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<jmercouris> There is one thing that has always eluded me
<jmercouris> given a list like this '((:salmon "turkey"))
<jmercouris> I always do (find :salmon '((:salmon "turkey")) :key #'car)
<jmercouris> is there a better way? some function I'm not aware of?
<aeth> there is only one thing that has always eluded me, that... and off by one errors
<aeth> jmercouris: first thing that comes to mind is that it's an alist
<jmercouris> like there is getf for plist
<aeth> well, close enough to an alist anyway
<aeth> it's an alist with (list "turkey") as the value
<jmercouris> aeth: right, but is there a good function that does what I am doing with find?
<aeth> (assoc :salmon '((:salmon "turkey")))
<aeth> seems to produce the same result
<jmercouris> assoc, FUCK YES
<jmercouris> I KEEP FORGETTING
<jmercouris> thank you, I've written it a million times in a past life
<aeth> to be fair, alists are mostly a Scheme thing
<jmercouris> I forgot that I used that a ton in code that uses clack
<jmercouris> it's so hard to keep all of common lisp in my head
<jmercouris> and there are so many styles to write code in
<aeth> yes
<aeth> every now and then I do a cleanup pass over my code
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<aeth> because it's easy to do things not quite idiomatically
<jmercouris> that's what I am saying, there is not a true "idiomatic" way
<jmercouris> one might prefer extensive usage of lists, another of objects
<jmercouris> like Fukamachi for example uses lists a lot
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<jmercouris> which is why I used assoc in Clack interfacing code
<aeth> if you're really clever you can use 2D arrays
<jmercouris> i'm not sure that is worth the inflexiblity
<jmercouris> there are cases of course...
<aeth> right, would only make sense if you're not adding/removing elements
<aeth> or if you want to overallocate in the start like in a game engine, but only for numerical arrays
<jmercouris> yes
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<ns12> Is the Common Lisp interpreter fully programmable? If so, does it mean that I can modify its lexer and parser to interpret a whole different programming language such as Python?
<beach> Wow, hold on a bit...
<beach> First of all, whether it is an interpreter or a compiler is not specified.
<aeth> ns12: Common Lisp has reader macros, so, yes, you could implement all of Python as a reader macro. Lexer/parser isn't really the way Lisps work. They work with "readers".
<beach> Second, the lexer and the parser is the READ function. It is kind of programmable, but it remains a sort of recursive descent. You can program it to dispatch on the first one or two characters, but you can't program it to be an LR parser.
<beach> Third, whether a different programming language could be emulated does not depend just on syntax, but a lot on semantics as well. In most cases, you would have to write a complete implementation of that other language.
<ns12> "You can program it to dispatch on the first one or two characters" - Is that a limitation of the API provided by Common Lisp?
<beach> It is what READ does, as aeth mentioned.
<beach> You can of course create a different parser that generates S-expressions.
<aeth> beach: technically, I think you could just call out to a compiler as a separate program so you wouldn't need to write a complete implementation of another language, but it would be a very disappointing way to do it and the integration with CL probably wouldn't be great
<aeth> s/a compiler/another compiler/
<beach> aeth: Why are you telling me this?
<aeth> (or, at least, if CL's being compiled)
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<beach> ns12: For the first characters, see SET-MACRO-CHARACTER and SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER.
<ns12> Okay. Thanks.
<beach> ns12: What made you think that Lisp uses an interpreter?
<beach> ns12: I am asking because there is this (incorrect) line of thought that makes people think Lisp is slow, which is interactive => interpreted => slow.
<ns12> Nothing in particular. Sloppy language use perhaps. I am aware that the Common Lisp implementation that I use (SBCL) uses a compiler.
<beach> OK.
<edgar-rft> ns12: There were Common Lisp implementations of the Python programming language like https://clpython.common-lisp.dev/ where one could look what they did if that helps
<ixelp> CLPython - an implementation of Python in Common Lisp
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<beach> ns12: What was the reason for your initial question? Were you asked by someone else, or did you come up with it yourself?
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<beach> ns12: You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I am just curious.
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<jcowan> Racket is not CL, of course, but it does have a fully replaceable "front end"; it ships with an Algol 60 reader that generates Scheme along with several other languages. You can begin a file with "#lang algol60", and there are macros include-algol and literal-algol. the result of which is a zero-argument procedure corresponding to an Algol 60 program.
<jcowan> In principle there is no reason why a CL implementation should not have a global variable *read-procedure* or a macro with-read-procedure.
<jcowan> s/procedure/function//g
<beach> To return a zero-argument function corresponding to an Algol 60 program would require a "read function" that does way more things than just read Algol 60 code.
<beach> That was the point communicated to ns12, i.e., that someone would have to implement the parser and the translator from the language being processed to the host language.
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<jcowan> That's what it *does*, but its interface is that of read (or more accurately a Racket-specific variant of it).
<beach> Besides, the Common Lisp READ function returns code to be compiled, not a function to be executed. So this hypothetical read function would not be a substitute for READ. It would be a substitute for READ+COMPILE.
<jcowan> The functions I mentioned above are as you say. You can also get access to the Algol 60 reader if you want.
<jcowan> However, the COMPILE part is the ordinary one, not specific to A60 in any way.
<beach> That sounds very strange to me. It would imply that Algol 60 code can be expressed as source code in the host language without any semantic analysis or transformation.
<Demosthenex> jcowan: no idea, i just had to add a food reference
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<jcowan> Semantically A60 is very close to Scheme, or CL for that matter. But in principle it makes no difference. It just means that more work is done in the reader.
<jcowan> Something I would like to know about is how EQ hash tables operate in the face of moving garbage collectors. Is the GC generally aware of the internals of hash tables?
<beach> If the hash function is based on the address of the key, then yes, an invocation of the garbage collector must be followed by a re-hash.
<jcowan> Sure. So which is usual: basing the hash function on something other than the address, or having the GC do the rehash, or rehashing lazily on the next access, or something else. I'm looking for general implementer guidance here, not a quantitative reply.
<beach> I would go for a non-moving collector, but I take it that's not an option.
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<beach> Anyway, hayley has studied the subject in detail, so can probably provide more pros and cons.
<hayley> The SBCL GC sets a flag in a hash table when it moves a key of the hash table.
<beach> Garbage collection arguments are usually full of compromises in different areas, and one of the arguments to me is that moving objects requires lots of memory operations that are not necessarily localized. And it probably is not great for the cache either.
<hayley> Indeed the collector is aware of the internals of a hash table; there is also some effort made in gencgc to avoid rehashing, by checking if the hash function and keys would require any address-based hashing.
<hayley> My mark-region collector always triggers rehashing, but it avoids moving objects, so rehashing is already rare.
<beach> The argument against a non-moving collector is usually fragmentation, but I believe in the arguments in the publications by Paul Wilson, the essence of which is "objects that are allocated together, die together". Theoretical results about fragmentation often assume some randomness, and Wilson argues that only programs that do nothing interesting behave like tat.
<mgl> hayley: I don't get that.
<hayley> beach: In testing I found my non-moving collector to scale better than the parallel copying collector in OpenJDK. But I'm not entirely sure if I managed to get OpenJDK to act similarly enough to SBCL in when it triggers a collection.
<hayley> Both collectors seem to run out of bandwidth at some point, but mine runs out later.
<beach> hayley: Great!
<mgl> hayley: "avoid moving objects" and "always triggers rehashing"?
<hayley> mgl: mark-region always triggers a rehash when it moves a key, whereas gencgc performs additional checks to decide if a rehash is necessary when moving a key.
<mgl> hayley: You mean mark-region does not consider the address-based-p flag on the key being moved?
<hayley> Right. I probably should check the flag; gencgc does some more checks though.
<mgl> Yes, that may very well be quite good for performance unless moves are really rare.
<hayley> Moves are indeed rare. I compact infrequently and I compact only a small part of the heap at a time.
<hayley> beach: My collector does fragment an interesting amount, but that is typical of a mark-region collector (rather than a mark-sweep collector).
<beach> I see.
<mgl> hayley: So rehashing is triggerred if it's an EQ hash table and any key moves?
<hayley> Rehashing is triggered if any key moves. I don't check for the kind of hash table. Yes, it's very lazy of me.
<mgl> Ouch.
<hayley> In practise I find that compaction is done at most in 15% of collections, and it only moves objects on pages which are used sparsely.
<hayley> (It's also backwards to most generational collectors: I never compact in nursery collections, and might compact in tenured collections. I haven't tested this policy against others.)
<mgl> Ah, okay. Non-EQ hash table can have addressed based keys as well.
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<hayley> At the moment I haven't heard of rehashing causing any performance regressions. So far the biggest issue is the lack of support for immobile space (which now isn't a great name), as the immobile space stores layouts which may be referenced using 32-bit pointers, which saves a word in the header of each instance.
<ns12> beach: "What was the reason for your initial question?" - I came up with it myself. I was aware that the readtable can be modified, so I wondered whether or not it is possible to modify it to the point where the Common Lisp implementation turns into an implementation of another programming language.
<beach> ns12: Got it.
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<jcowan> The reason for non-moving collectors AFAIK is conservatism (i.e. you do not know all the roots). A precise non-moving GC can't be generational, which seems wrong.
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<beach> I don't think that's true. A generational collector doesn't necessarily keep a generation in consecutive locations in memory.
<beach> I believe that in Wilson's survey paper, he talks about something that I think is called a "fake moving collector", or something similar. That paper is quite good. But perhaps the Garbage Collection Handbook mentions it too.
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<jcowan> beach: pointer to "Wilson's survey paper"?
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<moon-child> is there any way to manually control accessor names for structs? I want to make a struct with gensym slot names, but it seems there is not any way to avoid possible collision in the accessors
<mfiano> What is wrong with :conc-name "" (not :conc-name nil, which is simular but slightly different) ?
<mfiano> or maybe simlar
<moon-child> hmmm, conc-name nil would allow gensym accessors, but mess up the constructor and slot-value. I can make my own constructor, and slot-value is not too important. Thanks!
<mfiano> :conc-name nil can possibly have surprising/unintended results when used in combination with :include. For that reason I recommend ""
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<moon-child> I don't think "" has the desired effect
<mfiano> Ok then, if nil works, problem solved.
<moon-child> compare (progn (defstruct (foo (:conc-name nil)) #1=#:x) (#1# (make-foo :x 5))) (ok), (progn (defstruct (foo (:conc-name "")) #1=#:x) (#1# (make-foo :x 5))) (fail), (progn (defstruct (foo (:conc-name "")) #1=#:x) (x (make-foo :x 5))) (ok)
<mfiano> I am too tired, but just know that nil will not inherit the package symbols of an included struct, whereas "" will. You could be accessing the wrong accessor (and have an additional one/slot that wasn't intended)
<mfiano> (or something along those lines, again, too tired)
<moon-child> I see, that makes sense. I think I will just disallow including structs, then. And perhaps provide an alternate path to standard objects and classes, for more expressive such behaviour
<mfiano> similar. there, third time's a charm, and i am off.
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<hayley> jcowan: "A precise non-moving GC can't be generational, which seems wrong." My collector would fit the bill, if you remove conservative root handling.
<jcowan> hayley: Okay (and yes, conservative and precise are opposed, so that's no problem). But if objects are not being moved into compact regions, how do you keep track of what generation an object is in, and how do you efficiently find space in garbage generations?
<hayley> I assign generations to 128-byte "lines", which is the smallest granule I can allocate.
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<hayley> Boehm's sticky marking scheme could also work in a precise context, too; I recall something of the sort being used for Java as a concurrent generational collector.
<hayley> And finding new lines to allocate into is done by finding a zero byte in a table. Some discussion of this design is in <https://applied-langua.ge/~hayley/swcl-gc.pdf>.
<jcowan> Okay, that makes sense.
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<jmercouris> Let's say I have two slime sessions loaded concurrently, how can I switch between them?
<jmercouris> E.g. when pressing "C-c" on a form, to compile in one slime, vs another
<jmercouris> aha, slime-list-connections
<jmercouris> for those wondering
<bike> there's also no slime-next-connection
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<jmercouris> now if only I cound find a way to stop making emacs fucking delete windows
<jmercouris> one of these days... one of these days...
<bike> er
<bike> "there's also slime-next-connection"
<jmercouris> yes, indeed
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