jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<doulos05> I need a bit of help with a regex (and a function that will use that regex).
<doulos05> I'm going to get strings like "8\"" or "12\"w/14\"j" and I need to turn those into alists like '(('default . 8)) and '((w . 12) (j . 14)) respectively.
<doulos05> I previously had this regex: \\d+[a-zA-z]?, which matched the segments I needed without the escaped quote in there. But the data source I need to pull from includes the quotes.
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<paulapatience> You could match the quote in the regex and remove it afterwards (if I understand the problem correctly)
<doulos05> Nevermind, as I was typing the next message, I figured out that if I just add \\\" to the right spot, it will match and then, yeah...
<doulos05> Yeah, that's right. That's what I just realized I could do.
<doulos05> My typical rubber ducking buddy is at dinner, sorry folks! lol
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<Josh_2> :skull:
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<Josh_2> Slow day
<beach> Only here. In #sicl, we are discussing adding support for SBCL (and ultimately CCL, ECL, ...) to Trucler.
<beach> And I am working on extracting the code that does incremental parsing of an editor buffer with Common Lisp code to a separate repository. I am making good progress.
<beach> Then, people can use that repository to create their favorite editor for Common Lisp code.
<beach> Trucler (for those who don't know) is a (much more complete and CLOS-based) replacement for the CLtL2 environment protocol.
<agm> ansi cl says that an implementation can treat standard macros as special operators (that is builtins), but it must provide an alternate definition as a lisp macro. why that requirement? do people truly need to expand standard macros, except for learning purposes?
<beach> agm: If you write a code walker, you need to expand macros so that you ultimately get to special operators. Because standard macros do not have standardized expansions.
<beach> agm: If the standard macros were not available as macro functions, then every writer of code walkers would also have to implement the semantics of the 90+ macro definitions, in addition to the 25 or so special operators.
<agm> what's the usual goal of a code walker?
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<beach> The ones I write are compilers. For some reason, the ITERATE macro contains a code walker but I don't know why.
<beach> I am sure others can give you more examples.
<beach> Well, MACROEXPAND-ALL is one that many people want, but that's kind of a circular argument.
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<Alfr> beach, I think for generate clauses and then finding associated use of (next ..).
<beach> Alfr: I take your word for it.
<beach> I really haven't studied ITERATE.
<beach> agm: Does that answer your question?
<rainthree> https://zenodo.org/record/3742759 this debugger/stepper uses a code walker . (note: I don't find this debugger usable at all)
<ixelp> A portable, annotation-based, visual stepper for Common Lisp | Zenodo
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<agm> beach: i think so, thanks
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<beach> Great! If not, ask more.
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<jcowan> Pixel_Outlaw: I write various Lisps in ex, although I switch to vi-mode so I can bounce on the % key
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