jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<cmack> |3b|: just saw the branch news. wow, thanks! I'll give it a try
<cmack> I almost got started down that path when life interrupted my lisp time.
<cmack> have the khronos spec xmls got to a point and are similar enough where a cl-khronos-generator would be worth extracting?
<|3b|> probably not, or at most only the recent ones
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<|3b|> i think vk and xr might have some similarity, but not sure if it is enough to be particularly useful
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<Duuqnd> If I do (multiple-value-bind (value exists-p) (gethash key hash-table) (remhash key hash-table) [...]), can VALUE become unbound after REMHASH (for no apparent reason)? Because that seems to be happening to me. I get a #<unbound> returned sometimes.
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<beach> I don't think so.
<beach> What implementation is this?
<Duuqnd> SBCL
<Duuqnd> I thought it would be odd if this was normal behaviour, I guess I must have some other bug related to this
<Duuqnd> But it does go away if I remove the REMHASH...
<beach> Can you create a small example that demonstrates the behavior?
<Duuqnd> I tried making one just now, but it didn't do it
<Duuqnd> So I'm not sure what the minimum code for causing this is
<bike> the behavior you're describing sound like a bug, so if you can reproduce it it's worth noting
<Duuqnd> I'll try, but fwiw I suspect I just messed something up with multithreading, somehow
<Duuqnd> Though I don't think I'm calling this function from more than one thread...
<Duuqnd> (or anything related)
<beach> I suppose if VALUE is a special variable, it could become unbound, but then you would get an error signaled instead of some funny object.
<Duuqnd> Could this maybe happen if I'm inserting the value from one thread and waiting for it in a loop in another? Like if (SETF GETHASH) inserts the fact that the value exists before it inserts the actual value?
<Duuqnd> I should probably just throw a semaphore into the waiting thread
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<Duuqnd> or wait that might not be right given what I'm doing
<hayley> Hash table operations are not thread-safe, but this is a very odd failure.
<hayley> Use some other synchronisation, like a mutex or indeed a semaphore, and if that's too slow, ask me about concurrent hash tables.
<Duuqnd> I threw a lock around the parts that use the table, which seems to fix it
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<bike> if you have threads remhashing and gethashing from the same table without synchronization, maybe it's posible that one thread remhashes and another thread gethashes partway through the remhash in such a way that you get an unboundedness marker instead of the default.
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<bike> all kinds of weird crap can happen if you don't synchronize, really
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<NotThatRPG> etimmons: ping?
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<Duuqnd> bike: The getting and removing was done in the same thread, but setting was done from another one
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<NotThatRPG> Anyone have experience with the clfoundation docker images? I am trying to use them with GitHub actions, and I'm finding that quicklisp gets installed somewhere I don't expect when running there -- and it's *not* the same as the location where it's installed when I run the docker image locally.
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<yitzi> NotThatRPG: The GitHub runners make a new home directory and set HOME to it.
<yitzi> NotThatRPG: In my own docker image (I made my own since the cl foundation ones are out of date) I do this https://github.com/yitzchak/archlinux-cl/blob/main/make-rc
<NotThatRPG> yitzi: Thanks!
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<NotThatRPG> It would be nice to get the clfoundation images updated...
<NotThatRPG> It looks close to automated, but I don't have the ability to update them.
<yitzi> I submitted a PR for clasp. Personally, they seem a bit complex for what is intended. Which is why I made a single image with just about every implementation.
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<yitzi> There are instructions here if you want to try it for GitHub CI https://github.com/yitzchak/archlinux-cl
<ixelp> GitHub - yitzchak/archlinux-cl: Docker Arch Linux image with Common Lisp implementations
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<NotThatRPG> yitzi: Thanks!
<yitzi> np
<yitzi> It is currently set to be recreated once a month.
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<NotThatRPG> I'm finding an interesting quicklisp issue. If I have a system, "foo" that is loaded with quickload, and to test that system we must load and run test op on "foo/tests" then ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM is likely to fail, because it won't be able to load "foo/tests" dependencies from the QL dist. So I find I must do (ql:quickload "foo/tests") and then (asdf:test-system "foo") which seems ... undesirable
<NotThatRPG> The only way this seems to be workable is to trick ASDF into treating its LOAD-OP the same way QUICKLOAD would
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<brandflake11> Does anyone here know of any lisp package that would allow me to do 3d plots? Like, I just want to put simple points on a graph with x y z coordinates
<ixelp> CLiki: plotting
<copec> I've been playing with this https://github.com/kaveh808/kons-9
<ixelp> GitHub - kaveh808/kons-9: Common Lisp 3D Graphics Project
<brandflake11> I was just playing with the kons-9 (it's really awesome), but I don't know what I'm doing with it.
<brandflake11> copec: Do you know how to make points with kons-9 using code?
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<brandflake11> Actually, I think I'm going to look into vgplot, as it has a 3d plot example
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