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<Gleefre> It is kind of sad that macros (including reader macros) can't use multiple values to return multiple forms.
<Gleefre> Is (progn <form-1> <form-2> <form-3>) at toplevel equivalent to <form-1> <form-2> <form-3> at toplevel?
<Gleefre> Seems like it "If progn appears as a top level form, then all forms within that progn are considered by the compiler to be top level forms. "
<bike> yES
<bike> caps
<bike> a reader macro can similarly return a progn form.
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<Gleefre> Hm, CLHS says that "a compiler macro definition must not be applied ... [if] The function name has been declared or proclaimed notinline"
<bike> yep.
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<Gleefre> Would that mean that COMPILER-MACRO-FUNCTION should return nil if the function with that name is declaimed notinline?
<Gleefre> Or it should return the compiler-macro when it exists in either case?
<bike> i don't think that's specifically defined. a job for wscl, maybe.
<Gleefre> Well, it would seem like COMPILER-MACRO-FUNCTION is defined to return compiler-macro definition in the given lexical environment
<Gleefre> And CLHS says that the compiler macro should not be applied, but doesn't says anything about it becoming "nonexistent"
<Gleefre> [ btw, reason I'm asking - on CMUCL it does always return nil if the function was declaimed notinline ]
<bike> i think returning nil is sensible, but i don't think the standard really says either way
<Gleefre> Oh, one more question: does `(locally (declare ...) ...)` introduce a new lexical environment?..
<Gleefre> Ah, yes, seems like that: " Sequentially evaluates a body of forms in a lexical environment where the given declarations have effect. "
<bike> Probably, but why are you asking? There's not really a way to discern that lexical environments are distinct.
<Gleefre> Well, I was trying to get the compiler macro by doing (declare (inline foo) (compiler-macro-function 'foo))
<Gleefre> And it was failing
<Gleefre> I figured it was becasue of the lexical environment
<bike> well you're not specifying the environment to compiler-macro-function there anyway.
<bike> so it doesn't know about the locally or whatever.
<bike> assuming you mean you wrote (locally (declare (inline foo)) (compiler-macro-function 'foo)), since as you wrote it compiler-macro-function is part of the declaration which makes no sense
<Gleefre> Oh, yeah, missing paren x.x
<Gleefre> Yeah, but that would be the case only if the locally did introduce a new lexical environment
<Gleefre> So it does do that
<Gleefre> One more weird thing: CMUCL doesn't call the compiler-macro if the function is declared inline even if it wasn't declaimed notinline
<Gleefre> I guess it's time to open an issue :I
<bike> that's technically allowed, i guess, if annoying
<bike> what i mean is that if you do (compiler-macro-function 'foo), the lexical environment that call is in is irrelevant and has no influence on what compiler-macro-function does
<bike> it'll just consult the global environment.
<Gleefre> Ah, wait, I think I understand why (declare (inline foo)) doesn't call the compiler macro - because it inlines the function call instead
<Gleefre> Ok, so CMUCL does have a consistent behavior at least
<Gleefre> [ also tested that (locally (declare (inline bar)) (with-lexenv (env) (compiler-macro-function 'bar env))) does return the compiler macro function ]
<Gleefre> So the only issue would be that compiler-macro-function doesn't return the existing compiler-macro if that function was declaimed / declared notinline, which does seem to be a conformance issue
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<bike> i really don't think the standard specifically says that compiler-macro-function has to return the compiler macro function if it's given an environment with the name declared notinline.
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<Gleefre> The standard doesn't says otherwise however
<Gleefre> A few passages from hyperspec:
<Gleefre> CLHS "That is, it is possible for a function name to name both a function and a compiler macro."
<Gleefre> "A function name names a compiler macro if compiler-macro-function is true of the function name in the lexical environment in which it appears."
<bike> yeah that's what i said. the standard isn't specific.
<Gleefre> And CLHS entry for declaration NOTINLINE: "a notinline declaration prevents that compiler macro from being used"
<bike> uhhuh.
<bike> i know all this.
<Gleefre> Note that it doesn't says anything about compiler macro being **shadowed**, as it does here:
<Gleefre> "Creating a lexical binding for the function name not only creates a new local function or macro definition, but also shadows[2] the compiler macro. "
<bike> none of this stuff says what compiler-macro-function returns or doesn't return.
<Gleefre> It says that if compiler-macro-function returns NIL that means that the function name doesn't name a compiler macro
<Gleefre> On the page for COMPILER-MACRO-FUNCTION: " A value of nil denotes the absence of a compiler macro function named name. "
<Gleefre> And " Accesses the compiler macro function named name, if any, in the environment. "
<bike> sure.
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<phantomics> What's the best way to import function symbols from one package to another -outside- of the (defpackage) form? I'm creating a system that acts as an extension of a package so I can't use (defpackage) since the package was already defined
<yitzi> import function?
<phantomics> Import just imports symbols afaik
<beach> phantomics: There is no such thing as a "function symbol".
<yitzi> Which is that `:import` does in defpackage.
<yitzi> "what"
<phantomics> For example: if I do (import '(func) 'package) #'func, I get an undefined function error
<beach> phantomics: Packages do not contain functions.
<beach> phantomics: A package is a basically a mapping from names (that are strings) to symbols.
<phantomics> They contain symbol tables that reference functions correct?
<bike> import is definitely how you import symbols.
<phantomics> Then after doing (import '(func) 'package), why is #'func not available in the current package?
<yitzi> You may need to prefix func with the external package
<beach> phantomics: Symbols can, among other things, be used to name functions.
<yitzi> (import '(ext-pkg:func) 'my-pkg)
<phantomics> Ok, looks like that does it, thanks
<yitzi> np
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<Gleefre> How can I test that a form doesn't emit a style-warning when it is compiled?
<Gleefre> Seems like I need to use handler-bind with warning as condition type, and there is not "simple" way like using compile
<jdz> It is the compiler that emits warnings, not forms.
<jdz> So you are already using the compiler.
<jdz> And you should check the documentation for the function COMPILE.
<jdz> But yes, for specific kinds of conditions you have to handle them manually.
<jdz> Condition types, to be precise.
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<bike> call compile, make sure the second value is nil. the compiler may or may not actually propagate style warning signals outside of itself.
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<Gleefre> compile doesn't handle style-warnings unfortunately
<Gleefre> [ at least on sbcl ]
<Gleefre> ... or is it sbcl's bug?
<bike> "may or may not", i said
<yitzi> Did you try uiop:compile-file* ?
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<Gleefre> Oh, wait, it seems like I used compile on a (lambda ...) instead of '(lambda ...) :/
<bike> but regardless of whether it does, the second return value of compile will definitely be true if there were any style warnings
<Gleefre> And sbcl compiled it outside of compile
<bike> (unless your implementation is broken, i guess)
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<bike> that would also be a problem.
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<Gleefre> Oh, no, the problem was different :/
<Gleefre> Turns out the test framework sets up a handler-bind around the call with (style-warning #'muffle-warning)
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<Gleefre> Shinmera: Interesting, but looks a bit too complicated... Why are you using trivial-custom-debugger:with-debugger instead of something like handler-case?
<Gleefre> Also it would seem like WARN-P will always be NIL as you muffle all warnings :/
<bike> "this whole rigamarole is to intercept compilation errors"
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<Gleefre> Yes, but I don't understand why handler-case wouldn't work
<Gleefre> [ or handler-bind ]
<bike> since, again, it is not guaranteeed that errors within the compiler are actually signaled outside of the compiler
<bike> errors/warnings/etc
<bike> ::clhs 3.2.5
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 3.2.5
<bike> fifth paragraph
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<Gleefre> Ah, now I see, thanks
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<Shinmera> Gleefre: did you really somehow think I'd make things this annoying just for fun or something
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<Shinmera> I don't remember why I muffle all warnings, but I probably had a reason for it
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<Gleefre> Of course I didn't, I just wanted to know why you did things like that, if it seems/looks like it could be made easier. Sorry that I phrased it bad :/
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<Gleefre> Although I'm still not convinced you want to intercept errors / warnings from the compiler
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<Gleefre> Consider this lambda: (lambda (x) (if x 1 (/ 1 0)))
<Gleefre> It is valid and can be easily compiled, but sbcl will signal an error inside the compiler because it will try to fold constant (/ 1 0)
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<Shinmera> I do want to, to catch macro expansion failures and so on
<Shinmera> being able to check that a compilation succeeds is a valid test case.
<Shinmera> or that the compilation will trip a specific condition
<Gleefre> Yes, but the compilation of such lambda does succeed on sbcl, but try-compile will say that it doesn't: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3986#3986
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<Shinmera> uh, ok?
<Shinmera> whether and how you want to use try-compile is up to you man, it's for the user
<Shinmera> if you don't care about the failure, don't use it?
<Shinmera> this is a testing framework
<Gleefre> Sure. Especially since it doesn't seem to be an external function at all :)
<Gleefre> [ so I don't even know what exactly you want to achieve with it ]
<Shinmera> it's exposed via the fail-compile macro, come on
<bike> for example, you could have a compiler macro definition you want to test. if the compiler macro signals an error, sbcl will (i believe) only end up signaling a style warning, and compilation succeeds. but you still want to test that the compiler macro doesn't signal an error.
<Gleefre> IMHO if you want to test a compiler macro definition you need to use funcall + compiler-macro-function + [maybe] eval
<Gleefre> As no implementation is required to even call them at any point
<Gleefre> *as implementation is not required ...
<bike> it was an example.
<Shinmera> IMHO if your implementation doesn't use compiler macros it's not worth testing on
<ldb> imaging C++ compiler that won't expand template, lol
<Gleefre> Maybe. But if you want for your test to be reliable you should not depend on unspecified behaviour.
<Shinmera> that's, like, your opinion man
<Gleefre> Sure, it is my opinion
<bike> you can also use fail-compile to test regular macros, in a more natural way than manually calling macro functions.
<Gleefre> *As well as most statements are someone's opinion; pure facts are not a very common thing.
<Shinmera> the point of me saying it's your opinion is to say I disagree with it
<Shinmera> but thanks for playing anyway
<ldb> A clever enough compiler could deduced from (lambda (x) (if x 1 (/ 1 0))) that (eq (and x t) t) and optimize the form into (lambda (_) 1), lol
<ldb> and rewrite surrounding forms using (eq (and x t) t)
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<Gleefre> Interesting fact: CLASP produces weird results with fail-compile
<Gleefre> (parachute:fail-compile (lambda (x) (if x 1 (/ 1 0)))) ; => 35050671244727
<bike> ugh.
<bike> sigfpe is my bane.
<ldb> I think that's because the translated C++ code is undefined behavior
<Gleefre> [ but (compile nil '(lambda (x) (if x 1 (/ 1 0)))) is fine ]
<bike> it's because unix signal handling is terrible to deal with.
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<ldb> bike: you mean trapping floating point exception
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<ldb> yes C++/C are terriable on that
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<Gleefre> ldb: or a not clever enough compiler could not try folding the constant [ for example ABCL ]
<bike> that just delays the problem, if (/ 1 0) is broken
<Gleefre> Maybe you have a handler-case for the division-by-zero error
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<Gleefre> Also, note that unlike signalling it at runtime, not all implementation will signal the "right" error
<bike> the brokenness here is how division by zero signaling works.
<Gleefre> For example Allegro CL signals #<SIMPLE-BREAK @ #x10007a06922> instead
<Gleefre> *rather returns from fail-compile
<Gleefre> Which probably indicates that Allegro CL uses condition system in its compiler for something else, and fail-compile might catch "internal" conditions :/ [ I think ]
<bike> sure, that's pretty much how its going to go with *break-on-signals*
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<Shinmera> bike: sorry for inadvertently creating more work for you
<Gleefre> So here is one more example where fail-compile would return a "false positive": https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3987#3987 :/
<bike> no, it's been a problem for a while
<Gleefre> [ and sorry if I'm being annoying here :/ ]
<bike> you kind of are, yes. fail-compile works well enough in practice.
<bike> you're acting like it's supposed to have some kind of vaguely defined reasonable behavior on all possible bad code, but that's not how it's actually used.
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<bike> also, shinmera posted this in the first place to give you a hint as to how you could deal with the problem you were having (detecting compiler style warnings), so it's kind of rude to turn around and critique the use of this thing for totally unrelated purposes.
<Gleefre> I see, sorry that it looks like that :/ I was just intersted to see how that works on various cases (and edge-cases), as that's what I always do when solving some kind of problem in the first place.
<Gleefre> By posting these example I didn't want to critique fail-compile - I'm sure it does have a reason to intercept all signals as well as that it does have its use-cases - but rather to see what limitations it has.
<bike> in american law there's a concept called "ripeness", where a court will drop a case if it doesn't apply to some real issue that's currently happening and needs some resolution. i think it is useful to apply this to language lawyering
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<Gleefre> How does '(satisfies foo) interacts with function redefinitions? All implementations I was able to test it on respect the redefinition.
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<Gleefre> Would that mean that all calls to subtypep that have '(satisfies foo) as one of its arguments must return NIL, NIL ?
<Gleefre> [ where foo is user-defined ]
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<Gleefre> Ah, that's not necesseraly true if both arguments have '(satisfies foo) somewhere inside
<Gleefre> Oh, and if the first argument is 'nil / the second argument is 't...
<bike> i don't think it's defined. a lot to do with redefinitions is not defined.
<bike> that said, does imply at least that a conforming program can't redefine a function used in satisfies in compiled code, i think
<bike> it's also technically possible that an implementation could have like (subtypep '(satisfies consp) 'integer) => NIL T, but i don't think any of them bother. maybe for keywordp
<Gleefre> SBCL does that :o
<bike> well there we go then
<Gleefre> One more thing I'm wondering about is example from the spec: (subtypep '(satisfies dummy) nil) => false, implementation-dependent
<Gleefre> Why can it be NIL, T? What if dummy is a function that always return nil?
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<ldb> By fiat or magic
<bike> hypothetically, dummy could be compiled in the same compilation unit as the subtypep form, and thus the compiler is guaranteed that dummy will not be redefined. so it can analyze it to determine whether it ever returns true.
<bike> oh, if you mean that it can return true, yes. the example must be wrong.
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<ldb> I think the CLHS assumes dummy is undefined
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<tok> Working on a compiler for own quiet enjoyment and got me wondering. Currently while parsing I get a list of structs (tokens/ast), assuming SBCL, which one would be preferred, using built-in list for appending structs to some list or using some struct with NEXT slot? I can achieve the same thing with both. Anything I should know about the under-the-hood stuff or someplace where I could read upon on it?
<bike> generally speaking, you'll have a more flexible program if you use actual data structures and not just pretending lists are actual data structures. that applies to pretty much any kind of program, including compilers.
<bike> and don't just pretend*
<bike> i don't know what you mean about under the hood and sbcl. are you asking about performance characteristics?
<tok> Yeah performance and maybe if there is something to know about how GC would handle those, just spitballing
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<bike> sbcl will generally inline structure accessors, and if nothing else will have constant time random access into their slots, which you won't get with lists. GC handles either one fine.
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<bike> this said, in my experience it is unlikely that accessing data structures will be the main performance bottleneck in your compiler. making them, maybe, but that's more down to how much stuff you allocate rather than what you allocate.
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<Shinmera> but SBCL also reserves a word for every structure slot unconditionally, so you can't tightly pack data :(
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<bike> really? okay, i guess that's a GC relative characteristic then. i guess that could be vaguely relevant to a compiler if you had a small bitfield or somethin
<Shinmera> I whined about it in #sbcl one time and Stas looked into it briefly but gave up for some reason he didn't elaborate on
<Shinmera> It's one of the many things I would like improved
<Shinmera> I assume at least one of the reasons it's not straightforward is that now slots need an offset table rather than just an index
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<bike> yeah, i think - don't quote me on this - sbcl structure objects have a bitmap to tell the GC which words in the object need to be scanned. if you had sub word fields you'd need to do something else there, or at least toss the sub words to the end
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<White_Flame> Shinmera: but with packed objects, you need key or class descriptors added in as well
<White_Flame> to specify which slots are included
<Shinmera> "but"?
<White_Flame> for structs with, say, less than 8 slots, I could see the packed version taking more space with key/value pairs, and much more complexity with shadow-class style descriptors
<White_Flame> (with big "YMMV" stickers plastered on, of course)
<bike> what are you talking about?
<Shinmera> ? why would instances take up more space
<Shinmera> sure the class would, but that's not replicated with instances
<bike> if you mean the descriptions of what types the slots have, that's part of the structure class, not the instance
<White_Flame> "<Shinmera> but SBCL also reserves a word for every structure slot unconditionally, so you can't tightly pack data :("
<bike> other than the bitfield
<Shinmera> yeah I know what I said thank you
<White_Flame> for bike
<Shinmera> I think he knows that context
<bike> i also know what shinmera said, and i don't see what it has to do with what you said.
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<White_Flame> I don't think smaller structs have the problem he's describing
<bike> if i am not mistaken, shinmera is talking about something like (defstruct foo (s1 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32)) (s2 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))). in SBCL, s1 takes up one word and s2 takes up one word, instead of them both being packed into one word.
<White_Flame> vs alternatives to them
<Shinmera> White_Flame: who's descibing?
<White_Flame> oh, you mean sub-word packing, as opposed to eliding unused words?
<Shinmera> yes
<White_Flame> ah, ok
<Shinmera> also if you were talking about me, that's *she
<White_Flame> oh, sorry again
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<Shinmera> anyway, the primary reason I want tighter packing is for better C interop, so I can hand lisp structs to C without having to realloc and repack.
<White_Flame> if you do field packing into words, then does it matter whether it's a struct or not?
<Shinmera> yes yes I know about compiler dependent packing in C, don't @ me
<Shinmera> White_Flame: what do you mean?
<White_Flame> if you're manually packing less than machine-word width fields into CL slots, then does it matter if it's a struct vs vector vs some other carrier?
<Shinmera> I'm not manually packing things
<Shinmera> I want the implementation to tightly pack things in memory if I declare the slot types to make that possible
<Shinmera> and vectors can't carry mixed types like ub32/single-float/etc
<White_Flame> ok, I guess I was going more off of tok's context than a C interop context
<White_Flame> *tok's compiler context
<Shinmera> Ah, sorry, yeah, my comment is unrelated to that.
<bike> can't you control C packing with... alignas or something? but maybe you don't control the c library
<Shinmera> you can and usually the compilers agree on the packing rules
<Shinmera> so it's pretty stable
<Shinmera> it's just one of those language lawyers things of ☝️🤓 well akshully the C standard does not guarantee packing
<Shinmera> as if anyone ever wrote a piece of C that didn't rely on undefined behaviour
<bike> sure, sure, like how maybe the program is running on a Setun and CHAR_BIT is -11
<White_Flame> I'm pretty sure even default hello world programs get into UB
<Shinmera> yes
<Shinmera> anyhow, it's not that important, just one of those things where I thought "oh hey I can save some copying by passing the struct" and being slightly miffed to find out the data isn't packed like I thought it'd be.
<Shinmera> having actual struct-by-value in sb-alien would be more valuable to start off with
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<White_Flame> yeah, I've certainly considered having a struct-like definition which generates accessors that LDB across fixnum array buffers or bitstreams
<Shinmera> I have thought about that so much
<Shinmera> and I still don't have a solution that doesn't suuuuck
<White_Flame> *bit strings
<Shinmera> (and that's why that part of binary-structures is not yet complete)
* White_Flame makes a note not to get on IRC while not feeling well :-P
<Shinmera> Oh dear, please take care of yourself!
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<White_Flame> I have a pretty decent prototype spec for reading binary files. It can do things like read entire java .class files with things like auto-resolving constant pool pointers etc
<White_Flame> but that manifests nested CL values instead of generating direct accessors into a binary blob
<Shinmera> I can do stream reading with binary-structures to a satisfactory degree, too, but what I can't do yet is "thin parsing" wherein I don't copy into memory, but rather generate thin representations that index into a seekable stream or memory region.
<Shinmera> I keep hitting a wall when I try to think about how to do it
<ixelp> Binary Structures
<White_Flame> I really hit a lot of that sort of stuff with going through the sqlite source and seeing if I could make a native lisp version. There's no good way to use mmap with the lisp heap
<Shinmera> I *mostly* want this for my Simple File Format Family, since they're designed to be memory-mappable
<White_Flame> except having a proxy object for each element in the mmap I guess
<Shinmera> *the formats
<Shinmera> White_Flame: yeah, I reaaaaally wish I could have a lisp vector point into some random memory region, etc
<Shinmera> rather than only having the inverse
<Shinmera> and yes I know about that project that I think _death wrote?
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<White_Flame> here's my java class file spec, I have another one just for the opcode portion: https://termbin.com/8eom
<White_Flame> certainly very similar vein to your project
<Shinmera> neato
<White_Flame> I made sure that things like the length of a vector of objects in the file can be defined by fields that came before it dynamically
<Shinmera> right
<Shinmera> for a bigger example of my thingy https://github.com/Shinmera/cl-bmp/blob/main/bmp.lisp
<White_Flame> where's the jpeg/png decoders written in it? ;)
<Shinmera> I wish I had the money to hire someone to write a jpeg-xl decoder
<Shinmera> one that isn't as doggone slow as cl-jpeg
<Shinmera> I have to add another C dep to my games because cl-jpeg is so slow
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<Shinmera> Anyway, I shall cease my incessant whining now :)
<White_Flame> whining is the fundamental motivation of good software development
<Shinmera> also I guess I hadn't posted this here yet https://mastodon.tymoon.eu/@shinmera/111233046749842749
<ixelp> Shinmera: "#indiedev #gamedev" - TyNET
* White_Flame quietly places a door mat into that 3d world
<White_Flame> also, nice
<Shinmera> well, with how painted this is gonna get once I get around to more sfx I don't think a doormat is gonna be enough :)
<Shinmera> *vfx
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<Gleefre> I wrote a tiny library so that you can do something like this: (defun/capture foo () (declare (capture :variable x)) x) (let ((x 10)) (foo)) ; => 10
<Gleefre> Is there some kind of existing analogue?
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<mfiano> dynamic lambdas ala Let Over Lambda. More specifically the plambda variant (pandoric macros)
<Gleefre> I'll take one more look at it then, thanks!
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<mfiano> It fakes it with symbol macros. Don't take anything in that book as the way to do things. On the other hand, it avoids the CLtL2 environment extension requirement
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<Gleefre> Hm, honestly it doesn't seem related.
<bike> how does this macro work, exactly?
<Gleefre> defun/capture defines the function with a (gensym) as a name and a macro named foo that passes "captured" elements of the lexical environment
<bike> oh i see now. okay.
<Gleefre> So plambda seems to work in other direction - it allows to "export" lexical variables, while "captures" allow to grab a value from caller's lexical environment
<bike> i have no idea why you would want this. how are you using it?
<mfiano> It's called defun/capture but you cannot funcall it?
<Gleefre> Yes, you can't :/
<mfiano> That is a bit misleading
<Gleefre> Well, it kind of obvious from what the functionality is that it can't be funcalled - plus I do plan to add it to documentation when/if I write it
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<Gleefre> But if you have a better name I'd be glad to use it instead :)
<Gleefre> bike: I'm implementing another macro using it - "wrap-if"
<Gleefre> Let me create a paste with an example
<bike> is that different from (defmacro wrap-if (form wrapper &body body) (let ((fsym (gensym))) `(flet ((,fsym () ,@body)) (if ,form ,(append wrapper `((,fsym))) (,fsym)))))
<bike> like i don't understand why the capture matters, if the body is right there anyway?
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<Gleefre> Yes, the "pure flet" variant won't "capture" newly created variable
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<Gleefre> As it is in lexical environment of the call to (,fsym), but not of its definition
<bike> what newly created variable?
<Gleefre> By the wraper, for example (with-input-from-file (in in))
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<bike> but... how would that work in the branch when the form is false?
<bike> where IN isn't bound
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<Gleefre> But you can rebound a variable, as (with-input-from-file (in in)) does
<bike> in any case you could just swap out flet for macrolet and there you go
<bike> and a progn i guess
<Gleefre> That would make the macro double the code
<Gleefre> Which can be dangerous
<bike> does your macro not double the code? how could it not? each branch is referring to a different lexical variable
<Gleefre> It doesn't double the body, but just a single call
<bike> how does that work, exactly? what does wrap-if expand into?
<Gleefre> It expands into (flet/capture (func () <body>) (if <test> <wrapped-call-to (func)> (func)))
<Gleefre> And flet/capture is (flet ((g!func (<args>) ...)) (macrolet ((func () (g!func <call-args>))) ...)
<Gleefre> So a constant overhead is added (flet, macrolet, if and two calls) instead of doubling the amount of code.
<bike> you know the other day you were aghast at me using macroexpand because it seemed like writing a code walker, and then you pull out whatever this is...? it seems like a lot of effort for a pretty rare thing to want to do
<bike> like i guess this is sort of slightly better for this one thing, maybe
<bike> if you don't mind introducing a macro and your own declaration syntax
<Gleefre> I mean, I got something working with help from @tuntap from discord half a year ago, and then I needed it again and again so I decided to polish it.
<Gleefre> Then I thought that I want it to be extensible (like passing functions instead of variables, or places, or user-defined namepsaces)
<Gleefre> And then I separated captures & flet part
<Gleefre> And so on
<bike> i mean if it works for you that's cool, but i don't think i've ever needed something like this, and it's a bit hard to read
<Gleefre> About macroexpand... Well, I do have my own fears :/ Sorry if that offended you.