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<coderdan> Is there a way I can rewrite this snippet so that I can use (plusthree 4) without needing funcall? (let ((plusthree (alexandria:curry '+ 3))) (funcall plusthree 4))
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<paulapatience> Use flet or serapeum:fbind
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<coderdan> paulapatience: serapeum:fbind is exactly what I want, thanks!
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<paulapatience> Is (alphanumericp c) guaranteed to be the same as (and (alpha-char-p c) (digit-char-p c))?
<aeth> or, not and, right?
<ixelp> CLHS: Function ALPHANUMERICP
<aeth> (digit-char-p #\1) => 1
<aeth> so it's defined as (or (alpha-char-p x) (not (null (digit-char-p x))))
<aeth> That isn't really good style, though. NULL is meant to test for '() so NOT NOT would probably make more sense to convert a value to a T/NIL rather than NOT NULL.
<aeth> as in, the empty list
<beach> NULL can also be used to test for the symbol NIL and the default value NIL returned by some operators.
<char[m]> Certainly (not (not... is also not ideal style though
<beach> char[m]: That should never be required. If the innermost form returns a Boolean, then just return it. And if not, then NOT should not be the innermost operator.
<aeth> (or (alpha-char-p x) (and (digit-char-p x) t))
<aeth> is a much clearer way to write it
<aeth> (to write ALPHANUMERICP)
<paulapatience> I meant or of course
<paulapatience> Thanks
<paulapatience> Right, I forgot about digit-char-p's result
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<edgar-rft> (defun alpha-char-p (x) (find x '(#\α #\Α)))
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<doulos05> Is there a way I can specify a branch or tag when installing a script via `ros install`?
<doulos05> nvm, I found it in the code
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<NotThatRPG> Should CL do macroexpansion on the body of DECLAIM? I think I have found that SBCL does expand macros inside the body (specifically inside a FUNCTION form inside an FTYPE declaration) but Allegro does not. The spec says the body isn't *evaluated* but doesn't say whether it's macro-expanded. Is one of these two implementations wrong, or is this an allowable variation?
<bike> declaration specifiers are not forms. they should not be macroexpanded.
<beach> I am pretty sure macro expansion is done only in a context of evaluation.
<bike> i'm not sure i understand what you mean by a function form inside an ftype declaration. do you mean a function _type_? there shouldn't be any forms.
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<NotThatRPG> What I was trying to do was to cut out the verbosity of having to declare return values as (values <real return values> &optional) to avoid the possibility of their being additional return values.
<NotThatRPG> So I wrote a macro called ONLY-VALUES &rest values that expands to that form. Interestingly, it seems to work on SBCL and errors out on Allegro.
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<NotThatRPG> Interestingly, trivial-macroexpand-all seems to follow Allegro and not expand inside a `FUNCTION` form.
<beach> As bike said, only forms are macroexpanded.
<NotThatRPG> I guess the short answer is that I would need to write a macro that wraps around declaim, and replaces `only-values` forms.
<bike> NotThatRPG: you can use deftype for that, if i understand you correctly
<bike> (deftype only-values (&rest values) `(values ,@values &optional))
<NotThatRPG> bike: Oh, neat! I had never thought of that!
<bike> I believe internally sbcl defines an 'sfunction' type so that (sfunction (foo) bar) = (sfunction (foo) (values bar &optional))
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<beach> Do you mean just FUNCTION on the right?
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<bike> yes, oops
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<count3rmeasure> curious if anyone knows of selenium bindings for common lisp (or scheme!) or something that would help with automating web accessibility checking
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