jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<aeth> Emacs highlights all macros that begin with do-* and define-* (but not do* and def*)
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Probably not terrible to fix. :)
<bjorkint0sh> aeth, well good thing Lisps are very advanced languages then for making the very advanced tools they need!
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<thuna`> def* unfortunately hits unrelated functions/macros as well eg. DELIMITER
<thuna`> Wait, that's wrong :')
<aeth> a good example is door
<aeth> is it DOOR or is it someone writing something short for DO-OR, a somehow iterative version of OR
<thuna`> DEFER, aha
<thuna`> I think the convention of def* is weird honestly. Why not make it verbose?
<aeth> it had already changed by the time the standard came around, but only for the newest things
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<Pixel_Outlaw> I'd think you'd want a whitelist of forms rather than too much with wildcards.
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<White_Flame> aeth: I didn't mean execution of bytes, but accessing datastructures from a block of loaded or mapped raw bytes.
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<White_Flame> really stuck out to me when looking at various simple database implementations in C
<White_Flame> certainly an optimization, but not a security failing of executing random bytes as code
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<jcowan> default, as I was saying before. Or defuse. Or deft.
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<aeth> White_Flame: no bounds checking on the data, though
<White_Flame> unless bounds are stored as part of the data layout
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<aeth> in which case, the data can lie about its bounds
<White_Flame> heh,s ure, but that would be corrupt
<White_Flame> but avoiding a serialization step and supporting dirty writes in mmap is something difficult to do otherwise
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<aeth> because not serializing should set off so many red flags in security
<aeth> also basically gives you .doc (not .docx) afaik
<White_Flame> like lisp OSes managing their images?
<aeth> so everyone has to reverse engineer your data layout for compatibility (including you, in newer versions!)
<White_Flame> idunno, sounds like you're reaching for its own sake at this point
<White_Flame> but yeah, working with mmapped files directly is something interesting that generally isn't done outside a C-like space
<White_Flame> obviously with proper care involved
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<aeth> I guess you could encrypt it if decrypting is faster than deserializing
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<qhong> Is sb-heapdump dead? Any alternatives?
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<beach> My dyslexia is getting worse. I read "headpump" rather than "heapdump".
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* edgar-rft dumps his head
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<edgar-rft> sb-heapdump was shipped together with SBCL as a contributed module for a while but i's not mentioned in the current SBCL manual anymore, maybe #sbcl knows more details
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<nature> Hi, I have an idea of making a website that will allow the creation of personal websites, I am wondering if I should try out CLOG or go with a more traditional Clack+spinneret setup.
<nature> I like my websites to be lean and ideally would make it work without js (I don't mean not writing it, I actually don't mind it as a language, I just hate how js complexifies browsers)
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<bjorkint0sh> nature, why not both? see what you like better!
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<nature> bjorkint0sh: good suggestion ^^
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<pkw> :)
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<ldb> good morning
<beach> Hello ldb.
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<ldb> Is this ANSI test suit the most canon one? https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/ansi-test/ansi-test
<ixelp> ansi-test / ansi-test · GitLab
<ldb> The one from github seems missed some files
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<beach> I think jackdaniel would know about that.
<beach> Yes, it seems it's GitLab.
<bike> that's the one we use in clasp.
<ldb> ah ok.
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<Josh_2> Hi Hi :trumpet:
<Josh_2> Spent the last 10 days hacking together my CLOG UI over some software and deployed it today
<Josh_2> :sunglasses:
<Josh_2> The CLOG-GUI is very easy to use
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<Josh_2> Now I have another system I need to integrate it into but not using CLOG-GUI this time
<Josh_2> Shame I can't figure out how to integrate it into an existing clack app :sob:
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<Josh_2> I dont really want api.<my domain> for the rest api and <my domain> for the front
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