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<aeth> is l1sp.org down? it appears to be.
<ixelp> CLHS: Symbol Index
<fosskers> lisp.org itself seems to be up
<beach> aeth: You can use Colleen.
<beach> ::clhs with-input-from-string
<Colleen> Condition USOCKET:NS-HOST-NOT-FOUND-ERROR was signalled.
<beach> Ouch!
<fosskers> Curiously, I asked Zach who owns the domain (the obit link is dead); he said Franz Inc, but they claimed they don't own it either.
<beach> ::clhs car
<Colleen> Condition USOCKET:NS-HOST-NOT-FOUND-ERROR was signalled.
<aeth> l1sp, not lisp, though. l1sp is a documentation search
<beach> Shinmera: I think Colleen has a problem.
<fosskers> aeth pardon me I wasn't looking close enough
<Shinmera> Looks like l1sp.org is down?
<Shinmera> Yea, I think Colleen uses that internally
<Shinmera> Sigh, more things to fix....
<aeth> one of the commands you can use in DuckDuckGo is !l1sp
<aeth> it also has !clhs, but it's not as useful because !l1sp searches symbols (and includes a few more things than just the HyperSpec), while !clhs searches for the body of the hyperspec
<aeth> so e.g., `!clhs setf` will show a lot of pages, paginated, sort of like how Google used to be.
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<aeth> `!l1sp setf` would immediately list every symbol with `setf` as a match
<aeth> probably not the best example
<aeth> I think there might have been another alternative but I can't find it in the list of DDG "bangs" at the moment
<edgar-rft> I usually just use the CLHS symbol index -> http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/X_Symbol.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Symbol Index
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<aeth> If it was all on one page, then Ctrl+F on that would be very fast, yes
<aeth> multiple pages makes !l1sp faster to use most of the time, but if it's down...
<beach> But the point of having a bot show the link here is to show others where to look, rather than looking things up.
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<aeth> the bot could fall back to scraping that since e.g. looking up PROG would mean going to http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/X_Alph_P.htm or perhaps http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/X_Perm_P.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Alphabetical Symbol Index (P)
<aeth> probably the latter, since that gives you multiple-value-prog1
<Shinmera> ::clhs 22.1
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 22.1
<Shinmera> ::clhs if
<ixelp> CLHS: Special Operator IF
<Shinmera> ::clhs glossary/apply
<ixelp> CLHS: Glossary-Section A
<aeth> ::clhs prog
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro PROG, PROG*
<Shinmera> ::clhs #'
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<Shinmera> There we go.
<aeth> oh, right, one result, not a bunch of results
<beach> Shinmera: Thanks!
<Shinmera> No problem. Should have done this all along anyway.
<beach> Colleen is great, but I still miss minion.
<Shinmera> Minion had more flair, yes.
<beach> Did we ever find out who is in charge?
<Shinmera> iirc it used to be Stas
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<beach> Right.
<aeth> I can leave/rejoin #commonlisp a few hundred times if you miss minion that much
<beach> I am not sure what that is supposed to mean.
<aeth> isn't that why minion is gone?
<beach> Because you left/joined #commonlisp a few hundred times?
<edgar-rft> aeth: please leave/rejoin #commonlisp a few hundred times, just to entertain the channel
<aeth> It kept getting "Read error: Connection reset by peer" and then immediately rejoining a minute later and then immediately disconnecting again
<beach> aeth: There is an ERC setting to filter out join/leave messages.
<aeth> 8339 in #lisp in my logs, but only 46 times in here, though.
<aeth> just searching for "Read error"
<aeth> sadly, yes, filtering joins/leaves or at least merging them into one line between messages seems to be increasingly mandatory on IRC, but I have resisted for a while
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<Shinmera> btw colleen can look up in a lot of other libraries as well, not just clhs and mop.
<Shinmera> like pretty much all my libraries are indexed, along with some others
<Shinmera> ::look up trivial-garbage gc
<ixelp> Trivial Garbage
<aeth> what about implementation internals?
<Shinmera> It used l1sp for that, so
<aeth> oh, because e.g. sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die => https://www.sbcl.org/manual/#index-save_002dlisp_002dand_002ddie
<ixelp> SBCL 2.3.7 User Manual
<aeth> and I'm sure the others might have linkable documentation like that as well
<Shinmera> sure.
<aeth> though things like uiop are generally more useful than internals for this channel
<Shinmera> Colleen is open source
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<Shinmera> I'll just leave it at that
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<random-jellyfish> is there a way to serialize continuations?
<beach> Common Lisp does not have first-class continuations.
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<random-jellyfish> I'm using the cl-generator package which behind the scenes uses some implementation of continuations
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<random-jellyfish> it would reaaaaaly useful for me if they were serializable
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<Shinmera> what exactly would it serialise. what if the continuation references a heap object? should that object be serialised? what if multiple continuations reference the same object? should restoring it somehow tie those references back up? what if it references file descriptors or threads or other resources that can't be automatically restored?
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<random-jellyfish> assuming that no heap objects, file descriptors, threads are used by the generator the only things that could be serialized are the state meaning the values of the local variables and the point from which it can be resumed next time it's called
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<Shinmera> yea but you're assuming a lot there, which a library cannot
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<White_Flame> that's also assuming no closures
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<random-jellyfish> yes, assume only a very small subset of the language that doesn't complicate things
<bike> this is all working up to an answer of "no".
<beach> Indeed.
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<jcowan> Specifically, you can't perfectly serialize very much other than what is already representable by syntax (symbols, lists, etc. And even there you can't do symmbols perfectly because packages.
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<Demosthenex> i'm opening a simple lisp program i haven't used in a while, and i've moved to freebsd. i think i need to force quicklisp to recompile all my libs to be in the correct format, anyone know how to get quicklisp to reset without downloading all new releases?
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<bike> if you just want to recompile, you can probably just wipe the asdf cache? it's probably in ~/.cache/common-lisp/. or at least it is on linux, i got no idea about bsd
<Demosthenex> bike: that's likely it! i was looking for sbcl, quicklisp, and asdf in cache
<Demosthenex> hrm. i'm still getting a package lock error
<Demosthenex> https://dpaste.org/QZudw/raw i don't recall locking anything
<mfiano> log4cl is. Try updatin that or all dists with (ql:update-all-dists)
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<Demosthenex> nice. yep, that fixed it
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<montxero> I'm having some trouble with implementing the DELAY macro from SICP Streams.  It seems as if CONS-RIVER is eager in some respects.  Please see https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3927#3927 for my implementation.
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<montxero> Specifically, when I trace (RIVER-ENUMERATE-INTERVAL 1 10), I see it is eagerly evaluated before the SICP type stream is returned
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<bike> cons-river is a function, so when you do (cons-river low (river-enumerate-interval ...)) it will call river-enumerate-interval right then and pass the result to cons-river
<bike> "it will call" -> lisp will call, i mean, before cons-river is even really involved
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<montxero> Ahhhhhhh!!!!
<montxero> I see
<montxero> Thanks
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<montxero> I expected execution to stop when CONS-RIVER gets its arguments. because the second argument is delayed.
<montxero> Hold on.  Shouldn't the DELAY in CONS-RIVER effectively stop execution because delay itself is a MACRO?
<montxero> I think I get it. I'm not sure yet, but I think I do.
<bike> the macro is in the body of cons-river
<bike> but cons-river is a function, and arguments to calls are always evaluated eagerly, regardless of what's in the body of the function being called
<montxero> I see. So, to stop the arguments of CONS-RIVER from being evaluated, I should make it a MACRO right?
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<montxero> (defmacro cons-river (item river)  `(cons ,item (delay ,river)))
<bike> Something along those lines should do it, yeah
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<montxero> I cannot map cons-river
<montxero> Thanks a lot bike. Silly me, now I see from the text: "`Cons-stream' is a SPECIAL FORM defined so that..."  Emphasis mine.
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