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<enzuru> Anyone in here using StumpWM? Just switched to it, it's pretty great.
<thuna`> enzuru: I use it, although only the surface-level features. There's #stumpwm too, although it's a bit slow
<enzuru> Yeah, I tried making convo in there but it's kinda slow
<enzuru> I was afraid to switch from exwm to StumpWM and introduce another layer, but after porting tmux keys over to StumpWM, I find that the other layer is not problematic. Especially since hacking in Sly with Lispy isn't too different from hacking Emacs Lisp with Lispy.
<enzuru> I have some keystrokes setup to search all symbols in Geiser, Sly, or CIDER, sorta like you can do with Emacs, so figuring out a new system is pretty quick.
<thuna`> It's fairly lightweight (the way I use it) so I didn't need much configuration. Maybe I would like EXWM more but I never tried it and I'm comfortable enough that I don't need to
<thuna`> I recall the documentation being a bit scarce but that was a while ago
<enzuru> EXWM is real good and is way simpler than StumpWM, but the single threaded nature of Emacs will bite you in the butt. It's also nice to be able to reboot Emacs without rebooting your whole window manager.
<enzuru> Other thing too is, StumpWM is working on a Wayland successor, but the EXWM author disappeared, and I think there are some technical hurdles to making Emacs a Wayland compositor.
<enzuru> Seems like either way, a Lisp Wayland compositor will need to adopt a server/client model, which matches StumpWM's architecture better than EXWM's.
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<Josh_2> What if you open GIMP?
<Josh_2> Dont you have to write some hacks for StumpWM to work with multi window apps like gimp?
<thuna`> Josh_2: I don't use GIMP normally so I don't know if it's fully functional but I just opened it and nothing seemed obviously wrong
<thuna`> Although it only opened as a single window and I don't know if that's right
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Gimp these days might ship in single window mode. That was a feature some time ago.
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<enzuru> Yeah I just use GIMP in single window mode.
<enzuru> I think StumpWM has some floating features too, but I haven't tried them.
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<Demosthenex> enzuru: stump rocks, and i use it with spatial navigation
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<Josh_2> Does stump have window scaling? I have a 4k laptop monitor :skull:
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<enzuru> Not sure about window scaling -- I heard something about Wayland solving that issue, but I don't know much about it
<enzuru> Although I think GNOME & co were handling that stuff before Wayland too
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<enzuru> Demosthenex: thanks for mentioning spatial navigation; I had to look it up and that looks neat
<enzuru> I recall macOS Snow Leopard had a feature like that and I loved it, I would have a 3x3 grid of workspaces.
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<Demosthenex> enzuru: watch the video in the readme
<Demosthenex> because it explains how you have a completely open 3x3x3 area for screens ;]
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<enzuru> sweet
<thuna`> What does "Cannot CHANGE-CLASS objects into CLASS metaobjects." mean? I'm not doing anything special I don't think
<thuna`> This is what causes that. https://0x0.st/Hfo4.txt
<thuna`> Oh, you can't redefine structs as classes I guess
<thuna`> It worked after uninterning 'UNIT
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