jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<srji> hello
<beach> Hello srji.
<srji> im trying to get familiar with generating lisp code
<beach> Generating it from what?
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<srji> im trying to generate similar defmacros just the name is changed
<srji> here is my code
<Mrtn[m]> g
<Mrtn[m]> ood Idea 💡
<srji> (loop for item in '(primary secondary success danger warning info light)
<srji> collect `(defmacro btn-,item (&body body) (btn (:type ,(format nil "~a" item)) ,@body)))
<beach> srji: Please use a paste site for more than one line of code. For instance plaster.tymoon.eu.
<srji> ok sry
<beach> OK, so you can't build a symbol that way.
<beach> You would have to build the symbol in the loop, using things like concatenate (to build a name) and INTERN to build the symbol form the name.
<srji> so here is the code https://pastebin.com/KKP2pLD4
<ixelp> (loop for item in '(primary secondary success danger warning info light) - Pastebin.com
<beach> Like I said...
<srji> what about the ,@body?
<srji> is is trying to eval it
<beach> It looks that way.
<beach> I think you are about to embark on a form where you need nested backquotes. That can be very tricky indeed.
<srji> it is really tricky
<beach> If you give me a few minutes, maybe I can create something.
<srji> of course
<srji> i think i found a solution
<ixelp> (defmacro define-button-macros () `(progn ,@(loop for item in '(primary - Pastebin.com
<beach> Yes, something like that.
<beach> The thing is you need two commas before the FORMAT form.
<srji> you are talking about my first try?
<beach> No.
<beach> But it is better to do that outside the DEFMACRO form.
<srji> to generate the symbol name?
<beach> To generate the strings "primary", ...
<beach> Something like this: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3889#3889
<beach> Or use FORMAT instead of CONCATENATE of course.
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<srji> looks good
<srji> i already use format instead of concatenate
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<beach> Yes, I know. That's why I mentioned it.
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<srji> ty
<beach> yw
<pjb> No, don't use FORMAT to build symbol names.
<beach> Why not?
<pjb> If you use format, you will use ~A but the behavior of ~A depends on the readtable and other *print-…* variables. So you WILL write buggy code.
<beach> Good point.
<pjb> It's more complicated to control the dynamic environment, even with with-standard-io-syntax; simplier to just use concatenate.
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<srji> ok
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<srji> here is the working code https://pastebin.com/WmC2iLy9
<ixelp> (defmacro btn ((&key (type nil) (size nil)) &body body) `(spinneret:with-html - Pastebin.com
<srji> i do not fully understand how this is working
<srji> without using the quote on ',item-name i got a error undefined symbol
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<beach> Your code has several direct violations of the rules stated on page 13 of the LUV slides by Norvig and Pitman.
<srji> i dont know these slides
<srji> be specific?
<beach> For example: WHEN should be used only in a context where the value is not used.
<beach> And the test form of WHEN should be a Boolean.
<srji> a ok, i thought of when as shorter way of if
<Inline> there's no then part to when
<beach> It is shorter. But short is not always the most readable.
<Inline> err there's no else part to when
<srji> so better to use cond in this context?
<beach> IF is fine.
<beach> (if (null ,type) nil (format...))
<beach> Or rather (if (null ,type) '() (format...))
* beach takes a break.
<srji> first i came up with (if ,type (format ...) then i decided this could also be a (when
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<beach> srji: Semantically, they are the same, but the LUV slides are not about semantics, but about communication between programmers.
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<srji> which is important. it is hard to think about technical stuff and at the same to think about design oder readability of code
<srji> *same time
<srji> s/oder/or
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<beach> It becomes easier over time. Just like it gets easier over time to write technical documents with the reader in mind.
<beach> But I guess if you believe Steven Pinker, it doesn't get easier for everyone. I am thinking of his book "The Sense of Style".
<beach> So I guess there must be programmers that never learn as well.
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