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<beach> Shinmera: Patreon seems to want monthly contributions, I guess using Debit or Credit cards, yes? Also, the amounts they suggest on the page you linked to are fairly modest. Are those typical contributions?
<aeth> it's not easy to find a random Patreon on Patreon itself without being linked to one, but, yes, the Patreon pages I've seen are usually very modest, often starting at a $1 tier
<beach> Hmm.
<aeth> because e.g. 3000*$1*12 = $36000 and that's the starting tier
<beach> But I just counted the number of patrons for a YourTube channel like "Technology Connection", and counted to around 300.
<beach> The guy would need a bit more than 1USD per patron and month to make that work.
<beach> And, to get back to Shinmera, there might not even be 3000 Lispers in the world. (I could be wrong about that of course).
<aeth> yes, to rely solely on Patreon seems to probably take a few thousand
<beach> Well, bumping the contributions to say 10USD or so would make a big difference, and I can't see that amount being a problem for most contributors.
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<Shinmera> beach: Yes to both. 20$ is already fairly high by Patreon standards.
<beach> I see. I am very surprised.
<Shinmera> I was considering adding a higher tier yet, but couldn't figure out any extra rewards for that tier.
<Shinmera> I've also already received messages from several people asking for a 1$ tier since 5$ was too high for them.
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<beach> Wow!
<beach> That amount seems to me to be mostly symbolic, like giving you moral support.
<Shinmera> It's more that a lot of people that are generous also don't have much money to spare.
<beach> I see. I am learning a lot about this system.
<aeth> one possible guess is that they spend it on a lot of different creators
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<beach> I was just considering that, yes.
<aeth> high tier = spend on one person; $1 tier = spend on a few dozen
<beach> Right.
<semz> Shinmera: doesn't patreon take a rather large cut?
<Shinmera> They take 5% plus the usual processing / taxes / etc.
<semz> must have been thinking of something else then
<Shinmera> Steam takes 30% :)
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<Shinmera> beach: another data point, I currently have 20 patrons at the 5$ level, and 4 at the 20$ level. You can already see the distribution forming there.
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<beach> Indeed. If this is just the start, it is not entirely bad though.
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<Shinmera> I hope it is, but I'm not sure that's the case.
<beach> Of course.
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<White_Flame> beach: another big consideration is that any given patron probably isn't just giving to you, their cost is their average tier multiplied by how many they support
<beach> Yes, we came to that conclusion.
<White_Flame> ...and I wasn't scrolled down all the way. whee
<beach> Heh.
<beach> It still seems to me that a contribution of 1USD is more like a pat on the back than a serious attempt at some real support.
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<White_Flame> better to have a thousand supporters at $1 than one supporter at $1000
<beach> If you say so. I still need to figure this out.
<White_Flame> and yeah, I think it's basically a tip jar that adds up, not actual "patronage" in the classical sense
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<beach> I guess many small contributions makes the total contributions for creators better reflect their relative value to the public.
<beach> White_Flame: Maybe so, and that came as a surprise to me. I was convinced that creators could make a decent living if they had (say) 300 patrons like Technology Connection does.
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<White_Flame> add in youtube ads to that one, too
<beach> Oh, I see.
<Shinmera> I'm not sure that discussing the socioeconomic drives behind donations is very on topic for this channel, regardless of how strongly I (like I'm sure many others) would like to go on a rant about capitalism at this point :)
<beach> Indeed. I'll stop now.
<Shinmera> In more positive lisp news, scymtym will soon be helping me with some Trial stuff. Once that work is done I'll *finally* be able to get started making a proper prototype for the next game.
<Shinmera> Well, that is, provided I don't stumble upon more roadblocks of my own making :)
<Shinmera> karlosz and I are also very close to having a functioning REPL on the nintendo switch, though with that we're currently struggling with some very odd behaviour from the switch c++ APIs we have to use for input/output.
<Shinmera> maybe I'll get the motivation to bash my head against that some more this coming week.
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