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<Shinmera> New release: https://shinmera.github.io/trivial-deprecate/ Support my continued work on Patreon: https://patreon.com/shinmera
<ixelp> Trivial Deprecate
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<Brucio-61> probably the first user of that api besides the implementors :)
<Shinmera> I wish more implementations had it, since I can't implement it portably as a library :/
<Shinmera> at least not fully.
<Shinmera> clisp has a system::deprecate, but it's not documented, nor even has argument names one could gleam some meaning from.
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<Shinmera> (abcl, ccl, ecl, cmucl have nothing native)
<Shinmera> bike: does clasp have anything?
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<bike> No. If we come up with something later I'll file a PR I guess.
<Shinmera> ok, thanks!
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<Shinmera> as far as I can tell lw and allegro don't have anything either, but I'm not going to bother trying to install them to find out.
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<fourier> @Shinmera: in lw there is an Advice functionality, but it executes in runtime only (unless you are applying it to macros iirc)
<Shinmera> right
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<Shinmera> I definitely don't want to cause runtime warnings on every call/use
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