jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<kztx> Anyone using cl-collider? I have supercollider and it plays sound on my system https://paste.debian.net/plainh/c3dbc9e0 but I don't get any sound with cl-collider https://paste.debian.net/plainh/865d547d. Not really sure where to begin looking or if this is an appropriate place to ask.
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<bjorkintosh> kztx, did you read the fine manual? https://quickref.common-lisp.net/cl-collider.html
<ixelp> The cl-collider Reference Manual
<ixelp> Getting Started
<kztx> I'll take a look - thanks
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<bjorkintosh> kztx, there's some fancy stuff here involving clog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z56WxyFb2rI
<ixelp> clog + cl-collider - YouTube
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<kztx> Thanks it looks really cool but I still can't get sound
<kztx> Looking forward to playing
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<kztx> I got sound!
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<bjorkintosh> yay!
<bjorkintosh> kztx got sound and fled, no doubt to create melodious compositions better than any ever created before or since.
* edgar-rft just asks himself how melodious decompositions might sound like
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<bjorkintosh> whoa!
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<jjnkn> Hi, I'm implementing a pattern matching mechanism and am trying to delegate the actual matching to DESTRUCTURING-BIND. However, I'm not sure if it's possible to handle failed matches correctly. I wonder if it's possible to install an error handler just for the matching part of DESTRUCTURING-BIND and not for the forms evaluated after a successful match.
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<beach> That would depend on the condition signaled by DESTRUCTURING-BIND when there is a destructuring problem. And that is not specified in the standard, so your code would be specific to a particular implementation.
<beach> So for instance in SBCL, if you do (DESTRUCTURING-BIND (A B) '(234) (LIST A B)) you get an error of type SB-KERNEL::ARG-COUNT-ERROR.
<cedb> do we have a good sbcl repl yet or we still telling people "just use slime/sly"?
* cedb get out his bullying-receiving kbd
<beach> cedb: What would be a "good sbcl repl"?
<cedb> readline (or wtv non gpl alternative) without rlwrap would be a start
<cedb> some history too, i guess i could live without colors
<beach> Then you would give up lots of indispensable features of SLIME, like showing the lambda list is the minibuffer as you type code, and the backtrace inspector.
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<beach> Not to mention completion, indentation, compilation of individual forms, etc.
<cedb> maybe but id also give up a huge tool
<beach> Why is the size important?
<cedb> because emacs for a repl feels a bit much
<beach> Oh, come on!
<beach> You would be willing to give up numerous time-saving features because of "feels a bit much"?
<beach> There must be something you are not telling us.
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<cedb> not give up i use it if Im commited to working on a CL project but say i just want to do a couple smoketests after a quicklisp install of some random package
<cedb> also, and i say this with great shame, but i cant use vanilla emacs for shit wihtout all the evil stuff on top
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<beach> I thought there was something else. Now I understand.
<jcowan> There is no such thing as an indispensible feature, or Blub programming would be impossible
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<tok> Is there a LispWorks IRC channel or is the most LW discussion happening in the lisp-hug mailing list?
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<Shinmera> it's the mailing list.
<Shinmera> libera (nee freenode) is for open source projects
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