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<RavenJoad> I am dipping my toes into CLOS right now, and have stumbled across a problem. I get a SIMPLE-ERROR while computing the class precedence list of VERILOG-GENERATOR. The HDL-GENERATOR class is simultaneously a forward referenced class and is a direct superclass of VERILOG-GENERATOR. I get the error from a function in a separate package that uses an instance of the VERILOG-GENERATOR class. The code is readable at
<ixelp> chil/source/backends at flet-nested-defun · KarlJoad/chil · GitHub
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<bike> RavenJoad: you can't compute the class precedence list if there are forward referenced superclasses (because how would you)
<bike> make sure everything's fully defined before you get to making instances
<RavenJoad> That I understand; I am referencing HDL-GENERATOR in VERILOG-GENERATOR when HDL is not yet defined. What I do not understand is why this referencing is happening. In a Sly REPL, I do '(asdf:load-system :chil :force t) (in-package :chil)', and then call a function which makes an instance of VERILOG for testing. Shouldn't all the classes be defined and loaded into that REPL?
<RavenJoad> That test function just does (with-open-file (...) (generate (make-instance 'verilog-generator) ...)).
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<bike> I think I see the problem
<ixelp> chil/source/backends/base.lisp at main · KarlJoad/chil · GitHub
<bike> you probably want an (in-package #:chil/backends) in there.
<bike> without that hdl-generator will be defined in cl-user or some weirdness
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<RavenJoad> bike: I completely missed that! Thanks for picking that out. That fixed it.
<RavenJoad> You probably hit the nail on the head about what the symbols' final names would expand to. Thanks for finding that!
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<jackdaniel> paulapatience: assuming slots by the mixin is fine if it is properly documented. even better if the mixin methods use accessors (not slots), then you may require that certain functions are specialized on the class
<jackdaniel> paulapatience: another option is to define these slots in the mixin - if the target class has slots of the same name then they will be "merged" into a single slot
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<McParen> does anyone know how to determine the "width" of a character when displayed on the screen? the width of ascii chars is 1, but many unicode chars are wider and cant be easily aligned
<McParen> their length in a string are still counted as 1, but they mostly take up more than one cell on the screen.
<beach> That would depend on the font.
<McParen> assuming "standard" terminal fonts?
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<McParen> For example (length (princ-to-string (code-char #x2614))) => 1
<McParen> How can I get that to return 2, which is the "observed" width on screen.
<McParen> well, wrong, a better example would be #x1f60e, #\SMILING_FACE_WITH_SUNGLASSES
<cage> McParen: i tryed with wcswidth(3)
<cage> but with no luck :(
<beach> McParen: A string contains individual characters. So when you print a character to a string, it will occupy one element position.
<McParen> hi cage, trying that would be my plan B, I hoped that there is some lisp function that already does that.
<cage> hi McParen! :)
<beach> McParen: So the length of the string to which you have printed one character is always going to be 1.
<McParen> beach, i am aware of that. thats why i hoped that there is a "width" function equivalent to length, but which returns the width actually visible on a screen.
<beach> Such a function would have to be supplied with the font information. I suggest you check out McCLIM which has such functions.
<cage> McParen: i wish thre was a function too! :)
<cage> some more hints could be found from the elisp function 'string-width', perhaps
<McParen> beach: in a simple terminal output, the calling code would not be aware of the font used for outut.
<McParen> cage, i'll let you know if I find that out. "wide" unicode emojis are used so often nowadays, it is basically impossible to correctly wrap and align messages if the width cant be correctly determined.
<McParen> the ncurses author even suggests to simply print text containing wide chars to a non-displayed window, then calc the width from the cursor position, but that sounds like an awful hack.
<cage> McParen: thanks!
<cage> McParen: "the ncurses..." this could be the plan C :))
<cage> i agree it is a not so nice hack :)
<cage> McParen: i steppend into the same problem, because of emoji
<McParen> emacs (char-width ?😎) => correctly returns 2, basically this would be what i'm looking for, just for cl.
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<McParen> sadly char-width it is not implemented in elisp, but in heavy macro-using C.. well.
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<McParen> hey cage, i think i got wcwidth to corectly calc the width of emoji chars.
<McParen> wcwidth is a standard libc function, so it is always available, provided a cffi wrapper is added. seems to have worked for the few tests I've made.
<McParen> what it does not determine correctly are printed control chars like "^A", but that can be done manually.
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<cage> McParen: great!
<cage> i tried to wrap that functions some months ago but i guess i am just not good with FFI
<cage> McParen: looking forward to look at the code :)
<cage> does "^A" returns 0?
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<McParen> cage: no, non-printable chars (control chars, newline) return -1.
<cage> this value makes sense to me, for non printable chars
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<pjb> (char-code (character "")) #| --> 1 |#
<pjb> (char-code (character "
<pjb> McParen: The "width" of a character when displayed on the screen depends on the font used to display the character. So you must use a function in your GUI that let you determine that. For example, if you used MCL (eg. MCLGUI), you would do: (font-codes-string-width "c" font-face-code mode-size-code). If you used Cocoa, you'd do: [@"c" sizeWithAttributes: [fontDescriptor fontAttributes]]
<cage> yes, but in this specific scenario the program uses a text terminal interface
<pjb> Oh, in that case, yes, ncurses has a function for that.
<cage> unfortunately seems that it does not :(
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<cage> McParen had success wrapping wcwidth(3)
<pjb> Nice.
<cage> all merit to McParen :)
<pjb> It feel strange to use such characters on a terminal anyways…
<cage> it is useful for emoji and other characters of the same kind
<cage> for example you used the horizontal ellipsis and this character could benefit from a "stretch", so to say :)
<cage> it is a bit too short for my eyes :)
<pjb> :-)
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<McParen> pjb: double-width emojis are used often even here on libera. on other irc networks, theyre literally everywhere.
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<McParen> most asian chars will likely also be double-width.
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<Nilby> It's a horrible mess. Unicode doesn't define it. wcwidth isn't always right. Emacs gets it wrong frequently. Sadly there is no way to be completely right because it depends on the terminal implementation and even what font you are using. ncurses author is correct saying the only way is to test in a given terminal set up, which is very annoying and time consuming.
<cage> iteresting!
<Nilby> even if wcwidth and the terminal match on a given system, you might be displaying in a terminal on a remote system which doesn't match.
<Nilby> oh, and they add seem to add emojis every day
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<Nilby> my opinion is unicode should define it, and publish it in yet another data file, which everything will have to periodically update to like heckin time zones
<cage> aren't the emoji define by unicode?
<Nilby> yes, but the widths in a terminal aren't
<pjb> Well, unicode doesn't impose a font, you could have a high res terminal with very packed emojis :-)
<pjb> and each emoji could have a different pixel width.
<pjb> proportional emojis!
<cage> yes, i guess the author of a font could just ignore the width recommended by unicode
<cage> if this is true i think the problem is difficult to solve :(
<Nilby> "normal" people don't care because they don't look at things in terminals or code. in non-fixed width world it's a given that you always have work it out with the font or even the display engine
<Nilby> you'd think that programmers that work in fixed width so much would work it out for themselves
<Nilby> Sorry for the rant. This has been driving me crazy for years.
<cage> i can undertand your feelings :)
<cage> text rendering is always hard, both in GUI and in TUI!
<bike> i would think that depending on how the rendering works the width of a character might not even be well-defined, since you can have characters combine into fancy digraphs and such things
<cage> yes, ligatures as well
<bike> oh yeah, that's the right word.
<Nilby> Terminals can't do that, so you'd think it would be easier, but no. Even in web things you have monospaced sections that you'd kind of expect to look like terminal. And even terminals rendered in browser engines are popular.
<cage> i think we all could agree that yes, it is a mess :-D
<habamax> some terminals are happy to render ligatures
<cage> even in GUI the width of a string is not a simple concept, IIRC, for example, in pango library there was something like "ink width", the bounding box that warp all the pixel of the rendered string and the string width that usually has a bigger area than the first
<cage> habamax: and emoji can be composed of more than one character too O_O
<cage> i mean more than one character that neesd to be rendered as a single one
<cage> *needs
<habamax> just tried st -- it can render some emojis
<ixelp> untitled - asciinema
<cage> habamax: is emacs29 that is able to group emoji the way you shown?
<habamax> yep
<cage> nice, thanks!
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<habamax> ✌️
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<cage> 😃
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<McParen> ⛵
<cage> :D :D :D
<McParen> reminds me of zawinski's law: "Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can." but applied to emojis.
<McParen> at least theyre not animated. (yet.)
<cage> i have some code just to recognize if a character is an emoji and i can guarantee that is not exactly the most elegant code out there :)
<cage> McParen: yes, maybe in the future, who knows :)
<McParen> it is inevitable.
<McParen> i will refuse to die until i see small unicode sailboats sailing left to right in an terminal irc client and being chased by a unicode shark emoji.
<cage> there is blinking text already, with animated emoji terminal output will resemble webpage from the '90 :)
<cage> McParen: 🤣
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<jcowan> Nilby: The EastAsianWidth table doesn't necessarily match duowidth fonts, but it's a good approximation. And with a few exceptions, Unicode releases annually.
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<remexre> I just measure the wcwidth at runtime in my code 👀
<remexre> using \x1b[6n to get the column number
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<cage> I am learning a lot of things today!
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