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<doulos05> I've got a scoping problem using the beast library with McClim and I'm trying to figure out how to solve it.
<doulos05> I'd like to use a system from BEAST to draw the units on the screen, so that's DEFINE-SYSTEM. But the drawing functions for McCLIM require me to pass in a stream variable.
<doulos05> And I'm not sure how to pass that into the system for BEAST, since it seems its features only accept entities as arguments.
<doulos05> Here's the API reference for beast: https://docs.stevelosh.com/beast/reference/#define-system-macro
<ixelp> API Reference / beast
<doulos05> ixelp: Sorry, fingers are too slow, lol.
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<doulos05> My gut is that I need to use some sort of closure over the call to run the draw-units system which passes the stream as a "local global variable", but I don't know if I have an XY problem or not.
<doulos05> Something like: (let ((stream stream)) (run-draw-units)). But that just feels... wrong, somehow.
<doulos05> It also doesn't work
<bike> it may be appropriate to make the stream a special variable
<bike> (but i'm not familiar with beast)
<doulos05> Yeah, I'm using it because it was the ECS system that "clicked" in my head the best. Let me ask around on the #lispgames channel and see if they use it.
<doulos05> It obviously hasn't clicked very much
<bike> a closure doesn't make sense in my opinion, since you may want to render the same entities to various displays depending on context, and you won't have the display set up yet at load time
<doulos05> In the case of McCLIM, (for the DRAW-* functions), stream refers to the sheet in the application where you'll be drawing.
<doulos05> bike: good point
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<doulos05> Ok, I figured something out. There's a functioned in McCLIM called FIND-PANE-NAMED. I'm using that inside the system to grab the appropriate pane.
<doulos05> Now for a dumber, and therefore probably easier question. What is the difference between 'symbol-name and :symbol-name?
<AkashaPeppermin4> they're two different symbols with the same name but located in different packages
<bike> symbol-name without the colon is read as a symbol in the current package. :symbol-name is read as a symbol in the keyword package.
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<doulos05> Ok, so I have the following code segment: (deftype mv-type '(member 'walk 'jump))
<doulos05> And I run (typep 'walk 'mv-type) and it returns nil
<doulos05> Am I missing something?
<bike> well your deftype is wrong. does that actually compile? it's a syntax error
<doulos05> When I do it with :walk in both places, it works. Which is what confuses me
<bike> you probably mean (deftype mv-type () '(member walk jump))
<doulos05> Aha, so no ' in the deftype, but yes ' in the typep call?
<bike> yes, the typep is fine
<bike> in '(member walk jump) you don't need to quote walk or jump given that they're already in a quoted list
<doulos05> And the extra () as well. Ok, I'm tracking now. Oh, duh. the ' at the beginning
<bike> the () is because deftype can be used to define compound type specifiers (i.e. that have parameters). yours doesn't have any parameters
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<doulos05> And generally I probably should be using ' instead of : for this because then it's my game's package instead of the keyword package.
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<beach> doulos05: You are expressing that issue in a strange kind of way. The ' and the : servce entirely different purposes. ' prevents evaluation whereas : is a package marker. It just so happens that keyword symbols evaluate to themselves.
<beach> doulos05: Keyword symbols are mainly used in situations like keys in argument lists, and property lists, and as unique values with a name. Other symbols are used to name most entities like variables, functions, types.
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<pjb> doulos05: deftype is like defmacro. You could write (deftype my-type () (let ((w 'walk)) (list 'member w 'jump))) and typep is a function. (let ((type 'my-type)) (typep 'walk type))
<pjb> (let ((type (if (expect-string-p) 'string 'integer))) (typep (read) type))
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<|3b|> cmack: i added a branch https://github.com/3b/cl-egl/tree/get-proc-address that tries to handle extension functions more correctly, if you want to try that
<ixelp> GitHub - 3b/cl-egl at get-proc-address
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<doulos05> pjb: Yeah, I think I cleared up the confusion, but it's useful to know that deftype works more like defmacro than defun.
<doulos05> New confusion: How, using format, do I right-pad a string with 8 spaces? I thought that "~,8a" would do it but it isn't
<hayley> I vaguely remember it being ,(format nil "~8A" "blah") without a comma?
<ixelp> (format nil "~8A" "blah") => "blah "
<doulos05> ixelp: Ok, yeah that was it. I had the numeric and string format directives confused.
<hayley> ,(format nil "~8@A" "blah") with an at?
<ixelp> (format nil "~8@A" "blah") => " blah"
<hayley> I misread - right pad, not right align. The first should work.
<doulos05> hayley: no worries, that one is actually useful elsewhere in this. Despite my best efforts, FORMAT control strings are practically a write-only language for me.
<hayley> You learn how to make them pprint-only with time.
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<beach> Shinmera: Why does the DEFINE-TEST form fail in https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3895#c895 even though the first form of the IS succeeds as is? Does Parachute mess with the backquote macro?
<beach> It fails to compile, complaining about the use of ,SLOT-NAME in the WITH-SLOTS form.
<Shinmera> Uuuuh, no idea at this point.
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<beach> Fair enough.
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<beach> I think it must have something to do with Parachute, because the form compiles fine in other contexts.
<Shinmera> It's possible
<Shinmera> If you expand define-test, does it mangle things somehow?
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<beach> Let me check...
<beach> Doesn't seem to.
<Shinmera> what about the IS form?
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<beach> Well, I tried the same with TRUE around both forms, but let me check IS...
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<Shinmera> they all work in pretty much the same way
<beach> I can't see anything suspect.
<beach> Anyway don't worry about it.
<beach> I'll do something else.
<beach> I asked you in case there was something obvious. Since there is not, I don't want to waste your time with this.
<Shinmera> It's not a waste of time, I just don't have time to look into it right now
<Shinmera> I see no reason why it should fail, so it does seem like a bug
<beach> Take as long as you like.
<beach> Should I file an issue?
<Shinmera> yes please
<beach> Will do. Take care and get on with your life. :)
<Shinmera> I'm trying! :)
<beach> I know.
<yitzi> beach: versus doing eval, have you tried :compile-at :execute?
<beach> I have not. Thanks for the suggestion.
<beach> Do you think that might work?
<Shinmera> It probably won't fix it, but it would prevent you from needing to do the eval thing yourself.
<beach> I see. I'll read up. Thank you both.
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<Shinmera> I should probably also a compiles-to shorthand, since there's already a fail-compile shorthand.
<Shinmera> *add a
<beach> OK.
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<scymtym> beach: i haven't looked thoroughly, but could a failure to compile be caused by a missing QUOTE of #1# in line 11 of https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3895 ?
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<Shinmera> oh, yeah
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<beach> Hmm. Then why does the form compile and execute by itself?
<Shinmera> the problem is the expand-expression part
<beach> But yeah, that's probably it.
<Shinmera> which isn't in the standalone snippet
<beach> Yes, I see. Thank you so much!
<beach> I would not have spotted that.
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<beach> So I won't file an issue. :)
<Shinmera> might still want to file one for better support of macroexpansion checks.
<beach> I suspect I should then perhaps file an SBCL issue.
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<Shinmera> No, I meant, a feature request for an EXPANDS-TO macro in Parachute, so that you don't have to do that manually.
<beach> Yes, I see. I'll give it some thought. But, like you, I am also busy.
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<coderdan> Hi, I'm attempting to program a game in CL. I want to include static assets (game graphics). Is there a standard or popular/common method for including binary files in a system?
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<random-nick> that depends on your implementation, since different implementations have different ways of creating executables (and some don't have any)
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