jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<stylewarning> Anyone have suggestions on where to post specifically Lisp job ads (engineering and/or management) besides Reddit?
<aeth> I don't think Reddit would get many views. r/lisp hasn't been particularly active in years and that's before Reddit drove away half of their power users.
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<aeth> I'm not sure where everyone went, though.
<stylewarning> Yeah I agree. r/lisp does get attention, but activity has diminished in my anecdotal experience
<aeth> The Reddit redesign in 2018 focused on memes instead of on being a discussion forum and that led to a slow, then fast, decline of all of the text-and-link subreddits like r/lisp
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<aeth> Because I guess not enough people bother to do old.reddit.com (for however long that still stays up)
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<aeth> But the equivalents either don't have subforums or don't have programming language subforums or (in the case of the most currently advocated one, lemmy) are just for the images-and-memes of r/all culture, not suitable for a r/lisp replacement.
<aeth> Now might be the time to launch a Lisp forum.
<aeth> Iirc, I think there's a traditional PHP web forum for Lisp that's even more dead than r/lisp and comp.lang.lisp
<stylewarning> I seem to vaguely recall such as well.
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<vitovan> How do I change the location of ~/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-* ?
<vitovan> I vaguely remember something in asdf, but it seems not working.
<ixelp> Relativising FASL Cache Paths
<vitovan> But, it does not help much.
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<vitovan> Maybe this is a unecessary requirement.
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<pjb> stylewarning: you may post lisp job ads; there is also a lispjob blog: https://lispjobs.wordpress.com
<ixelp> Lispjobs | A gift to Lisp hackers from Will Fitzgerald
<stylewarning> Oh yeah, I thought lispjobs was gone for some reason
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<pjb> Only low traffic, as usual :-/
<LispTyro> pjb: :/
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<beach> LispTyro: Are you new here? I don't recognize your nick.
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<LispTyro> beach: yes, we talked in #clschool
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<beach> Oh, OK. Forgot.
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<zacque> Hi, is there an existing library that implements Linux's XDG Base Directory specification?
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<zacque> Doesn't seem like it, I want the part resolving environment variables to path, e.g. $XDG_DATA_HOME or default to $HOME/.local/share
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<jackdaniel> zacque: I think that uiop functions return xdg paths for various queries
<pjb> Hmm, you're right, it uses xdg, but is not a general XDG library. :-(
<jackdaniel> i.e user-path-directory
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<jackdaniel> but I don't think that it has xdg logic coded
<pjb> uiop/configuration has tit.
<pjb> s/tit/it/
<pjb> (apropos "XDG" "UUIP")
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<zacque> Ah yes, there it is, thanks jackdaniel and pjb!
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<Oladon> I need backquote help. :P I've got a macro that produces a SQL query (using Postmodern, though I don't think that's relevant), and I want it to use a different where clause depending on the input. (Non-working) sample is: `(:select ,@(list :where (typecase key (integer `(:= 'users.id ,key)) (t `(:= 'users.name (string ,key)))
<Oladon> Could someone help me get this working? :P
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<bike> Oladon: what outputs do you want for what inputs? it's not obvious what you're going for here
<Oladon> Apologies... I find it hard to clearly explain it (probably reflective of the difficulty I'm having doing it!). The goal is that if key is an integer (say, 3), we get (:select :where (:= 'users.id 3)), and if the key is a string (say, "foo"), we get (:select :where (:= 'users.name "foo"))
<Oladon> I've got it working in a macroexpand form, but for some reason that stops working when I put it into the macro itself...
<Oladon> (macroexpand-1 (let ((key 3)) `(:select 'users.* ,@(typecase key (integer (list :where `(:= 'users.id ,key))) (t (list :where `(:= 'users.name ,(string key))))))))
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<pjb> Oladon: (let ((key (if (zerop (random 2)) 42 "foo"))) `(:select (:where ,(typecase key (integer `(:= 'users.id ,key)) (t `(:= 'users.name (string ,key))))))) #| --> (:select (:where (:= 'users.name (string "foo")))) |#
<pjb> Oladon: you must not confuse macros with backquote. Those are two concept entirely orthogonal.
<Oladon> That's close... (string "foo") has to be evaluated prior to the output (in case "foo" is in fact a symbol or UUID or something wonky)
<Oladon> Yeah, I definitely tend to conflate the two.
<pjb> (let ((key (if (zerop (random 2)) 42 "foo"))) `(:select (:where ,(typecase key (integer `(:= 'users.id ,key)) (t `(:= 'users.name ,(string key))))))) #| --> (:select (:where (:= 'users.name "foo"))) |#
<pjb> You may want to use prin1-to-string or princ-to-string rather than string. string is to resove string designators, not random objects.
<Oladon> That's what I ended up with... so now how do I /use/ that? Nothing requires this operation to be a macro, other than my silly conflation of macros and backquotes ;)
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<pjb> So why do you need a macro again?
<pjb> Write a function, if you can't justify a macro.
<Oladon> That would seem to be the logical conclusion... and this feels like a silly question, but how does one... un-backquotify (evaluate?) something like that in a function?
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<pjb> Why do you want to unbackquotify?
<Oladon> I need to actually execute the resulting code
<Oladon> Not just return it
<pjb> backquote is to write s-exp template with some substitutions indicated with , ,@ and ,.
<pjb> :select is not the name of a function, so there's no way you may execute it.
<pjb> Other than passing it to a sql interpreter.
<pjb> (sql-interpret `(:select …))
<Oladon> Right, it gets passed... hang on, I think I'm being silly.
<pjb> It's often named query: (query `(:select …)).
<Oladon> Yeah, it's query-dao here, but that's not the issue... I'm not /that/ silly! :P
<Oladon> Turned out I had the main body backquoted as well. But now it's complaining that the query I'm passing in isn't a string. Which is weird, because (:select ...) is never a string...
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<Oladon> (query-dao 'user (:select 'users.* :from 'users :where (:= 'users.id 1))) <-- works
<Oladon> (query-dao 'user '(:select 'users.* :from 'users :where (:= 'users.id 1))) <-- does not work (and is what the function is producing)
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<Gernn> > writing common lisp in slime
<Gernn> How do you get strings to indent on new lines? Like if I'm writing a very long string out and I want it to match up indentation-wise with the line before. Sometimes I see code off quicklisp formatted like this and I'd like my editor to do it automatically.
<Oladon> Solved it! Needed to wrap my quoted query in (sql-compile)
<Oladon> pjb: Thanks for all your help and patience. :)
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<Gernn> (solved! I was looking for visual fill column)
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