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<jackdaniel> call it smalllisp :)
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<contrapunctus> minion: memo for pve - any link to this Smalltalk-in-Lisp?
<minion> memo for pve - any link to this Smalltalk-in-Lisp: I can't be expected to work when CLiki doesn't respond to me, can I?
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<pve> contrapunctus: sure, it's here:
<ixelp> GitHub - pve1/symbolic-smalltalk-core
<contrapunctus> pve: oh, just started 5 days ago 🙂
<pve> what started?
<pve> that system is mainly concerned with getting the stuff in this diagram working:
<ixelp> Smalltalk-80 - Album on Imgur
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<pve> not the numbers, but everything else.. it's a strange ouroboros of classes and metaclasses, so the experience has been "interesting", to say the least
<pve> oh, you mean the repository started 5 days ago.. yeah, I just recently cleaned it up and put it on github, been working on it on and off for much longer
<pve> i've a parser too for smalltalkish-like syntax, but it's not on github yet
<pve> looks like it could use some documentation too ;)
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<pve> but what's currently working (and what I'm most proud of) is that the classes themselves respect the class hierarchy, so when a message is sent to the class itself, the methods defined on the superclasses can also be used.
<pve> so that's different from specializing on, say, (eql (find-class 'foo))
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<beach> Is it just me, or is it the case that the ANSI test suite does not build in a very nice way?
<beach> Maybe my version is old. I should probably update it.
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<beach> Also, I wish it were easier to run the tests on a bunch of "extrinsic" operators. By that I mean that I have a library that defines standard operators, but not in the CL package, so that it can be loaded into an existing implementation without clobbering the existing operators, and I would like to run the ANSI tests on the operators defined in that library.
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<beach> I guess if each function had a single entry point associated with it, and that entry point were passed the function as an argument, that might work.
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<jackdaniel> beach: you may discuss that with yitzi, he is very active recently on ansi-test repository
<jackdaniel> as of the loading - it is based on makefile and bare calls to load, because when you test an incomplete common lisp implementation you can't sanely assume that asdf system will work
<beach> Oh, excellent! Then it is likely that my version is old.
<beach> Hmm, yes, I see.
<jackdaniel> it is also important to note that while we maintain ansi-test repository on common-lisp.net, pfdietz works on his own version that contains random testers and other goods - that's something I'd very much like to backport at some point if time and energy permits
<jackdaniel> (and in a matter of fact pfdietz should be in charge of "our" ansi-test suite but I don't recall him expressing any interest in that)
<beach> I guess I missed all this recent work. Thanks for letting me know.
<ixelp> ansi-test / ansi-test · GitLab
<jackdaniel> (needless to say he is listed as an owner on the former too)
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<pjb> beach: if you want to run ansi-tests, without modifying it, you may have some luck by redefining cl-user::defpackage and cl-user::in-package. Have a look at Image Based Development http://informatimago.free.fr/i/develop/lisp/com/informatimago/small-cl-pgms/ibcl/index.html and https://gitlab.com/com-informatimago/com-informatimago/-/tree/master/small-cl-pgms/ibcl
<ixelp> Common Lisp - Image Based Development
<ixelp> small-cl-pgms/ibcl/ibcl.lisp · master · com-informatimago / com.informatimago · GitLab
<pjb> However if ansi-tests uses qualified symbols eg. CL:CAR, then you may need to use a reader macro instead.
<pjb> But in the context of sicl and in general of tools for implementation writters, ansi-tests should be written with that level of indirection, so a big patch would be in order, if it doesn't already have it (which I doubt).
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<beach> Thanks.
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<random-jellyfish> does the use of (values ...) to return multiple values affect the execution speed of an inlined function?
<random-jellyfish> I noticed that inlining some functions makes them much faster, in sbcl at least
<_death> it could.. so you need to measure
<hayley> The SBCL compiler should see through VALUES in an inlined function, I believe.
<jackdaniel> inlining is like the single best optimization compilers can make (if they can of course)
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<random-jellyfish> okay I'll do some measurements
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<beach> I would expect the amount of work the function does to be more significant than whether it uses multiple values.
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<random-jellyfish> (declaim (inline to-unsigned-bit))
<random-jellyfish> (defun to-unsigned-bit (x n)
<random-jellyfish>   (values (logand x (1- (ash 1 n))) n))
<random-jellyfish> this is the function, it saves the least significant n bits of an integer and zeroes out the rest
<jackdaniel> why does it return two values if the second value is the identity of the second argument? (just curious)
<random-jellyfish> with values it also returns the number of bits
<beach> For a fixnum, that's a very small amount of work, so the call overhead would be significant.
<beach> random-jellyfish: What if you have a similar function but without multiple values?
<beach> I would expect a similar observation then.
<random-jellyfish> I have an entire library of bit level operations and I'm thinking of also returning the bit width of the result because in some cases it's not equal to one of the arguments
<pjb> you could abstract it into a structure: (defstruct word width bits) (defun to-unsigned-bit (x n) (make-word :width n :bits (logand x (1- (ash 1 n))))) (to-unsigned-bit 42 16) #| --> #S(word :width 16 :bits 42) |#
<jackdaniel> ah, an uniform interface, makes sense
<random-jellyfish> for example when I want to concatenate the bits of two integers into a bigger integers
<jackdaniel> yes, I see now, thanks for explaining
<random-jellyfish> it's a lot of work to do this change to all the functions and I was wondering if you guys have an intuition about the performance impact it might have
<random-jellyfish> right now I only return one integer result, I don't return the bit width
<pjb> For optimization sake, you may want to avoid the multiple values, since you already know the width in the caller.
<pjb> But you may have operations that compute a new width. Eg, (multiply a wa b wb) --> a*b wa+wb
<random-jellyfish> yeah maybe just change the ones that compute a new width
<random-jellyfish> those are fewer
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<random-jellyfish> and run some benchmarks on them
<jackdaniel> random-jellyfish: if the function is inlined, the the compiler should figure out how to handle multiple values here without much issue
<jackdaniel> otherwise ~~it depends~~
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<phoe> beach: PCS license is complicated? how? it's public license for the code + BSD for tests copied from ANSI-TEST
<phoe> oh, maybe you mean the CC0 license; yes, it's full of legalspeak, but basically it means that this code is public domain
<phoe> s/public domain/public domain license/
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<beach> Good to know. Thanks! I may not use very much code anyway, but if I do, I'll make sure to indicate its origin.
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<splittist> So Roswell hasn't done a Windows release since October 2021?
* splittist was trying to try out Lem
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<alcor> Seems so. The last Windows release is v21.10.14.111
<edgar-rft> will there bo no other release ever after?
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<splittist> Hmm. Perhaps I don't need ros at all.
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<beach> phoe: I asked a question the other day about associating a restart with a condition, and bike answered that I was write in assuming that the association must be distinct from the restart. However, in your code, a restart contains a list of associated conditions. What makes you think that will work?
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<beach> *that I was right
<beach> *sigh*
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<beach> phoe: Never mind. I think I see. You kind of implement the logic of special variables yourself by using an UNWIND-PROTECT and popping off the conditions when the dynamic environment is no longer established.
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<beach> phoe: So let me ask you this instead: Why did you decide to do it this way, rather than with a special variable as (apparently) KMP does.
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<piethesailor> I am trying to use "clx" an running into an issue. Anyone familiar? looking for a tip.
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<piethesailor> So far I've (ql:quickload :clx) and tried to run (xlib:open-display "localhost:0") and im getting an: `Name service error in "getaddrinfo": -2 (Name or service not known)` error
<Nilby> splittist: Here's some hackish lines I had in my .lisprc to start LEM without roswell. I haven't tested it recently. https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3812#3812
<piethesailor> I've also tried using various ip address found with1 ip addr show | grep 'inet '
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<Nilby> piethesailor: maybe (open-display "localhost" :display 0) or even (open-display "" :display 0)
<piethesailor> Nilby: Ah! your second suggestion returned a display object! Much appreciated!
<gilberth> These days there also is (XLIB:OPEN-DEFAULT-DISPLAY) which may be more reliable. And are we sure that the X11 listens on a TCP/IP socket and not on a UNIX domain socket only?
<piethesailor> gilberth: your suggestion worked as well
<piethesailor> I am not sure which it runs on, must be worth knowing. I am running ubuntu through windows subsystem. So that might muddy things..
<piethesailor> and that makes sense now that I think about it Nilby. I am trying to get this code to work https://gist.github.com/wiedzmin/4653b830fd351b69dacb21b6108f4809
<ixelp> Take, save, and display a screenshot in Common Lisp (using CLX and ZPNG). · GitHub
<gilberth> What does "echo $DISPLAY" or (XLIB::GETENV "DISPLAY") say? Anyhow, this OPEN-DEFAULT-DISPLAY should do the right thing.
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<piethesailor> gilberth: that lisp code returns ":0"
<piethesailor> and yes, OPEN-DEFAULT-DISPLAY works fine
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<piethesailor> Now I am getting: MATCH-ERROR in current request Code 73.0 [GetImage]
<piethesailor> [Condition of type XLIB:MATCH-ERROR]. Ill post the code I am trying to run in a paste bin here in a sec
<ixelp> Screenshot.lisp - Pastebin.com
<piethesailor> This might be a more in depth issue, could be too much for discussion here, but I'll try my luck
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<Nilby> piethesailor: This might not be the best way, but it works for me if I change line 16 to: :image-data (xlib::image-x-data image)
<Nilby> line 16 from the github version, but I don't get the match error either
<Nilby> also the swizzling of the colors for the png, makes it wrong for displaying again
<Nilby> I used to get match errors on older version of CLX, but that doesn't seem happen much anymore.
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<gilberth> The code also assumes a certain pixel format and visual class. Bound to break. One of the most tedious parts of the X11 protocol. I wish they would have designed the X11 protocol in a device independent fashion.
<adeht> https://github.com/VitoVan/cl-dino has some clx code (cl-autogui) I found useful, including an x-snapshot function
<ixelp> GitHub - VitoVan/cl-dino: A Chrome Dinosaur Robot written in Common Lisp
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<gilberth> Though these days chances that you face some 24-bit truecolor are high.
<piethesailor> Interesting.. Appreciate all the input so far. I am getting the match error when running (take-screenshot) so that would be before I even get to saving the screen shot as png
<piethesailor> Looking into cl-autogui adeht
<piethesailor> (cl-autogui:x-snapshot) is also giving me the same match error
<piethesailor> there must be a common source for the error. I'll dig deeper and report back
<Nilby> piethesailor: as usual, you should prefer gilberth's and adeht's good advice
<piethesailor> Nilby: Will do!
<Nilby> piethesailor: I think the error usually means the default visual for the display different than the root window, which could happen with multiple monitors, gpu cards, or even the desktop environment / window manager.
<Nilby> the "xpdyinfo" command can show the visuals and you can compare to what you're getting. But maybe also make sure your CLX is up to date.
<piethesailor> is xpdyinfo supposed to be run in term? I am getting cammand not found in the eshell
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<_death> xdpyinfo
<piethesailor> and I ql:quickloaded CLX just a day or two ago. so I think I am good on that front
<piethesailor> Thanks _death
<piethesailor> gilberth: I am seeing a lot of class: TrueColor Depth: 24 planes items when I run xdpyinfo
<piethesailor> not sure if that speaks to your previous statements
<pve> Hi, is there a page that lists which macros or special operators, when they are top-level forms, also process their "inner forms" as top-level forms?
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<gilberth> This is curious. The GetImage X11 protocol request doesn't need a depth or visual. It rather returns that information. The protocol spec says that a match error occurs when the rectangle asked is not viewable (not considering inferiors or siblings). So are we sure that this is an CLX or programming issue and not a server issue. Perhaps some of the modern compositing or even wayland getting into the way?
<_death> clhs
<specbot> Processing of Top Level Forms: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/03_bca.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<pve> _death: oh, thanks!
<gilberth> Hence suspecting a wrong visual or depth being chosen is a red herring as far as I can see.
<Nilby> Maybe that's why it works for me. No wayland.
<gilberth> So I would first test with an "xwd -root > out.wd" command to see if this is supposed to work at all.
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<piethesailor> Okay.. gilberth: as in pass xwd -root > out.wd into the terminal?
<piethesailor> I am getting xwd command not found
<piethesailor> I suppose I need to install
<Nilby> Now I'm into this since I'd also like to have a pure Lisp screenshot command.
<Nilby> I get a match error on a Wayland system too. Which also of course doesn't have those old fashioned X11 commands.
<piethesailor> I'll reiterate, I am on wsl ubuntu. However, I get the same error on my Pop!_OS machine
<piethesailor> Which I think is wayland
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<ixelp> Screenshot aspiration - Pastebin.com
<piethesailor> This is a generalization of my immediate use case
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<czy> how is `py4cl'?
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<piethesailor> I've missed practically the last hour of the feed. Anyone make advancements on the screenshot situation?
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<Nilby> It's security feature of Wayland that you can't do screenshots with X.
<Nilby> But you may be get a copy of a window. I was able to get a copy of a window I created under Xwayland.
<Nilby> I would guess getting the window of another process/connection might be blocked too but I haven't tried that yet.
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