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<jcowan> Is it generally speaking better to create new restarts or to use the existing standard restarts?
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<Shinmera> depends :)
<Shinmera> I like using the standard ones for the most par, but they can be annoying if you have nesting that establishes multiple of the same
<Shinmera> so if you want to ensure that a restart can be activated programmatically, you probably want a unique name
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<jcowan> Shinmera: thanks!
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<green_> on sbcl, why is this an error?: (parse-namestring "foo[.txt")
<green_> It's trying to do some kind of pattern matching, expecting a closing ], but why would it bother doing that? I want a filename with a single [.
<danza> not sure about the context, but looks like the string was longer as it "foo[.txt,.csv]" and it got truncated? Although that is not a correct regular expression as far as i know
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<green_> No it was really "foo[.txt", with one [. Where does it say that namestrings can have regular expressions?
* danza was just shooting in the dark
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<mfiano> See Exceptional Situations in the dictionary entry
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<green_> ecl has no problem with it. It's an sbcl thing.
<mfiano> pathnames, in general, are very implementation flexible and painful to rely on without a portability library.
<mfiano> See uiop or Shinmera's pathname-utils
<mfiano> Or whatever else there is
<Shinmera> Colleen: tell green_ look up pathname-utils parse-native-namestring
<Colleen> green_: Function pathname-utils:parse-native-namestring https://shinmera.github.io/pathname-utils#FUNCTION%20PATHNAME-UTILS%3APARSE-NATIVE-NAMESTRING
<ixelp> Pathname Utils
<green_> Thanks. I'll look at that. (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname "/tmp/foo[.txt") produces the same error, as it depends on sbcl underlying implementation.
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<green_> (pathname-utils:parse-native-namestring "/tmp/foo[.txt")
<green_> #P"/tmp/foo\\[.txt"
<mfiano> all namestrings as pathname designators are probably parsed
<green_> that's great - thanks
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<doulos05> I'm really struggling to figure out transformations in cl-cairo2. I can't figure out how to scale just the image that I want to scale (not the whole drawing).
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