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<jcowan> Which is the more common use case: adding methods to existing generic functions, or defining all methods of a generic function at the same time?
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<beach> The former.
<beach> The very purpose of a generic function is to allow "physical" ("spatial"?) separation between different methods. If the latter were the norm, then an ordinary function with a TYPCASE would do just as well.
<qhong> Is it possible to have a non-thread-local dynamic variable?
<beach> Do you mean that if you bind it in one thread, the binding would be visible in all other threads? I know of no Common Lisp system that could do that.
<mfiano> That is implementation-dependent as the language doesn't mention threads at all.
<qhong> i.e. (let ((*var* value)) body) should be visible to all threads when evaluating BODY. ofc I can define my own GLOBAL-LET which use SETF under the hood but I wonder if it's possible with CL:LET
<mfiano> But, probably not.
<qhong> mfiano: yes I only care about SBCL
<mfiano> No, each thread has its own call stack
<beach> qhong: It would be very hard to implement correctly.
<mfiano> Special variables are dynamic in nature. How would you even implement that?
<qhong> sounds like I can just expand it into (unwind-protect (progn (setq *var* value) body) (setq *var* old-value))?
<jcowan> Represent each such variable as its own little stack (possibly a list)
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<qhong> I think I might come up with a way to do it with standard CL:LET with symbol macro actually
<qhong> Just use standard CL:LET, then let *VAR* expand into sb-thread:symbol-value-in-thread in non main thread
<qhong> I only need to bind it in main thread btw, then I want worker threads to access it
<mfiano> Then use lparallel's worker contexts to propagate them.
<mfiano> Or initial-bindings to bt
<qhong> mfiano: I think those are bound to worker/threads rather than tasks? Unless I restart workers everytime I submit tasks, which sounds wrong
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<mfiano> lparallel allows for dynamic variables to be bound both per task and per thread, and bt can do the latter.
<qhong> how to do it for lparallel task? I didn't see it in the documentation
<qhong> or do you mean I make a closure myself like (let ((var *var*)) (submit-task c (lambda () (let ((*var var)) ...))))
<mfiano> (let ((var *var*)) (lambda () (let ((*var* var)) ...)))
<mfiano> It also has per-worker contexts.
<mfiano> Anyway, with any of this and a bit of code you could do any fancy thread variable binding policies you need, if your implementation supports threads, and sanely in a way that bt can translate.
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<jcowan> I note that () is a valid generic function lambda list, which seems weird given that only one method can exist.
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<aeth> :before, :after, :around?
<aeth> (defgeneric foo ()) (defmethod foo ()) (foo) => NIL
<aeth> (defmethod foo :before () (print "Hello, world!")) => NIL, but now with a side effect.
<aeth> or, rather, the next (foo) is NIL with a side effect
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<jcowan> Point.
<jcowan> So this serves as a way of adding advice to an ordinary niladic function
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<aeth> It wouldn't be immediately obvious that that's what you're supposed to do in such an API, though
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<jcowan> It's still bounded: it allows 4 methods instead of just one, but it isn't much like a polyadic gf.
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<Shinmera> woop, hayley's GC is officially out in SBCL 2.3.8 now :)
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<beach> Great!
<White_Flame> cool
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<nytpu> neat!
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<nytpu> does the "build time option" mean when compiling SBCL itself or when bulding something using SBCL? (and if the latter, is there a way to enable it with ASDF instead of CLI flags?)
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<Shinmera> the former
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<NotThatRPG> Are FASLs compatible across the 2 GCs?
<nytpu> also, are there any plans to make it the default gc in the future or are there too many compatibility concerns? (both with old code, unusual compile-time options, and more obscure hardware, i imagine)
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<NotThatRPG> (just found out that single- and multi-threaded SBCL fasls are not consistent, so ASDF needs to refine how it stores FASLS. Thanks to pmarek!)
<bike> huh, really? that kind of surprises me
<bike> although i guess sbcl is pretty restrictive about moving fasls from build to build
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<nytpu> NotThatRPG, bike: their guarantees seem to be "there is zero compatibility of FASLs between any two SBCL installations", mostly because they don't want to do all the testing needed to ensure capatibility it seems (i.e. there *may* be compatibility but they don't take care to ensure there is)
<NotThatRPG> nytpu, bike Just got an issue reported that single- and multi-threaded builds can't share FASLs. Philipp is apparently testing threaded and unthreaded builds against each other and finding fasl incompatibilities, so asked for ASDF to distinguish (which seems reasonable)
<bike> interesting.
<NotThatRPG> It would be nice to know a set of feature flags that would cause fasl format changes.
<NotThatRPG> bike: Have not even tried to verify (since it's not a huge ask to keep them apart)
<NotThatRPG> Have to go for a while -- back later
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<ixelp> Steel Bank Common Lisp 2.3.8 released: “a mark-region parallel GC is available” | Hacker News
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<hayley> nytpu: Compatibility per se shouldn't be an issue at all, the performance profile might be. And it seems there are still some bugs, though I've been able to run a few big apps without issues.
<hayley> Indeed FASLs are not compatible; they contain compiled code, and the write barrier for the mark-region GC is very slightly different.
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