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<rdrg109> [Q] I want to use (loop ...) to iterate through a list and return the first element found which satisfies a set of conditions. What's the shortesst way and more efficient way to do this?
<mfiano> (loop for x in list when (and (condition1 ... conditionN)) do ...)
<mfiano> you could even drop the AND opertor out and use LOOP's
<rdrg109> mfiano: If I' not mistaken, hwne we use "when" in "loop" we will iterate until the end of the list, right? Is there any way to stop at the first element found?
<mfiano> No
<mfiano> when is a conditional, analogous to the CL:WHEN macro
<mfiano> You can stop in the do part
<mfiano> Use (return x)
<mfiano> The 'do' is behind the when'
<mfiano> 'when'
<mfiano> So anything you do there, such as return the current value of x out of the loop, is only when these conditions are met
<mfiano> It sounds like you want to use #'every though
<rdrg109> mfiano: thanks. "return" is what I was looking for. I'm afraid that cl-every returns a list of elements that meet a set of conditions, but I just want to find the first element that meet those conditions.
<mfiano> Ah no, you want to return it
<mfiano> cl-every?
<rdrg109> mfiano: Yes, that's the name of the Emacs Lisp implementation of "every".
<mfiano> Those cl functions differ greatly in some cases. I can't help you
<rdrg109> mfiano: Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for your help! :)
<aeth> you were confusing when with while...
<aeth> when is like CL:WHEN, while makes it a while loop
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<beach> RETURN is also a LOOP keyword.
<beach> (loop ... when (...) return ...)
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<jdz> There's also (loop ... until (...) do ...)
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<White_Flame> rdrg109: of course, there's also (find-if predicate list), if loop stops being a requirement
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<nij-> I use (slynk:create-server :port 2345 :dont-close t) to create a server, and M-x sly-connect to connect to it.
<nij-> It works.. but the standard outputs aren't linked together.
<nij-> How do I link them together?
<nij-> CL-USER> *standard-output* ; => #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "socket, peer:" {70052D24C3}>
<nij-> CL-USER> *standard-output* ; => #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "socket, peer:" {70444B07F3}>
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<Josh_2> I am trying CLOG
<Josh_2> I am trying to get it to integrate with Ningle I suppose
<Josh_2> I dont want everything to be interactive, but I dont want to serve static files either...
<Josh_2> dbotton: Is this possible?
<Josh_2> Sort of "injecting" CLOG into a running Clack app rather than using #'initialize to start Clack
<dbotton> Yes
<Josh_2> I want /main to be CLOG powered while other urls like / /login /check-login are plain HTML+CSS and check-login would redirect a successful login to /main to then be greeted by the virtual desktop
<dbotton> Josh_2: there are some examples with similar frameworks
<dbotton> Yes
<dbotton> The static html direct acts like a regular webserver
<Josh_2> And the regular webserver is using clack? So I can add routes using Ningle?
<Josh_2> Also, I am looking to use CLOG for collecting credit/debit card info. When my app is behind nginx/apache is the websocket connection secure or will I need to setup some form of proxying so that its wss rather than ws :thinking:
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<dbotton> I use CLOG apps proxing througn apache all the time
<dbotton> let apache provide your security layer and live behind it
<dbotton> there are instructions in the CLOG repo
<dbotton> yes it uses CLACK
<dbotton> you should be able to setup routes to ningle yes
<dbotton> there I think there is a discussion in github on setting up routes with clack and clog
<pve> Hi! I'm subclassing standard-direct-slot-definition (and standard-class) so I can attach some additional information to the slots of the instances of my metaclass. I would like to have the "extra" argument to my slot evaluated, but I'm unsure of the correct way to do it. My first attempt looks like this:
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<pve> It doesn't feel right to do (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,extra))) to get the value.
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<pve> Could I arrange to have an "initfunction" somehow, like for initform?
<mfiano> Not really. eval or compile directly are needed here, since defclass itself doesn't evaluate its arguments.
<pve> mfiano: ok, I see, thanks
<beach> pve: Can't you treat it like :INITARG is treated?
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<pve> beach: I'm not entirely sure what that means. How are initargs treated? (I'm looking at the pages on metamodular.com)
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<beach> I may not have thought this through enough. Feel free to ignore me.
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<beach> Did you see this particular page: http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/the-defclass-macro.html
<ixelp> The defclass macro
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<beach> pve: As you can see, most keyword arguments are quoted. I think it is enough to expand to something that is not quoted.
<pve> beach: Yes! I was looking at that page, and noticed that initfunction is not quoted
<beach> Indeed.
<pve> So just to be clear, this means I need to make my own defclass macro to not have the "extra" argument quoted?
<bike> i think that the defclass macro will quote everything it doesn't know about, so you do need your own macro, yes
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<pve> Ok, great, thank you.
<pve> both
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<Josh_2> Think I might just have two different http servers
<Josh_2> :sob:
<Josh_2> Ningle uses clack:clackup just like CLOG but it expects an instance of ningle:app
<Josh_2> I only need to be able to grab the lack request object
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<Josh_2> dbotton: in your clogpower website you have a login form, are you using the html5 storage for session data?
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<dbotton> Yes
<Josh_2> Okay :thumbsup:
<Josh_2> I will just use CLOG and ignore everything else
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<Josh_2> Is there a function to delete elements? I dont want my login to be successful and then still have the login form hidden or something like that
<Josh_2> rather it should be deleted, or I redirect like you are
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<Josh_2> The flow for a login form in CLOG is an on-submit handler to verify the credentials, set some html5 storage to mark as logged in then a redirect back to a different page (optional, could also hide/show/delete certain elements)?
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<Josh_2> Can redirect with url-assign :sunglasses:
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<Josh_2> dbotton: When using storage-element if there is no key it returns the string "null"
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<Josh_2> Has anyone here ever made a user interface (for privileged users of your system) that directly writes lisp code? I dont mean the interface allows the user to write lisp, rather they fill in some blanks and the system creates some code and places it in a file somewhere?
<Josh_2> next time its launched the new code in that file is compiled/loaded whether by asdf or some custom means etc
<Josh_2> So the interface allows for some the constrained editing/creation of lisp
<Josh_2> Just gonna have to go for it :sunglasses:
<jcowan> I've done that for SQL
<jcowan> "here are your columns, select the ones you want and add a simple constraint of the form <relational op> <constant>."
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<Josh_2> Interesting interesting
<Josh_2> See I have a project where adding new X requires writing a nice new lisp file
<Josh_2> It would be a *lot* of work to change this and I only have a week
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<aeth> not really arbitrary lisp lisp, but if you ever read/write s-expression plist configuration files or very basic object creation macros that, again, are more plist than anything else, it looks very, very straightforward to attach a GUI to one
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<aeth> in that there's a fairly basic translation to (:foo <item>) from Foo : [ ]
<aeth> so if I had to write a GUI, I'd stick to that and have two steps, writing the plists from the GUI, and turning those plists into meaningful Lisp
<aeth> also note that <item> would always be a string as described, which might need to be parsed into something useful
<aeth> Although you could use different GUI elements to e.g. get t/nil from a checkbox, etc.
<aeth> Josh_2: ^
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<Josh_2> Right :thinking:
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<jmercouris> can someone think of a more intelligent way of doing this: http://dpaste.com/GJWSGZKJW ?
<ixelp> dpaste: GJWSGZKJW
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<jmercouris> I don't like the nested mapcars
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<bike> jmercouris: you could do append instead of list and then only need one mapcar?
<jmercouris> bike: very wise
<jmercouris> bike: I actually had to change it though because it turns out not every asset is loaded via the same function
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<jmercouris> bike: I ended up doing http://dpaste.com/BPKSYW3UJ
<ixelp> dpaste: BPKSYW3UJ
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<jmercouris> I guess I could have used an flet
<jmercouris> perhaps no need to introduce a new symbol
<jmercouris> s/symbol/function binding
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