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<ixelp> Add Reader/Writer locks · Issue #77 · sionescu/bordeaux-threads · GitHub
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<gendl__> just made a👆 naive implementation which apparently works for my use case, may or may not be useful as a reference. It's naive because it doesn't do anything about "fairness" and it'd be possible for the lock to get swamped by constant overlapping readers (i.e.in an application where the reader count never gets to zero, a writer might be locked out indefinitely). So some kind of "fairness" heuristic should probably be
<gendl__> added.
<remexre> should I expect writing to the uiop/launch-process:process-info-input of an exited-but-not-waited process to error in some way? unless i'm messing something up, I'm not getting any kind of condition
<remexre> oh, forgot to finish-output it
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<varjag> i wonder if it's possible to have a json backend for cl-store
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<jjnkn> how to correctly generate defun with a computed name in a macro? i'm getting a function named |name| instead of just name, and don't understand why
<jjnkn> for example, generating a function with a name of 2 symbols joined by -
<jjnkn> i'm computing the name like this: (intern (format nil "~(~a~)-~(~a~)" sym1 sym2))
<bike> by default symbols are all upcased
<bike> like if you write (defun foo ...), the symbol will have an actual name of FOO. you can try it, do (symbol-name 'defun). you'll get "DEFUN"
<bike> so stick in some string-upcases and it'll probably be fine
<jjnkn> oh, that's right
<gilberth> Why not take the SYMBOL-NAME of sym1 and sym2 and be set?
<jjnkn> and i was doing the opposite - converting to lowercase
<edgar-rft> jjnkn: you need (format nil "~:@(~a~)-~:@(~a~)" 'a 'b) because the default readtable-case is :UPOCASE
<edgar-rft> * :UPCASE of course
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* gilberth wants :UFOCASE.
<edgar-rft> :UPOCASE is for people with a LIFP
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<jmercouris> Why does uiop accept arbitrary keywords and not complain?
<jmercouris> I have to say, I was expecting at least some error
<jmercouris> for example: (uiop:launch-program (list "ls") :oputput :interactive)
<jmercouris> "oputput" is not a keyword arg for launch-program
<jmercouris> anyways, that's the end of my rant
<jmercouris> a heads up for anyone who hasn't yet encountered this
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<bike> jmercouris: launch-program specifically has &allow-other-keys, probably because different implementations might have their own keywords
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<jmercouris> bike: aha, that makes sense
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<_death> maybe it would've been preferable for it not to have &allow-other-keys, so that someone who wants to pass implementation-specific keys would have to specify :allow-other-keys t
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<_death> it also passes :allow-other-keys t to the implementation's run-program, which is why it doesn't signal an error
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<jmercouris> alright so I have a most perplexing problem
<ixelp> dpaste: HRALHZQ5V
<jmercouris> I am writing "\\\\n" to a socket and on the receving end I am only reading "\\n"
<jmercouris> why is this?
<jmercouris> who is swallowing the escape characters?
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<jmercouris> is it lisp that is swallowing them?
<jmercouris> presumably, because it thinks I am trying to escape something
<bike> the lisp reader, yes
<jmercouris> bike: I did a stupid hack to be able to write strings, so the reason you see "\\\\n" is because I had just "\\n" before, and something was getting lost on the way
<jmercouris> so I added more backslashes.
<bike> if you do (write-string "\\\\n") you should see \\n
<jmercouris> wow that blows my mind
<bike> not sure from your paste whether lisp is the sender or receiver, though
<jmercouris> lisp is the sender
<bike> ah ok then.
<jmercouris> javascript is the receiever
<jmercouris> can you think of a better way for me to do this?
<jmercouris> because right now I am doing a stupid str replace to add more slashes
<jmercouris> it is code being outputted by parenscript
<bike> as long as we're on this topic, \n doesn't do anything special in lisp. it'll just be a backslash and then an n, so if you want a newline you're out of luck
<jmercouris> I know, it is because it is being used by JS
<jmercouris> let me post a little snippety snippet
<ixelp> dpaste: FN3UDZH3V
<jmercouris> so you see the problem of course
<jmercouris> I have this string, that I am then writing, which of course will become malforemd on the other end
<jmercouris> (write-string "'hello\\nworld';") -> 'hello\nworld';
<jmercouris> which is now, wrong
<bike> is it?
<jmercouris> yes it is
<jmercouris> the correct string would be "hello\\nworld" as seen in the world of JS
<jmercouris> but I am just sending "hello\nworld" and JS is thus losing its mind
<jmercouris> so how can I have a string "hello\\nworld" and send it to the socket AS IS without my precious backslash being stripped away
<jmercouris> or alternatively, how can I modify PS to print more backslashes...
<jmercouris> since I know some will be consumed
<bike> so you want to send hello, then two backslashes, then one n?
<jmercouris> that's correct
<jmercouris> I'd like to literally send "hello\\nworld"
<bike> ok. well to get that from the lisp reader you'd write that as "hello\\\\nworld". but i don't know what parenscript is doing.
<jmercouris> I'm already doing that
<jmercouris> because I figured that is what was needed
<jmercouris> but it is just so wrong feeling
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<jmercouris> I am doing a stupid string replace
<jmercouris> like this: (str:replace-all "\\n" "\\\\n" message)
<jmercouris> but I will see if I can mess with parenscript to output more slashes
<jmercouris> thanks for your help bike
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<bike> sure thing.