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<glozzom> ?
<equwal> greetings glozz
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<semz> ECL's manual states that on safety <= 1, "We believe types defined before compiling a file do not change before the compiled code is loaded.". I thought the standard allowed for redefining types; doesn't that policy contradict this? I guess this would primarily (exclusively?) concern deftype.
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<lieven> this is talking about compilation which is producing a fasl in the compilation environment and then loading it in a runtime environment. clhs has a fair number of restrictions to make this possible. you can redefine types when you stay in one environment.
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<semz> I see, thanks.
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<agm> can an implementation add new subtype relations to the standard ones? as an extreme example, can it make integer a subtype of cons?
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<beach> Not that particular one, but otherwise it can add new relations.
<beach> agm: For instance, it can add its own classes inside a precedence list given by the standard.
<beach> ::clhs 4.2.2
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 4.2.2
<beach> agm: For you: ↑
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<agm> thanks, that's what i needed
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<beach> Pleasure.
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<Gleefre> Is there any portability layers on the LOOP extensibility? Or examples of semi-portable extensions to LOOP?
<Gleefre> I found one in CLSQL library, but nothing else yet...
<contrapunctus> Gleefre: couldn't you use ITERATE or FOR?
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<Gleefre> contrapunctus: I just really like the LOOP macro
<bike> a few implementations include a loop path for generic sequence iteration, "for [var] being the elements of [sequence]". that's the only thing i can think of.
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<Gleefre> I see, thanks
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<NotThatRPG> Gleefre: You could make generator/iterator functions and just use :for x = (iterator <object>) :while x ...
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<Gleefre> Well, that's for iteration, sure
<Gleefre> I was making this: https://github.com/Gleefre/loop-tag-go
<ixelp> GitHub - Gleefre/loop-tag-go: Hack that adds TAG/GO keywords to the LOOP macro.
<Gleefre> It adds TAG/GO clauses so that it is possible to simulate "continue" for example
<Gleefre> ("skip" to the next iteration, as in other languages)
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<Gleefre> And it is not that easy as "adding" an iteration clause
<Gleefre> (I also didn't manage to find a way to do that on CLISP / LISPWORKS :/)
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<Gleefre> I also tried to define them in Khazern, but I didn't manage to :(
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<Gleefre> Looks like it generates quire bloated code wrapping everything in various LET/PROGNS..
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