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<jrx> Hi. Is it possible to see the current values of declarations set by PROCLAIM, in a portable way ? I know there is (describe-compiler-policy) in SBCL. But I'm using Clozure common lisp...
<beach> There is no portable way.
<jrx> ok. So how do you do that in Clozure ?
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<beach> pjb might know.
<ogamita> jrx: you could shadow proclaim and declaim, and write your own that would record the declarations. For example, have a look at Image Based Development http://informatimago.free.fr/i/develop/lisp/com/informatimago/small-cl-pgms/ibcl/index.html
<ixelp> Common Lisp - Image Based Development
<ogamita> jrx: some implementations may have something (perhaps sbcl has some API to do that).
<Nilby> jrx: you can use (uiop:get-optimization-settings) but it's not standard
<ogamita> And if you have a look at the source (type proclaim M-. in the REPL or a lisp buffer), you can see that no bookkeeping is performed by ccl.
<ogamita> and it's only for optimization.
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<ogamita> But it seems to work at least on ccl.
<jrx> ok thanks.
<doulos05> Hello! It's been a while. I thought I remembered there being a channel specifically for McCLIM, but I didn't see it. Is here also a good place to ask about that?
<jackdaniel> doulos05: #clim
<doulos05> Ah, I had #clim. So close!
<jackdaniel> :)
<jrx> Nilby: (uiop:get-optimization-settings) works great on CCL ! thx.
<jrx> Nilby: on SBCL too !
<jrx> I consider it "standard" now :)
<Nilby> if it weren't for many such defacto standands we'd be in big trouble
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<jrx> I've filed a question on the subject on sbcl-bugs mailing list : https://sourceforge.net/p/sbcl/mailman/message/37865912/
<ixelp> [Sbcl-bugs] SBCL seems to alter (PROCLAIM (OPTIMIZE)) declaration values after LOAD | Steel Bank Common Lisp
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<bike> jrx: that's normal and expected. it's not "implicitly" affecting optimize, since you wrote the proclaim right there. and if you look on the clhs page for the related declaim, it says it's undefined whether it persists after compilation
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<|3b|> DECLAIM is talking about compile-time side effects, which PROCLAIM doesn't have, and the example uses LOAD anyway
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<ixelp> [Sbcl-devel] Optimization policy and LOAD | Steel Bank Common Lisp
<|3b|> apparently inherited from cmucl
<bike> i know, i just meant it was analogous
* |3b| was arguing that it is not :)
<|3b|> DECLAIM adds compile-time side-effects to the normal effects, which like other compile-time side-effects might disappear after compilation, while the normal ones remain
<bike> what i mean is, if even compile-file isn't guaranteed to not persist the special compile time effects, why would load be guaranteed to not persist the normal effects (of proclaim)
<bike> proclaim is just a side effect to the compiler controls.
<bike> you certainly wouldn't expect a special proclamation to be undone after load, so why optimize?
* |3b| is confused if you are saying sbcl's behavior is ok or non-conformant now
<bike> i'm saying it's okay.
<|3b|> so you wouldn't expect optimize to be undone after a load, but it is ok that it is?
<bike> oh, hang on, i misread the issue entirely
<bike> ugh. sorry. okay, sbcl's behavior surprises me.
<|3b|> it is a somewhat nice behavior, since it keeps random libs from making global changes to optimize settings, but is also pretty easy to argue is non-conformant
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<|3b|> less nice when it makes it more difficult for people to make those changes for themselves though
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<bmansurov> #launchpad
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<bmansurov> (rename-file #P"/home/user/a.txt" #P"/home/user/trash/b.txt")
<bmansurov> Hey all, I'm unable to login at https://bugs.launchpad.net/sbcl to report a bug (I'm getting "Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad."). I think I've found a bug with SBCL. Here's a simple use case (the directory /home/user/trash exists and is empty) :
<bmansurov> The error I'm getting is this:
<bmansurov> Failed to find the TRUENAME of /home/user/a.txt:
<bmansurov> No such file or directory
<ixelp> Bugs : SBCL
<bmansurov> The file /home/user/a.txt also exists.
<bmansurov> Can someone please report it if they can reproduce?
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<bmansurov> The same code works on ECL.
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<Shinmera> I can't reproduce. Does /home/user/trash/ exist?
<Shinmera> and does the program have access rights to it?
<Shinmera> is there symlink stuff involved somehow? are those the *actual* pathnames you're using, or have you substituted stuff
<Shinmera> because things like [], {}, etc in pathnames will do different things.
<Gleefre> I can't reproduce it either. The error suggests that a.txt doesn't exists, are you sure it is still there?..
<Shinmera> eg in bcl #p"[ab].txt" is a wild pathname that can refer to a.txt and b.txt
<Shinmera> *sbcl
<bmansurov> Yes, both a.txt and trash exist. Renaming works if I just change the filename and not the directory.
<bmansurov> This works: (rename-file #P"/home/user/a.txt" #P"/home/user/b.txt")
<Shinmera> is trash a mount to a different device?
<Shinmera> because moving across devices is not permitted by the standard
<bmansurov> no, just a folder, I created it with mkdir ~/trash
<bmansurov> Fyi, SBCL 2.3.5
<Shinmera> no idea then.
<bmansurov> What is your SBCL version, Shinmera?
<Shinmera> same
<bmansurov> OK, thanks for debugging. Something must be off with my setup.
<Shinmera> Probably. I don't think this part of SBCL has changed recently, either.
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<Shinmera> All it does is basically just TRUENAME on the pathname, and then syscall to rename.
<bmansurov> I see.
<Shinmera> well, sorta. rename-file has weird semantics where it first needs to merge-pathnames on both arguments
<Shinmera> which annoys me a lot because it makes it basically impossible to strip the type
<AkashaPeppermin4> for proclaim workaround you can try
<AkashaPeppermin4> (sb-ext:restrict-compiler-policy 'safety 3 3)
<AkashaPeppermin4> (sb-ext:restrict-compiler-policy 'debug 3 3)
<AkashaPeppermin4> it does break some libraries though i think notably ppcre and some of Shinmera's libs
<Shinmera> Really?
<AkashaPeppermin4> i don't know, it's off a hazy memory
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<Shinmera> I know it makes some stuff so slow it's practically unusable (cl-opengl) but I'd be surprised if it had any semantic differences.
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<AkashaPeppermin4> very likely wasn't your libs specifically but a dependency i just wasn't very proficient at pinpointing at that time
<Shinmera> hm
<|3b|> might break things that depend on tail-call elimination
<Shinmera> ah, true.
<AkashaPeppermin4> also i just realised i have it in my sbcl-init.lisp and ppcre is loading so maybe it was fixed already
<|3b|> and probably stresses stack a lot more in general
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<AkashaPeppermin4> yes definitely removes tail call optimization though it's pretty useful seeing tons of backtrace info when something goes wrong
<AkashaPeppermin4> also i think you can call sb-ext:restrict-compiler-policy again to change it to a different setting
<AkashaPeppermin4> i think at one point I deleted them from my .sbclrc and put them in my project's ASD with #+sbcl
<Shinmera> I'm usually fine enough with just C-u C-c C-c when I need it.
<AkashaPeppermin4> me too when making my own code but lately i've been looking at some legacy code not written by myself and i have no idea how anything works and there's still bugs so i just leave debug at max by default
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<pjb> (incf AkashaPeppermin4) safety and debug should be at max all the time.
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<jackdaniel> (declare (optimize yolo))
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<Shinmera> ELS videos are finally online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXg8pqug6pw&list=PLA66mD-6yK8zRjZH-2EgZQGefba_LTeRX (thanks SAL9000)
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<waleee> nice thanks for the tip
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<Oladon> What does it mean when I run (sb-ext:gc :full t) and the program's memory usage goes down by about 50%?
<Oladon> I.e. what does it indicate about what I'm doing, or not doing, that I shouldn't (or should) be?
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<_death> it means there was garbage to collect.. it indicates that your program allocated memory and didn't hold on to all of it.. on its own it doesn't say anything about what you should or should not do
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<NotThatRPG> I don't *think* there's an answer to this question, but are the NAMESTRING functions specified to yield a string that does *not* need quoting to the host OS?
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<NotThatRPG> I can create cases where (run-program (format nil "mkdir -p ~a" (namestring pn))) works, and (run-program (format nil "mkdir -p '~a'" pn)) but (run-program (format nil "mkdir -p '~a'" (namestring pn))) does NOT work
<_death> it seems you conflate two issues..
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<NotThatRPG> So ... should I always assume that the results of NAMESTRING are OK without quoting? I don't see anything in the spec that makes such an assertion
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<_death> first, namestring is not guaranteed to result in a name that can be passed to your OS primitives.. for that, there's say uiop:native-namestring
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<_death> then, your example indicates that you want to use a shell to run a command.. and for that you'll also need to escape arguments for the shell
<_death> command
<NotThatRPG> The interesting issue here is that the escaping done by NAMESTRING actually (sometimes, on SBCL) yields a pathname that *cannot* be quoted to the shell.
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<NotThatRPG> Using NATIVE-NAMESTRING and avoiding the quoting (at least on SBCL on my Mac) works. I'll see how it works on other implementations.
<NotThatRPG> I've never quite figured out how to use RUN-PROGRAM w/o the shell -- don't I have to predict the precise location of any binary to do that?
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<_death> on sbcl uiop:run-program with :force-shell nil calls sb-ext:run-program with :search t, so that $PATH is considered
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<_death> so (uiop:run-program '("mkdir" "/tmp/foo") :force-shell nil) still works, and you don't need to quote anything for the shell..
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<NotThatRPG> _death: Thanks!!!
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