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<louis`> I rarely see anyone using structures in Common Lisp. Although for my use cases they would be good enough. Are they actually discouraged or is there a reason why one would use (probably) heavier CLOS objects instead, if you don't need to define methods?
<jackdaniel> you may specialize methods on structures without much an issue
<jackdaniel> the problem with structures is that they can't be redefined at runtime
<jackdaniel> on one hand that gives the compiler more to work with when it optimizes, on the other it is quite daunting during development (or maintanance if you are into long running image-based applications that are updated at runtime)
<jackdaniel> also clos classes may have multiple-inheritance
<jackdaniel> or standard classes, to avoid being corrected :)
<lonjil> I suppose what you'd want then are classes that behave as standard classes during development, but but become unalterable when deployed to your production system.
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<hayley> I really want classes which behave as standard classes and run fast in production. And maybe a pony.
<jackdaniel> I don't think that standard classes are very slow
<jackdaniel> especially if you pile on top of that sealed domains (c.f fast generic functions) and fast generic function dispatch technique (c.f fast generic function dispatch)
<jackdaniel> it is easy to imagine scenarios where this is not good enough, but it is such a narrow class of applications that it requires explicit justification
<louis`> jackdaniel: thanks for that, the lack of redefinition is a good argument
<jackdaniel> sure
<mfiano> AMOP gives an example of how one could do something like this, and I designed something like it for one of my many game engine attempts, that I'd have to dig up, but phoe has a copy and was going to include it as a recipe in Common Lisp Recipes 2.0 if that ever happens.
<jackdaniel> because one could agonize that their reader is slow, because it goes at least through two function calls, while they do something 100% silly like calling a reader multiple times inside a loop (instead of lifting it before it)
<hayley> I also want loop-invariant code motion, so.
<jackdaniel> if the function is generic, you can't decide whether the call is an invariant
<jackdaniel> (because they may be redefined, duh! :)
<hayley> Hoist the dispatch out of the loop, so that you have concrete types in (each version of) the loop, and de-optimise code if you redefine.
<hayley> (You got me as I'm writing down these ideas for something - congratulations.)
<jackdaniel> yay me
<jackdaniel> I'm on the other hand working on adding a cons kingdom to the subtypep procedure proposed by Baker (and implemented in ECL)
<jackdaniel> recursive types go brrt
<Nilby> louis`: structures are fine, providied you can withstand lispers virtual glares of smugness https://i.redd.it/k3xx7hhswfu91.png . You can switch to standard-objects if you need to.
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<louis`> Nilby: hehe, that's hilarious :-)
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<pjb> louis`: have a look at com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.utility:define-structure-class
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<louis`> pjb: thank you, that looks interesting! Could be exactly what I need.
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<louis`> I can't believe I bought a LispWorks license today.
<louis`> I evaluated for about a year ... but their overall product and quality is so good, I could not resist any longer.
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<beach> louis`: What is it that is good about it? It's an honest question since I have never used it, but I am interested in knowing its advantages.
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<louis`> CAPI is one part that I'm particulary fond of. Also, I appreciate how easy it is to use breakpoints and step through your code. Regarding the compiler, I can't say of it is better than something like SBCL - that has to be seen. Their documentation is an outstanding example of anything (I know about) existing in the Common Lisp community.
<beach> Sounds good. Thanks for the information.
<louis`> I'm not using it yet for anything serious but from what I see is that their FFI and Java interface are pretty amazing. My plan is to have a great IDE where I can continue my learning journey and finally work my way through PAIP :)
<jackdaniel> louis`: while many people praise CAPI (and I have no doubt that it is very good), keep in mind that programs written for CAPI will work only on lispworks
<louis`> jackdaniel: I know
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<jackdaniel> alright then :)
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<Lycurgus> it and allegro are imo the most solid implementations and it has the better licensing
<Lycurgus> you can use free though, no need to buy unless ur chaffed by the timeout or wann distribute something
<jackdaniel> how do you measure being solid?
<Lycurgus> and saving images igess
<Lycurgus> solid: runs stuff other implementations trip on
<Lycurgus> allegro is actually a lil better in my experience on that
* jackdaniel is curious about what is "that" - which things other implementations trip on that lw and allegro handle well
<Lycurgus> but im not a lisp monoglot, don't live in it
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<Lycurgus> that is general some random ass pkg from the prior century
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<Lycurgus> it's idea is nice and turnkey too
<Lycurgus> *ied
<Lycurgus> **ide
<Lycurgus> somebody has a job if they're dropping 1500 usd on it tho
<Lycurgus> (the price last i knew)
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<Lycurgus> *generally
<hayley> Allegro starts at $599 with technical support, if you are an academic user.
<Lycurgus> speaking of random ass pkgs, anybody know where there's a copy of R. Brachmans CLASSIC or CLASSIC2, was supposed to have been distributed to a bunch of unis and
<Lycurgus> sort of interested if I'm missing cl repos in my list of usual suspects
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<lieven> have you tried asking him? he has contact info on his website
<Lycurgus> don't want it that bad
<Lycurgus> more interested in broadening reach for such things
<lieven> if it's not on the old cmu ai server it's probably been lost in time
<Lycurgus> in the papers describing it, it says that one site reimplemented the theory in 5 man weeks in c++
<lieven> or maybe bitsavers although they're more into OSes
<Lycurgus> and that's prolly the way to go folded in with mooting entirely in view of having reviewed how maps to what should be done now with current resources
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<Lycurgus> bitsaves is a known known
<Lycurgus> r
<Lycurgus> ditto ofc for cmu (i actually have the CDs from primetimeai)
<Lycurgus> having a cornell or whereever account would no doubt locate something, enough such since it was supposed to have been distributed to more than 40
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<Josh_2> Good afternoon :trumpet:
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<NotThatRPG> Is minion still here?
<beach> I haven't seen neither minion nor specbot for some time.
<beach> And I don't remember who is in charge these days.
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<NotThatRPG> I was going to give an answer to Lycurgus on their return
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<Lycurgus> NotThatRPG, in re CLASSIC?
<Lycurgus> in any case, this is a publicly logged channel so i'll see ur response
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<yitzi> specbot was last used on 7July.
<NotThatRPG> Lycurgus: yes. I had a copy of it a while ago, when I was working at a different place, and we needed to get a license from Bell Labs to get it.
<yitzi> clhs format
<beach> You can use Colleen for that:
<beach> ::clhs format
<ixelp> CLHS: Function FORMAT
<yitzi> Sure
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<NotThatRPG> Lycurgus: "Classic" is not a great name for doing keyword search!!!
<Lycurgus> no for this purpose in isolation it's useless
<NotThatRPG> Even "Classic" and "description logic" just gives me papers that talk about classic.
<Lycurgus> and in view of your experience with it you agree reimplementing in the stuffs of today is the way to go?
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<Lycurgus> (in which case why would I want to ask permission from Bell Labs or whoever owns it now?)
<NotThatRPG> From Peter Patel-Schneider's page: "Two Classic systems, one written in LISP and one written in C++, are available from Lucent. Non-commercial use requires only the signing of a simple license. Commercial use requires negotaion with Lucent. "
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<NotThatRPG> Lycurgus: If one is interested in description logics, probably the best thing to do would be to build on top of Wilbur, Ora Lassila's RDF-wrangling library
<NotThatRPG> (or interface to the Python library Owlready2)
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<Lycurgus> yeah if that was what focusing indicated i'd like use SUMO
<Lycurgus> the main implementation which happens to be lisp on that
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<Lycurgus> *likely;but will check out Wilbur which i don't recall, ty!
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<Lycurgus> my bad, the SUMO thing (adam pease) i was referencing is java, after saying lisp i thought that sounded wrong and was maybe prolog
<Lycurgus> which i have zero problem using vs going to Mr Corporate Evil hat in hand
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<NotThatRPG> Lycurgus: Prolog is probably the best paradigm for interacting with RDF or OWL. OWL is really a *database* or *logic* language. It *looks like* an object-oriented language, but most emphatically is not.
<Lycurgus> aye
<NotThatRPG> I have seen many projects founder trying to translate OWL to some object system. It's a terrible idea.
<Lycurgus> but i'll use a java thing
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<NotThatRPG> I'm not a fan of those Java libraries -- I have found them to be bloated, have enormous dependency tails and I have never been able to wrap my heads around them. I hear good things about Owlready, and it's always easier to find a path into a Python library than a Java one.
<Lycurgus> are you referring specifically to SigmaKEE?
<NotThatRPG> (also the authors' seem to be confused and think that javadoc is "documentation").
<NotThatRPG> No, RDFLib, OWLAPI, etc.
<Lycurgus> ah, ok
<Lycurgus> not RPG IV or not Role Playing Game?
<NotThatRPG> That stuff all sits below Protege, and it's part of why (IMO) Protege is unmaintainable.
<NotThatRPG> Not Richard P. Gabriel
<Lycurgus> ah
<Lycurgus> yeah Protege is like Eclipse only moreso
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<Lycurgus> but flake and/or rot isn't an inherent property of java
<NotThatRPG> Lycurgus: No, but Java + enormous library I do think leads to rot. The way Java forces (or just encourages) people to throw functionality into arbitrary class definitions makes it painfully difficult to figure out where the functionality you want lives. Also the fact that you have to use Eclipse + some inscrutable build tool. I find Python much more welcoming because it's a lot easier to just fire up a library and
<NotThatRPG> experiment with it. YMMV
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<Lycurgus> Wilbur looks like it would demonstrate the earlier mentioned sense of solidity of an implementation
<Lycurgus> but yeah, agree RDF stuff wants to be in prolog
<Lycurgus> bbl
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<Lycurgus> and do find I had Wilbur bookmarked
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<Shinmera> beach: I think it was stassats last, but he's not active on IRC often anymore.
<beach> That's my impression as well.
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<Shinmera> Either way, if there's something missing from Colleen that would be useful, lmk.
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<|3b|> people on #common-lisp.net could restart it, but apparently it currently is banned by the server :/
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<aeth> minion?
<aeth> I'm not surprised if minion got banned by the network because it didn't do exponential dropoff on its reconnect attempts so it would regularly (maybe several times a year) reconnect flood #lisp (but not here?) and a few other channels every few years.
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<aeth> or maybe closer to once a year?
<aeth> Oh wait, this network isn't that old, so probably twice a year
<|3b|> yeah, probably due to that
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<mi6x3m> hey, is there a way to "extend" loop to support something like "loop for each line in file foo.txt"
<mi6x3m> or is it better to defmacro for-each-line in file / in string
<|3b|> not portably
<|3b|> you can replace it with a different extensible iteration construct like iterate, or replace it with an extensible implementation of LOOP, or possibly use implementation-specific extension hooks
<|3b|> though for that specific case, (loop for line = (read-line stream nil stream) until (eql line stream) ...) is fairly idiomatic
<|3b|> or (loop for line = (read-line stream nil) while line ...), since READ-LINE can't return a NIL normally unlike READ
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<mi6x3m> |3b|, thanks but will it work with = alone?
<mi6x3m> I thought you have to specify read-line 2 times
<|3b|> (loop for x = (...)) evaluates (...) on every iteration, and doesn't terminate on its own
<|3b|> (loop for x = (a) then (b)) evaluates (a) on the first iteration to initialize x, then (b) on every subsequent iteration, and similarly doesn't include any termination test
<mi6x3m> well, yes, then I need no macro
<|3b|> in this case we want the same thing on all iterations, so we don't need the THEN variant
<mi6x3m> always thought = (...) evaluates only 1 time like in (do ...
<|3b|> if you want something that only evaluates and initializes once, you can use (loop with x = (...)), which only sets X once before the loop (and thus only evaluates (...) once as well)
<mi6x3m> yep, thanks, no macro then
<mi6x3m> it was all based on stupid assumptions
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<mi6x3m> |3b| is there an official documentation on all the loop variants somewhere?
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro LOOP
<mi6x3m> I think that's why I was so confused
<|3b|> yeah, that's it. see the link to http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw60/CLHS/Body/06_a.htm in it
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 6.1
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<|3b|> FOR = i mean
<mi6x3m> damn
<mi6x3m> thanks
<mi6x3m> I found it, I can't believe I was so asumptious
<|3b|> that is (a html formatted version of a draft of) the official standard of the CL language, so fairly official, and has all the details once you learn to find them
<|3b|> as a standard it isn't always the easiest to find things in though, since it is more intended for specifying than educating
<|3b|> nice once you get used to it, but that can take a while :)
* |3b| is referring specifically to the "common lisp hyperspec" aka "CLHS" at that link, not the whole lispworks.com site, just to be clear.
<|3b|> and http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/index.htm might be a better link for the clhs, though probably the same contents as your link
<ixelp> Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM)
<|3b|> lispworks.com is a specific vendor who sells an implementation of common lisp, and who made that html version of (a draft of) the standard, so other things on the site are probably specific to the lispworks implementation
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<aeth> the hyperspec isn't the easiest to navigate because it's vintage 1990s HTML
<aeth> each tiny section gets its own page instead of having larger pages with a navigation sidebar like, say, a 2005 site would have
<aeth> it says copyright 1996-2005 but I think the only change in 2005 is changing the background to white instead of the ugly original background color like the 1990s internet would have used
<|3b|> yeah, that too
<aeth> (I think the navigation images are a bit different from the original, too, but it still uses navigation images like a 1996 site)
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