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<ldb> Seems there are not much programming languages there provide control over IEEE 754 rounding mode control
<ldb> while the floating point API across different Common Lisp are not very consistent, at least most implementations provides it
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<ldb> https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.03831.pdf I think they did not know CCL very well as it does provide rounding-mode via ccl:set-fpu-mode
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<Gleefre> Alexandria's PARSE-BODY signals an error when there are duplicate two documentations strings... Wouldn't it be better if that behaviour was configurable, or, at least, it was a continuable error?
<ldb> with CL condition system you can continua from any error youself
<Gleefre> Only from continuable errors, no?
<Gleefre> I can't say to alexandria's function that "it's fine, just go on parsing declarations"
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<Gleefre> Is it an actual error to define a functions like that: (defun abc () "a" "b" "c") ? Seems like it probably is unspecified behaviour - from what I see SBCL gives a warning and CLISP signals an error, while other implementations I tested on [ cmucl, ccl, allegro, lispworks, ecl, clasp, abcl ] silently accept it.
<Gleefre> clhs 3.4.11 says "The consequences are unspecified if more than one such documentation string is present.", so indeed seems like that
<ldb> Gleefre: you get error because you specified :documentation t
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<Gleefre> Yes. I want to be able to parse declarations AND documentation, and not get an error when duplicate docstrings are used
<ldb> you can write a conditional handler do: if there is a error retry call alexandria:parse-body without :documentation t
<Gleefre> I mean, it will be just easier to write my own version of parse-body
<ldb> it is.
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<Gleefre> But I wonder if filing a feature request to alexandria would be reasonable
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<ldb> does not hurt to give it a try
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<edgar-rft> if I'm not totally wrong then a string is a valid form, so in (defun abc () "a" "b" "c") "a" is the docstring and "b" and "c" are forms - evaluating "b" makes of course not much sense but I don't see any error in it.
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<Gleefre> I opened an issue and described current behavior I am seeing in different implementations here: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/alexandria/alexandria/-/issues/40
<ixelp> Feature request: PARSE-BODY configurable behaviour when duplicate doc strings occur (#40) · Issues · alexandria / alexan [...]
<Gleefre> So just CLISP signals an error, SBCL warns about it, and other implementations just use the first or the last string as doc-string.
<Gleefre> edgar-rft: Documentation strings are part of the differen function/macro definers, just like declarations and lambda-list
<Gleefre> So while having a duplicate documentation string is undefined behaviour, it can be seen as a syntax error
<Gleefre> *part of the different ... definers syntax
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<Gleefre> Interesting fact: if you want to have a function with empty body but with a documentation string you can just put (declare) after your doc string
<akoana> or use just nil instead of (declare)
<Gleefre> That wouldn't be an *empty* body anymore though.
<Gleefre> [ but of course the resulting behaviour would be the same ]
<akoana> it would more obviously express the programmer's intention, instead of declare nothing, return nil
<Gleefre> From a practical point of view - yes, that would be better than having an empty body.
<Gleefre> But I just love noticing funny/weird edge-cases :)
<akoana> heh
<Shinmera> ldb: Maybe you can be the one to implement https://github.com/Shinmera/float-features/issues/24
<ixelp> Floating point rounding modes · Issue #24 · Shinmera/float-features · GitHub
<akoana> Gleefre: besides, according to CLHS: "A declare expression ... can occur only at the beginning of the bodies of certain forms.." So with declare you already have a non-empty body anyway...
<akoana> ;)
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<Alfr> Gleefre, I don't think (defun abcd () "a" "b" "c" "d") is ambiguous; take "a" as doc string, eval and discard "b" and "c", and eval and return "d". Though (defun abcd () "a" "b" (declare ..) "c" "d") would be a problem.
<bike> yeah, that's the only valid parse. per and the syntax descriptions of defun/whatever
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<bike> 3.4.11 is talking specifically about multiple docstrings before a declare like alfr said.
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