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<haoms> hey all, what is the usual way to add new elements to a 2D array? in a simply 1D array i just use vector-push, but how would i add a new element to a 2d array, and thus possibly extend the array by adding a new row?
<beach> ::clhs adjust-array
<ixelp> CLHS: Function ADJUST-ARRAY
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<haoms> i know of adjust-array, but how would I push a new item to it?
<beach> It makes no sense to push an item to a 2D array. Where would it go?
<haoms> at the end of it, the same way vector-push does it for a vector?
<beach> So then the last row would not have the same number of elements as the preceding ones?
<haoms> no, a new row would be started.
<beach> Or if you then add an entire row, and then push another element, would that add yet another row?
<haoms> yes, if i have #2a((1 2)(3 4)) and then push 5, i should end up with #2a((1 2)(3 4)(5 0))
<beach> So then, when you push 6, you would get #2a((1 2)(3 4)(5 0)(6 0)).
<beach> There is no concepts of an unbound element in an array, so there is no way to tell that all but one element in the last row are "unused".
<haoms> okay, that answer makes sense.
<beach> Great.
<haoms> well, thanks, i didnt expect that, but thanks.
<beach> Sure.
<mfiano> You more than likely want a rank-1 array in there somewhere, maybe even displaced to from the rank-2 one... with what you're done
<haoms> :)
<haoms> mfiano: i imagined pushing elements to the 1d vector, then converting to a 2d array.
<mfiano> converting when?
<haoms> when i'm done pushing.
<mfiano> And why would you allocate an increasing amount of space on each push?
<haoms> i dont really know how many rows i will end up, i just know the number of columns.
<haoms> i want to add elements in row-major-order.
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<mfiano> Ok, so there's adjust-array
<haoms> pushing to a vector and then converting to a 2d array seems for me the easiest way to do that, but converting a vector to a 2d array doesnt seem to work with adjust-array.
<mfiano> You can simulate pushing with an amortized space cost
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<mfiano> That was pointed out to you though, so I assume you are aware of the better solutions
<haoms> Do you know why converting a vector to a 2d array is not possible here: (adjust-array (make-array 6) '(3 2))
<haoms> no, i am not yet aware of a complete solution because adjust-array doesnt seem to be able to convert between arrays of different ranks
<haoms> and displace-to doesnt work if a vector of length 5 is converted to a 3x2 array.
<haoms> so you have no neat idea how to do that?
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<jcowan> A more rational implementation of pushing to an array would be that what you push to an array of rank $r$ is another array of rank $r-1, with the exception that a non-array is treated as an array of rank 0.
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<johnjaye> what is "flexistreams"? I installed "str" in the tutorial and it installed thta as a dep
<ixelp> FLEXI-STREAMS - Flexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp
<johnjaye> ok. it seems strange you'd need a stream library to use strings.
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<yitzi> johnjaye: streams can output to strings
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<edgar-rft> johnjaye: Common Lisp has string-streams
<edgar-rft> ::clhs string-stream
<ixelp> CLHS: System Class STRING-STREAM
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<phantomics> haoms: if you're still around, this approach to adding things to arrays will be very slow
<phantomics> nonetheless, one way to do it would be to vector-push the elements to a vector, then displace the vector to a matrix whose height will grow depending on the number of items in the matrix
<phantomics> For example, if your matrix will be 3 wide, you can find the height by doing (ceiling n 3) where n is the current number of elements in the matrix
<phantomics> Actually, displacement won't work with a smaller array. What you'll need to do is create a new matrix each time, initialize its elements to 0 then iterate over the vector and for each element e indexed by i do (setf (row-major-aref matrix i) e)
<phantomics> It's very ineffiencient, best to find another way to accomplish what you're trying to do
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<jcowan> phantomics: I don't understand why you can't make a displaced array that accesses an adjustable array.
<phantomics> It's a memory thing, if you change the adjustable array then there's some ambiguity over where the displaced array will point to
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<phantomics> Also the adjustable arrays are probably going to be implemented in practice by automatically allocating new memory blocks and copying from the prior array state, this may mess with the mechanics of displaced arrays
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<jcowan> phantomics: mmm, I see, thanks
<phantomics> It occurs to me that a big reason to have adjustable arrays as a distinct type at all is so that you can have displaced arrays. If an array is not adjustable, you implement the displaced array just by having it point to the same storage location.
<phantomics> If an array is adjustable, you would need to track all displaced arrays pointing to it and update them when the adjustable array is changed. Also that adjustable array could be changed in a way that's incompatible with its displaced array(s) and what then?
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