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<paulapatience> Can gensyms be used as internal unique IDs if they are converted to strings? In other words, will gensym ever produce a symbol during a Lisp session that, when converted to a string, may clash with a later-produced gensym also converted to a string?
<zyni-moe> Yes
<zyni-moe> There are parameters which control the names gensym makes: you can adjust them
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<paulapatience> Wait, yes they can be used as unique IDs, or yes they will clash? (Sorry for the ambiguous formulation.)
<paulapatience> Ah, well if gensym-counter is manually changed they could clash when converted to strings.
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<zyni-moe> they can clash. (values (let ((*gensym-counter gensym-counter*)) (gensym)) (let ((*gensym-counter gensym-counter*)) (gensym)))
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<zyni-moe> will make two symbols with the same name (or if I had made no mistakes it would)
<paulapatience> Ok thanks
<zyni-moe> sorry for delay is hard to type on stupid device
<Gleefre> There is a deprecated way of using GENSYM by passing a counter value instead of name, which makes it even easier to get clashing names.
<Gleefre> (gensym 0) ; => #:G0 (string= (gensym 0) (gensym 0)) ; => T
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<edgar-rft> paulapatience: Common Lisp has functions like GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME that can help you to produce unique symbol names based on timestamps
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<pjb> paulapatience: why allocate a symbol if you only need a string? (defvar *counter* 0) (loop repeat 3 collect (format nil "G~A" (incf *counter*))) #| --> ("G1" "G2" "G3") |#
<pjb> if you need unique strings, you may generate UUIDs (there are libraries to do that).
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<paulapatience> pjb: Yes, I decided to go with the custom counter method. Thanks
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