jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<jcowan> bike: Yes, that was a bad example: 1 not being a cons is obvious. I was really thinking of more complex type inference.
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<bike> i think it basically always does some level of inference. i can't ifgure out any optimization settings that will make it shut up about (car (1+ x))
<jcowan> Oh good, just what I wanted to hear. Thanks. I am arguing that CL is a perfectly good statically typed programming language if you don't abuse it/
<jcowan> they were talking about a program which used a pair to represent two integers, and then needed a third integer so changed everything to use a list
<jcowan> but then forgot to change one instance of "(cdr x)" to "(second x)", all die, oh the embarrassment
<jcowan> and this (I quote) "soured [them] on dynamically typed programming languages"
<jcowan> well, says I, if the matter was critical (and it was, apparently), use classes/structs and type declarations instead of conses and lists
<jcowan> s/used a pair to represent two integers/used a cons to rrepresent a pair of integers/
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<hayley> jcowan: It generally helps to _try_ to use types. Saw similar where someone suggested to use classes in Python rather than dictionaries, which makes for a poor baseline.
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<fosskers> helps == the compiler can optimize them better?
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<hayley> Perhaps, but that's not really what I meant. More that your code would be better off if you don't play loose with types.
<hayley> (Someone once suggested that Lisp compilers couldn't optimise around vectors and other classes, only lists. This is of course dead wrong.)
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<milo__> hello folks, im a noob to both irc and lisp so i hope im doing this right. I'm looking for advice about effectively using the built-in debugger. It never seems to work for me. listing local variables doesn't seem to work and the other features haven't given me much useful info. I think I might not be compiling with debug information. how do I do so when I'm loading the lisp file directly?
<light> more information is required
<beach> milo__: The debugger depends on the Common Lisp implementation you are using.
<beach> milo__: The best bet is to use Emacs with SLIME. It has a feature that makes the "debugger" appear uniform across implementations, and you have single keystrokes to examine variables.
<beach> milo__: That said, I always do (proclaim '(optimize (debug 3))) in my startup file to get the maximum debug information.
<beach> milo__: Oh, and you might want to join #clschool. This channel is not really for newbie questions, although they are tolerated to some extent, especially when it is otherwise quiet here.
<milo__> ok, thanks. i didn't realize the implimentation varied. Is there any avoiding using slime or no?
<milo__> it seems to be the only option for a common lisp ide. i've just been using neovim since i use it for everything but it doesn't seem to be the right tool
<beach> milo__: There is some stuff for VIM I think, but I don't know the quality.
<beach> milo__: I fear that without the use of Emacs and either SLIME or SLY, your experience with Common Lisp will be disappointing.
<milo__> ok, I guess i'll bite the bullet. thanks for the help and I'll go to #clschool if i have further questions
<beach> milo__: For VIM, the names "slimv" and "vlime" come up here regularly, but I don't know anything about them.
<milo__> it seems like the best option would be to try slime first to learn lisp the "correct" way, and using that knowledge it will be easier to set up vim for it
<beach> milo__: I take your word for it.
<aeth> fwiw, swank (what SLIME uses) support seems to be fairly widespread these days. https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/editor-support.html
<ixelp> Editor support
<aeth> so the experience is probably not as bad as it used to be
<aeth> Emacs is almost certainly going to be the best experience, though.
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<equwal> vim stuff is low quality in my opinion, I use emacs with evil in it now
<equwal> I like sly/slynk more than slime now though
<equwal> and the debugger is extra good so I wanted to mention it...
<equwal> Look at stickers for example https://joaotavora.github.io/sly/#Stickers
<ixelp> SLY User Manual, version 1.0.42
<equwal> I've had limited success getting it working in spacemacs, if you are a total noob it is probably worth considering https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/13080 https://github.com/equwal/common-lisp-sly
<ixelp> Include mfiano's sly package/layer for common-lisp · Issue #13080 · syl20bnr/spacemacs · GitHub
<equwal> vlime is alright in vim but expect it to be buggy as hell because the SLIME project is hostile to anyone actually using swank outside of emacs
<equwal> really need to fork swank like slynk did
<equwal> I made a whole project to deal with that problem...https://github.com/equwal/defsl/
<ixelp> GitHub - equwal/defsl: Dependencies from the lisp macro system, not the reader.
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<milo__> despite what i said earlier im trying out vlime because i really don't want to install and set up emacs right now. it will certainly be better than vanilla vim with sbcl running in another window
<equwal> last time I used vlime the master branch was completely broken thanks to swank changing the interface for the millionth time
<equwal> with git bisect I was able to find where the incompatibility happened and make a patch which worked for a little while
<milo__> that sounds terrible
<equwal> yes, someone needs to fork swank for vim use, but vlime hasn't done that
<ixelp> Spacemacs: Emacs advanced Kit focused on Evil
<equwal> spacemacs come with evil
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<pkal> equwal: watch out, spacemacs is said to be a dying project
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<Josh_2> Hey :trumpet:
<Josh_2> Has anyone here used CLOG in commercial software?
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<didi> Is it possible to expand a macro where a `labels's definition is? For example, (labels ((my-macro fn-name)) ...) -> (labels ((fn-name (...) ...)) ...)
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<beach> didi: No, macro forms can occur only in a context of evaluation.
<didi> beach: Thank you.
<beach> Sure. That's why they are called "macro FORMS".
<didi> ic
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<Josh_2> Maybe I can trail blaze with CLOG in commercial software
<didi> Uh, fancy: I can expand macros inside `macrolet' in slime.
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<beach> You mean macro forms with macro names introduced by MACROLET?
<didi> beach: Indeed I do.
<beach> If so, that's not entirely suprising.
<beach> *surprising
<gko`> XCy
<beach> When the compiler sees a MACROLET, it creates a macro function and enters that macro function into the compilation environment, so that macro forms mentioning it can be expanded by the compiler later on. For SLIME to do that, it would have to run the compiler, and somehow intercept the augmented compilation environment.
<beach> gko`: ?
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<Josh_2> CLIM in web when (not when I do it)
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<ixelp> CLIM 2 Specification — Common Lisp Interface Manager CLIM II Specification
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<Josh_2> Thanks :joy:
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