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<Pirx> good afternoon
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<Brucio-61> hayley: the compiler macros in one more re nightmare seem to have an issue with evaluation order. consider (one-more-re-nightmare:first-match "f" "foo" :end (progn (print "end") 3) :start (progn (print "start") 0) ) ;; |> "end"\n;; |> "start"\n;; => #(0 1)
<Brucio-61> one "trick" to fix this is to expand to `((lambda (&key start end) ,EXPANSION) ,@ACTUAL-ARGUMENTS)
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<bike> keyword arguments with compiler macros are such a huge pain
<beach> I think I found a way to simplify things in Constrictor.
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<Shinmera> Finally got around to improving LASS again after... *checks notes* 4 years of not doing anything with it?
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<jcowan> Shinmera: McCarthy hasn't done anything to his theorem prover in 65 years, and it still works fine
<Shinmera> Well, I suppose he never will, now.
<jcowan> I was able to cleanly translate it to Scheme, because it is so old that () and false are not the same thing.
<jcowan> bike: what is specially bad about keyword arguments with compiler macros?
<bike> you can write (define-compiler-macro foo (&key x) ...) and somewhere write (foo z w), where z evaluates into who knows what. what's the compiler macro function do with that?
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<jcowan> bike: I see, thanks. Presumably calling such a macro without explicit keywords is pretty much a bogus thing to do. IMO, allowing covert keywords was a mistake.
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<hayley> Brucio-61: Ouch. Thanks for the report.
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<lispmacs[work]> hi, I run emacs 29.1. I running into this oddness where if I put (setq common-lisp-hyperspec-root "file://home/christopher/Documents/HyperSpec") in my init.el, the slime-hyperspec-lookup command stops working (fails silently, no error)
<lispmacs[work]> was wondering if anybody had run into this before
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<lispmacs[work]> so, from hyperspec, it seems like I should be able to do something like this: (vector float 1 2 3)
<lispmacs[work]> but this does not work in SBCL?
<lispmacs[work]> but (vector * 1 2 3) seems to work
<White_Flame> how are you using those typespecs?
<White_Flame> because the typespec only has (vector <type> <length>), you could only do multi-dimensional arrays, vectors are defined to be 1d
<White_Flame> if you're trying to use the function VECTOR, then there's no type and it always returns a vector of type T to hold the parameters
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