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<Pixel_Outlaw> I'm generally a quicklisp guy but somebody at work is using Roswell. He has a single file "script" but I'm not sure how this is supposed to get interactive. Also, is there a good way to have a configuration file? I think he compiled this for use by non Lisp folks (just having the binary without having to install Roswell and SBCL).
<Pixel_Outlaw> Let me rephrase, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get the Sly/Slime experiance with a single file script. (just LOAD I guess?)
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<larix> Hey guys, I've been dealing with a bug causing a memory fault when my application is compiled as an executable binary.
<larix> It happens in both SBCL and Clozure (have tested multiple versions of SBCL too)
<larix> I have a POC here https://github.com/garlic0x1/mito-error-poc (named mito because thats where I originally had the issue and started debugging)
<ixelp> GitHub - garlic0x1/mito-error-poc
<larix> Everything is fine in normal interpreted mode though, so I have been getting by by just running a Roswell script and accepting the startup time
<beach> larix: By default, SBCL compiles code when used interactively.
<beach> larix: So I don't think it has to do with compilation.
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<beach> larix: Are you using some foreign code in your application?
<larix> beach: just the sqlite driver in the POC I sent
<larix> but I had the same issue when I tried to do basic stuff with Postmodern (again, from executable, not from REPL)
<beach> Well, with foreign code, all bets are off.
<beach> And if it happens in two different Common Lisp implementations, I would suspect foreign code.
<larix> I am confused why it works from the repl, or in any way besides building a standalone executable
<larix> also I have tried it on both Arch and Guix
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<Shinmera> I'm not even gonna look at the code because I already know the issue: you cannot create variables or anything in foreign memory and expect them to stay sane after dumping an executable
<Shinmera> you have to create your database connection or whatever it is in the function that's run when the executable starts
<Shinmera> so (defvar ... (something-that-calls-cffi)) will never work
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<larix> Shinmera: wow thank you, this fixes the issue ive been having
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<Shinmera> hooray for hitting a shot in the dark :)
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<beach> Hello ldb.
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<lispmacs[work]> hi, I'm still new to SBCL. I installed sbcl-mcclim on my system, but I do not know how to SBCL where to find it, so I can run the mcclim examples
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<lispmacs[work]> Is this explained in the SBCL manual? I'm having trouble finding this info
<bike> you don't know how to tell sbcl where to find the system?
<bike> sbcl-mcclim is what, a package installed by your system package manager?
<lispmacs[work]> correct
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<bike> it's probably asdf that needs to know where the system is: https://asdf.common-lisp.dev/asdf.html#Controlling-where-ASDF-searches-for-systems
<ixelp> ASDF Manual
<lispmacs[work]> okay
<bike> the most direct manual way is (asdf:load-asd "path/to/mcclim.asd")
<lispmacs[work]> is that from some root directory defined in the environment?
<lispmacs[work]> I do I have to tell it the absolute path?
<bike> it should start from whatever *default-pathname-defaults* is.
<lispmacs[work]> that I see is set to my home directory
<lispmacs[work]> should I change *default-pathname-defaults* in some init file, or environment variable?
<lispmacs[work]> looks like there is a Configuring ASDF chapter
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<lispmacs[work]> it looks like asdf already knows how to find mcclim
<lispmacs[work]> (asdf:load-system :mcclim) seems to have worked
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<kztx> I'm just getting started with CL but the editor I'm most comfortable with is Helix but I would like to benefit from the REPL workflow. Helix has a means of piping editor selections to external scripts. Is there a CLI that speaks Swank? Alternatively I found mundo and so if there is a CLI that speaks the JSON that Vlime uses - I think that could work too.
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