they can introduce unecessarily repetitive computations in their expansions.
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<mfiano> But that is normal thought for a Lisper (I would hope)
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<hayley> Now! What do we want? Loop-invariant code motion? When do we want it?
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<amoroso> When submitting a new blog to Planet Lisp what's the typical reponse time? Almost a week ago I emailed Zach Beane to submit mine but haven't heard back from him.
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<jjnkn> hello, can someone answer the "why" question in the following code snippet? i'd like to improve my understanding of symbols' connection to packages
<jjnkn> what i'd like to achieve is for macro SET-NAME to always modify the plist of SERVICE::SYMBOL, where SYMBOL is provided by the caller
<lieven> in that case your api might be better to take a string and intern it yourself into the service package
<yitzi> backquote and unquote are not string interpolation. You can't unquote a symbol name in a package, i.e. this is nonsense: 'service::,symbol
<lieven> to answer your question, the reader has already interned the symbol in the user package before your macro gets run
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<lieven> but maybe you could tell us what you are really trying to do because we might have an XY problem
<jjnkn> i'm trying to define a macro that accepts an arbitrary symbol name, and modifies the plist of a symbol with that name but in a particular package (call it SERVICE)
<yitzi> You should probably just use keywords versus trying to intern in a different package. Also you are using keywords in a bunch of places that uninterned symbols would be clearer.
<jjnkn> regarding using keywords, I think it will be safer to use the SERVICE package, so that I don't unexpectedly modify a keyword's plist
<jjnkn> yitzi: Could you explain why using uninterned symbols would be clearer?
<yitzi> So don't use the symbol's plist. Just use a plist on a dynamic variable or a hash table.
<yitzi> Don't do `:export :service` b.c. that looks like you are trying to export the keyword ":service". Instead do `export #:service`
<jjnkn> Are there any other advantages of using uninterned symbols in :export other than improved clarity?
<yitzi> keyword symbol are not garbage collected and uninterned are. If you do `(defpackage :foo (:export :bar))` then :foo and :bar will be symbols stuck around forever even though you don't really use them at all.
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