jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<shka> hi all
<shka> i need to serialize lisp strings, and send over a wire, what encoding should I assume?
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<shka> utf-16?
<bike> Assume?
<bike> I mean I would recommend utf-8 if you can control the encoding.
<edgar-rft> depends on what encoding the receiver expects
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<shka> edgar-rft: well, i can pick encoding, but question is what i should pick so it could represent every string possible
<shka> in CL, that is
<bike> any unicode encoding should do that.
<shka> i see
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<shka> utf-8 handles asian scripts?
<bike> assuming your lisp doesn't have, like, Naxi Dongba script.
<bike> of course. it's an encoding. all the characters have a code point in the unicode repertoire, and utf-8 is just a way to encode a sequence of code points as bytes.
<shka> great
<shka> bike: thanks for answers
<shka> unicode is surprisingly confusing at times :-)
<bike> no problem. you should be able to use babel for encoding and decoding.
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<edgar-rft> to avoid further double-posting on #lisp: I think for internal representation UTF32 is most common, for on-the-wire encoding UTF-8 makes more sense
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<Guest63> Is it ok to ask emacs lisp questions here?
<beach> Not really. Try #lisp.
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<lispmacs[work]> Guest63: the folks at #emacs are very helpful also
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<pkal> I'd ask Elisp questions in #emacs, you just have to hope that there isn't an off-topic conversation going on that will overshadow your question
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<NotThatRPG> Is there an explanation somewhere about why there's `alexandria-1` and `alexandria-2`?
<skin> I seem to remember reading about it somewhere. Basically they wanted to change alexandria's API, but didn't want to break people. So they froze what they had in time as "alexandria-1" and made "a-2" and you have to opt into it.
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<ixelp> Explain versioning policy (5e5c7d83) · Commits · alexandria / alexandria · GitLab
<ixelp> Commits · 7cef01b29f7d011c9cacaee5363601c8e6ed8aee · alexandria / alexandria · GitLab
<skin> I found what I read! It's in the Alexandria repo README.
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<moon-child> hey, somebody understands what backwards compatibility means! That is rare
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