jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<Gleefre> As my main problem was with macrolet wrapper that wraps expansion of a local macro being defined into another macrolet
<Gleefre> MLET from the paste above
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<bike> using a macrolet or let form as a place is also pretty fraught
<Gleefre> I did resolve the main issue by using a slightly different API - "TMLET" https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3979#3979
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<Gleefre> bike: indeed. So yeah, I rewrote the utility so that the macro defined doesn't return its expansion wrapped in anything.
<Gleefre> But I'm still wondering if it is possible to "fix" MLET to make its macros setfable [ when expansion is setfable ]
<Gleefre> And the whole point of the macro & setfability is to have some kind of lexical environment at macroexpansion time.
<bike> what does this macro do, exactly?
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<Gleefre> MLET to MACROLET is kinda like FLET to LABELS
<Gleefre> If you define macro FOO and have (foo ...) in its macroexpansion, the outer macro will be "applied"
<bike> oh, i see.
<Gleefre> With TMLET that I was able to add "true" lexical bindings for user-defined namespaces (for now it is undocumented in a fork of in-nomine: https://github.com/Gleefre/in-nomine )
<ixelp> GitHub - Gleefre/in-nomine: Utility for creating, accessing, and managing custom namespaces in Common Lisp.
<bike> wait, no. so tmlet works with setf, right? but that's not mlet?
<Gleefre> While lisp-namespaces has X-let macro, it is kinda broken - only "last" lexical bindings works, I'd call that subsublexical scope
<Gleefre> Yes, TMLET works with setf, but is not MLET
<Gleefre> In TMLET instead of (foo ...) you need to write (,foo ...)
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<Gleefre> FOO will be a local variable holding the name of a macro that is an alias [ that can't be shadowed ] to FOO
<bike> so in mlet you can use outer macros in the _expansion_ rather than just the expander. oooookay. twisty.
<moon-child> actually one thing I've always thought would be cute is a setf expander for if. Not saying this would be a good idea, mind. But
<bike> moon-child: clisp has a setf if, i think. and funcall, progn and locally, looks like
<ixelp> Implementation Notes for GNU CLISP
<moon-child> huh...
<Gleefre> bike: yes. I'm not fully convinced that MLET works yet though, as I did not test it a lot; and it (1) uses &environment option (2) is inlining function object into code (but not in the final macroexpansion)
<Gleefre> I initially came up with another solution that doesn't uses such advanced macrology and still achieves similar effect - although it is less readable
<bike> i feel like this effect is inherently advanced macrology
<bike> i can't think of a way to do it that doesn't have macrolet in the expansion...
<bike> i mean, that is the obvious way
<Gleefre> I mean, it does have macrolet
<bike> right but that causes the setf issue
<Gleefre> But it doesn't use &environment argument, macro-function and inlining function into code
<Gleefre> bike: no, not MLET. Let me paste it too :)
<bike> okay i can think of one other way but it's stupid and also wouldn't solve the problem
<bike> i saw the %macrolet-place business
<bike> you could also sidestep this crap by lexically binding a setf expander, but there's no way to do that
<Gleefre> Something like this: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3980#3980
<Gleefre> There is not implementation of lexical bindings there, but there is one in #in-nomine's history on my fork (just one commit, then I rewrote it to use MLET and then TMLET)
<Gleefre> [ if you're interested - "old" implementation of X-let I wrote: https://github.com/phoe/in-nomine/blob/d00848680dae245d84329ee13e2593b3cffe046b/src/definers.lisp#L194 ]
<Gleefre> So the trick is to for each version of FOO to define another one with unique name #:FOO-1, and have a "binding" macro NEST-FOO that [1] binds FOO to the current version of FOO - #:FOO42 [2] goes one level down - defines new #:FOO-2, in which FOO references #:FOO-1 [3] macrolets FOO to #:FOO-2 [4] macrolets itself with the FOO in expansion now referencing to #:FOO-2
<bike> if the point is to have a new namespace of lexical bindings. could you have (xlet ((foo ...) (bar ...)) ...) expand to `(let ((#1=#:foo ...) (#=2#:bar ...)) (symbol-macrolet ((%x-bindings ,(list* (cons 'foo '#1#) (cons 'bar '#2#) (macroexpand-1 '%x-bindings env)))) ...)). and then the accessor is a global (defmacro x (name &environment env) (or (cdr (assoc name (macroexpand-1 '%x-bindings env)))
<bike> (...global-lookup... name)))
<bike> i may not be conscious enough for this sort of thing right now
<bike> then the place (x foo) just expands into a regular variable #:foo which is setfable no problem.
<bike> my brain kind of bounced off make-let-forms here
<Gleefre> o.o using &environment like this is tricky
<Gleefre> I want to try that.
<bike> using symbol-macrolet to establish your own lexical compile time information is uh, i guess i can't call it "classic", but it's solid in my opinion
<Gleefre> I see
<Gleefre> I'll need to remember this
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<Gleefre> But then also - with TMLET accessing local binding also expands into a variable name, so no runtime overhead here
<bike> yeah i don't actually understand what TMLET would be for, but i can imagine use cases for more namespaces, so i just thought about that part
<bike> i'm sure there's no runtime overhead for any of this since it's all dizzying macrology
<Gleefre> Well, with TMLET I'm kinda "constructing" lexical environment - there is switch table consisting of new bindings, and default case goes to the parent environment.
<Gleefre> So it is very intuitive imho
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<bike> it's more the general thing of accessing a parent environment from a child environment past shadowing bindings, which is pretty verboten in the language normally
<Gleefre> In general [not in this case] - yes, something like this.
<Gleefre> I wasn't able to find a way to "call"(use) shadowed macro with macrolet before
<Gleefre> (Although maybe something like that already exists?)
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<bike> not that i'm aware of
<bike> even if you are doing it more like a compile time table you can just do the inner macroexpansion at compile time, right? expand my earlier xlet to (let ... (macrolet ((x (name &environment env) (case name (foo '#:foo) (bar '#:bar) (otherwise (macroexpand-1 `(x ,name) env))))) ...))
<bike> or... maybe that doesn't work
<bike> yeah, maybe not. bleh.
<bike> you could still do one of the tricks like expanding into (otherwise (funcall #<OUTER-MACRO-FUNCTION> name env)) like you had. point is the macroexpansion of (x foo) is still just a variable
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<Gleefre> About your "tries" - I don't really understanding what calling macroexpand in macro-expansion code would do...
<bike> ? same thing it always does?
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<Gleefre> Yes, but using it at macroexpansion time kind of feels like trying to write a code-walker
<bike> that's pretty much what macroexpand is for, outside of debugging
<bike> if i was writing a code walker there'd be a lot more (case (first form) (progn ...) ...) crap
<bike> macroexpand takes an environment argument, and the only way to get an environment argument is within a macroexpander (or setf expander, etc.). using it is perfectly natural.
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<Gleefre> Well, also the ENV argument is kinda hard to understand I must say
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<bike> it is certainly subtle.
<Gleefre> As I don't understand it's scope & extent I must say
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<bike> for a simple example you could try (defmacro test (&environment env) `',(macroexpand-1 '%test% env)) (define-symbol-macro %test% nil), and then see what (test), (symbol-macrolet ((%test 4)) (test)), bla bla bla expand to
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<bike> if you mean those in the CL sense, it's just a normal lexical variable, and its extent is the dynamic extent of the macro function (so you can't return or save it). my examples here are pretty simple so they don't cause any problems there
<bike> but i'm certainly not doing any code walking.
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<bike> i have written code walkers enough that i don't want to do it again
<Gleefre> I kind of starting to understand how symbol-macro would work as macroexpantion-time local variable...
<Gleefre> Although it still is weird to see as it is "binded" by emitting code
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<Gleefre> Anyways, do you think it might worth creating a library / adding to an existing one these MLET & TMLET macros? Though they don't have good names and the API is kinda weird.
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<bike> well, again, i don't understand what they would be used for. i'm not saying there isn't a use, i just don't have one
<Gleefre> Sometimes it feels like it, yeah, but then again, I did wish that it existed a while ago.
<Gleefre> [ I was trying to emulate TeX's variables iirc ]
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<jmercouris> does anyone know of a slime function like "run function at point"?
<bike> how would that be different from evaluating a form
<jmercouris> well let's say I've got a function called (defun fish () (+ 1 1))
<jmercouris> I just want to have my mouse over fish and hit a key, and get "2" in the REPL
<jmercouris> I guess it is no different, and it only works for functions without arguments
<jmercouris> unless you could somehow interactively supply those...
<jmercouris> you're right, it is a silly idea
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<doulos05> Will ASDF:SYSTEM-SOURCE-DIRECTORY know the location of an asd file before the system defined there has been loaded?
<doulos05> I have a 3rd party library (cl-gtk4), I need to load a specific commit of that into my project. So I want to make sure that Quicklisp grabs that folder in project_roots/libs/cl-gtk rather than the default.
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<beach> bjorkintosh: I would use McCLIM to do GUIs in Common Lisp.
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<Pirx> good morning
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<danse-nr3> morning Pirx
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<Inline> morning
<beach> Hello Inline.
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<beach> danse-nr3: Are you new here? I don't recognize your nick.
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<danse-nr3> yes i am new. Have been lurking in #lisp for a while, then went through libera's channels' list and found this. Nice to meet you all
<beach> Great! Welcome!
<danse-nr3> cheers
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<beach> danse-nr3: Are you currently using Common Lisp for something interesting?
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<danse-nr3> not really. Common lisp is the next language i would like to learn, but it might take a long time before i will have resources to invest in a new language. But i do a lot of functional programming, so i am interested in spotting anything related in lisp
<beach> I see. You might want to know about #clschool if you are a newbie.
<danse-nr3> i will join that, cheers
<danse-nr3> (funny, i am at the beach right now)
<danse-nr3> do you know Christian Pape?
<beach> I don't think so.
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<Pirx> #clschool has a shortcomming: not having "lisp" in the name with all the letters
<Pirx> if you do //list lisp it won't show
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<bjorkintosh> thanks beach. I was playing around with it last night.
<beach> Oh, good!
<beach> There is a #clim channel with lots of helpful people participating.
<bjorkintosh> been there for ages already.
<beach> I think I knew that. Sorry.
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<bjorkintosh> no worries. I just don't say much there.
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<bjorkintosh> Its on my list of things within the CL world to learn properly.
<beach> Sounds like a good plan.
<bjorkintosh> yes quite. Make Lisp Machines Great Again!
<beach> Sort of, yes.
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<bjorkintosh> I'd like that very much.
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<beach> bjorkintosh: But we need to do better. At the time, there were no Internet threats to speak of.
<bjorkintosh> well of course. it was a machine of its era.
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<lispmacs[work]> hi, is ANSI common lisp available as an INFO reference manual (or similar?) I was trying to learn common lisp and SBCL at the same time, but the included SBCL doesn't document the ANSI functions, apparently
<lispmacs[work]> ideally I like to just work through an info manual from inside Emacs
<edgar-rft> lispmacs[work]: short answer: yes, more than one :-) but must dig for the links, may take some minutes
<lispmacs[work]> edgar-rft: okay, thanks
<Gleefre> AFAIK sbcl does provide docstrings for most symbols in CL package. You can use DESCRIBE or DOCUMENTATION from the repl to see them.
<Gleefre> Like this: (describe '+) or (documentation '+ 'function)
<bjorkintosh> lispmacs[work], the hyperspec?
<lispmacs[work]> the one at lispworks.com? is it only available as a Web page?
<lispmacs[work]> I was hoping for an info manual
<lispmacs[work]> like, e.g., the elisp reference manual
<bjorkintosh> in the interim, you can browse the hyperspec via the built-in emacs browser.
<bjorkintosh> it's just another buffer.
<bjorkintosh> I understand what you mean, however.
<lispmacs[work]> bjorkintosh: I don't think EWW handles completion and navigation as nicely
<lispmacs[work]> helm mode with info manuals is pretty nice
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<lispmacs[work]> but I could give that a try if that is the only option
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<mfiano> https://github.com/ruricolist/dpans2texi (in case it wasn't seen in #sbcl)
<ixelp> GitHub - ruricolist/dpans2texi: Convert the ANSI Common Lisp draft to Texinfo
<ixelp> clhs in texinfo format - LispForum
<edgar-rft> lispmacs[work]: the search engine word is "dpans2texi.el", there are severaly github accounts holding the source code but there were ready-made info files for download somewhere, also old versions of GCL (GNU Common Lisp) came with info manuals of dpans3 (last draft version before the final ANSI spec)
<lispmacs[work]> hmm, wonder what is the fastest route here. Looks like GCL is available as a package on my system
<bjorkintosh> have you tried the dpans2texi process already?
<lispmacs[work]> bjorkintosh: no. Is the script fully contained or am I going to need to hunt down dpans sources?
<bjorkintosh> It should just work. (famous last words)
<lispmacs[work]> ...80 minutes later, still trying to get the script to work...
<lispmacs[work]> I saw that link to just download the info files but looks like the 10 year old FTP link is dead
<bjorkintosh> I did it recently and thought the process should be automatic as I was doing it.
<bjorkintosh> I'd have to retrace my steps.
<edgar-rft> lispmacs[work]: Xach Beane's Github account has all TeX sources plus the scripts if you really want to build it yourself -> https://github.com/xach/dpans
<ixelp> GitHub - xach/dpans: The Common Lisp draft proposed American National Standard
<bjorkintosh> had the exact same thought: the hyperspec should be an info file in emacs.
<edgar-rft> this is what the CLiki says -> https://www.cliki.net/dpans2texi
<ixelp> CLiki: dpans2texi
<lispmacs[work]> Okay, well, I think I'll just give this dpans2texi thing a try and see what happens
<edgar-rft> error: the link to Xach Beane's Github accounts has only the TeX sources :-(
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<edgar-rft> here's a Github link with texinfo sources compiled from the TeX files, but I have no idea about the quality -> https://github.com/krdzo/ansicl
<ixelp> GitHub - krdzo/ansicl: Texinfo source of the draft ANSI Common Lisp standard (dpANS)
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<edgar-rft> the GCL info files as tar-gz archive, containing the dpans3 spec -> http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gcl/gcl.info.tgz
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<ldb> good morning
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<lispmacs[work]> edgar-rft: thanks
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<ldb> The lispworks one can be downloaded and I have installed a copy
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<ldb> it has very good glossary which I think is better than info doc
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<bjorkintosh> ldb, how did you install it?
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<ldb> bjorkintosh: download from http://www.lispworks.com/downloads/documentation.html then I just unpack it to /usr/local/share/doc/HyperSpec/
<ixelp> LispWorks Downloadable Documentation
<ldb> and put a bookmark in browser that point to the local copy
<lispmacs[work]> okay, thanks
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<ldb> if you like u can also use local search tools like namazu to index the files
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<lispmacs[work]> okay, I'm using the gcl info files from inside emacs
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