jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<holycow> does anyone now where the lem 2.1 source code can be git cloned?
<holycow> i see the announcement but the github rep seems to be 2.0 if you generate a binary and check
<holycow> and the src tar.gz doesn't have the submodules
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<easye> holycow: the Lem community is more active on their Discord instance <https://discord.gg/UEm7HABF>, but I left a message in their general channel with a backpointer here that you are looking to build from git
<ixelp> Lem
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<holycow> aha, okay great thanks.
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<therepl> holycow: they have v2.1.0 branch. so after git clone you can do git checkout v2.1.0
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<Josh_2> Afternoon :skull:
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<NotThatRPG> Just curious -- does anyone know why ALEXANDRIA doesn't have Norvig's FIND-ALL and FIND-ALL-IF? They are pretty helpful.
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<bike> is find-all different from remove-if-not?
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<NotThatRPG> bike: for that, no it's not -- it's just a handy way of saying what you mean.
<NotThatRPG> FIND-ALL-IF is more useful, but not complicated in any sense
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<yitzi> NotThatRPG: ^
<NotThatRPG> I guess I could just import those. Thanks.
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<holycow> therepl: thanks for the hint. my gitfu is awful, finally figured it out.
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<Guest13> hi , i am  beginner my classmates made fun of me when i told them i am learning programming via  common lisp as my first language ?(I found its book on our book shelf)
<Guest13> i should learn something else?
<White_Flame> have you got emacs & slime set up for a more powerful environment?
<Guest13> my book title is " a gentle introduction ....."
<White_Flame> but regarding languages, you should eventually learn a number of them, both common & not, to have a well rounded view of the strengths & weaknesses of various programming langauge features
<Guest13> no ,what is those things
<White_Flame> emacs is an editor, and slime connects that editor to a running lisp image, so you can directly compile, execute forms, have a repl history, autocomplete, etc in your lisp environment
<Guest13> i have finished topics like cons ans list and their differences
<White_Flame> emacs is also itself written in elisp (has similarities, but the original author didn't want to implement a full CL from scratch)
<White_Flame> also, #clschool is the place to ask newbie questions and get good explanations. things are generally higher level here
<Guest13> thank you very much ,excuse me for asking trivial questions here
<White_Flame> not a problem
<White_Flame> I'm in #clschool for such purposes, too ;)
<aeth> this is #commonlisp so we'll vote to start with Common Lisp, obviously
<drakonis> elisp predates CL no?
<rbcarleton> I think the Touretzky book is terrific. You don't need SLIME for the Touretzky book, though it might be helpful.
<rbcarleton> Elisp is a kind of Maclisp relative.
<White_Flame> drakonis: yeah, calling the precursors of CL as CL is a stretch for simplification
<aeth> elisp is newer than the original 1984 Common Lisp, but is intentionally archaic in its design
<aeth> because RMS didn't like CL or Scheme
<White_Flame> oh right, emacs predates elisp
<aeth> this is an obvious mistake but whatever... it's probably the #1 Lisp by popularity, stuff like that tends to happen
<aeth> Emacs predates elisp, but GNU Emacs doesn't afaik
<aeth> the main difference in older Lisps seems to be C-z... since elisp is for the Unix terminal, C-z is taken by a suspend feature (and in graphical Emacs it's basically wasted by a minimize you'll only ever accidentally press)
<aeth> I think... C-c might have been C-z in the original? Something moved from C-z
<aeth> s/in older Lisps/in older Emacsen/
<aeth> my bad
<random-nick> I think RMS said he doesn't like CL but is fine with scheme
<rbcarleton> If you're using GNU Emacs, setting the inferior-lisp-program variable is sufficient.
<rbcarleton> I use "(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl --noinform")" in my .emacs.
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<MonadMania> Has anybody developed 3D games in Lisp + SDL2/OpenGL? I'm looking for something beyond the basic tutorials.
<drakonis> hmm, there's one being developed
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<MonadMania> I've seen people mention working on some things, but most people say something along the lines of "the code isn't ready to share". If I can get to "camera moving around in a 3D maze", that'd be a good start.
<aeth> collision is annoyingly time consuming
<White_Flame> since it is a relatively new frontier, yeah most of the work done is different ways of just accessing the raw facilities
<White_Flame> (yes, symbolics did it way back, but open implementation hitting consumer 3D cards isn't)
<MonadMania> Would a good approach be to translate C++ examples? It's doable but painful.
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<White_Flame> MonadMania: prety sure that's what's being done, however rethinking the abstraction is necessary due to the more live & dynamic nature of lsip
<random-nick> you could probably also use existing 3d engines written in other languages if you just want to make the game in lisp
<random-nick> not sure what the development experience would be like, though
<MonadMania> @random-nick I want to deliver on the live-patching experience, so making the best use of CL's architechture is a must.
<MonadMania> @random-nick If I can still do that using foreign calls into a more developed engine, I'd like to.
<aeth> afaik SBCL works as a DLL now so you could try to patch Godot to support it
<aeth> or go the ECL route, but it's less suitable for 3D games
<aeth> The issue with the from-scratch 3D approach, which is preferable, is going to be the physics and collision.
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<aeth> Rendering is surprisingly not that bad because it all uses the same GPU stuff no matter what (though you may want to compile s-expressions to GLSL somehow)
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