havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<joako> Is there any 'best practice' for updating ruby/rails version of a project? Currently stuck on Gemfile hell... bundle update process has been running 45 minutes!
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<adam12> joako: Try updating bundler first. Maybe its' a super old version that had the flakey dependency resolver.
<joako> Yep just noticed rails wants either bundler < 2.0 or ~> 2.4 and I was using 2.1
<filipiz> I rely on rbenv a lot... https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv
<filipiz> the process is usualy like this:
<filipiz> 1. confirm the version i need is installed with rbenv and set the .ruby-version file on the projects directory
<filipiz> 2. install the expected bundler version... (usually defined on Gemfile.lock)
<filipiz> 3. bundle install
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<adam12> rtx/asdf is interesting because you can have it manage other tools in the same file. I use it for node and sometimes postgres versioning.
<adam12> And rtx has some direnv capabilities, so you can eliminate another tool.
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<ox1eef_> Generally speaking, I don't like monoliths that try to do everything. rtx is not neccessarily that, but the idea of eliminating tools to have only one tool handling the job of many does not sound so great.
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<adam12> Well, in fairness to rtx/asdf, they outsource some of the functionality to plugins, so they aren't entirely monoliths.
<adam12> But in general, I work on teams with a variety of experience levels, and simplifying tooling is absolutely critical as projects grow.
<ox1eef_> Yeah, that's fair, that statement just brought back bad memories of systemd :)
<adam12> Yeah, I hear ya
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<Guest26nakilon> hey guys, who used gem sequel, am I right that if there are several processes accessing the same sqlite file via DB.transaction{}, there should be no racing?
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<Guest26nakilon> I just don't get it; in the test I do DB.transaction{ DB[:urls].delete }, then I invoke my webrick server handle that does DB.transaction{ DB[:urls]. ... }, and it isn't empty; then after the test failed and some seconds passed I use the DB connection to check it manually, and it's empty
<Guest26nakilon> maybe I don't understand something about DB.transaction{}
<Guest26nakilon> or maybe the error is rather somewhere in my code
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<Guest26nakilon> nvm, found an error, the "redo" within timeout that was checking for update on webrick handle was inside a nested block that didn't include the actual webrick request repetition procedure
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<adam12> Guest26nakilon: I think sqlite using flock so likely no races, unless you're on something that has unreliable locks like older versions of NFS (and maybe even NFSv4...)
<adam12> I see you solved it.
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<Guest26nakilon> lol "Sequel::DatabaseError: SQLite3::CorruptException: database disk image is malformed"
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<Guest26nakilon> I did nothing special, this feels like a bug in either macos or alpine gem sqlite3; didn't happen until I put everything in transactions
<Guest26nakilon> or maybe docker's fault
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<mark22k> Hello, I wanted to ask if there is a good alternative to EventMachine or celluloid-io? I have seen async-io, however that seems to be enormously complex and have almost no documentation. Is there a gem that is similar event-driven as EM?
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<havenwood> mark22k: The modern alternative is Async, one of the Async gems like async-io, or direct use of `Fiber.schedule do`, which they use under the hood.
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<havenwood> mark22k: What I/O are you making async, in particular? You need async TCP or UDP?
<mark22k> I would like to have smaller projects written for practice such as an EchoServer, a Whois server or AICCU for which I need StartSSL.
<mark22k> So rather TCP.
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<mark22k> In EM it was quite simple. I had a function where I handled incoming data. When I look at the Async-IO Gem, for example the https://github.com/socketry/async-io/blob/main/examples/echo/server.rb echo server, it all looks a lot more complex.
<havenwood> mark22k: Here's an example echo server with async-io: https://github.com/socketry/async-io/blob/main/examples/echo/server.rb
<havenwood> Ah, you already found it. :)
<mark22k> Do you have any tips for a good documentation or tutorial?
<havenwood> mark22k: Check out this read if you'd like to consider using Fiber.schedule directly — which you can do with regular Ruby I/O. https://brunosutic.com/blog/ruby-fiber-scheduler
<havenwood> mark22k: The Async gem has documentation, and async-io plays nice with it. They're quite well done, for what it's worth. The documentation is relatively lacking, but much, much, easier to work with than EM or Celluloid.
<havenwood> I don't know of an async-io tutorial, but there may be a few.
<mark22k> Thank you! Then I'll have another look at async-io.
<mark22k> (Especially if async-io is the future).
<mark22k> A very specific question: What I noticed with async is that async somehow brings its own logger. Is it possible to specify a logger which should be used? I usually use the standard Ruby logger.
<mark22k> And another question: I once tried to implement a slightly older protocol for fun and needed StartSSL. Does async-io also have TLS built in?
<ox1eef_> Did EventMachin ever have documentation ? :))
<weaksauce> isn't all the ruby docs in the spec folder anyway /s
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<adam12> I think Async used the Console logger
<adam12> You likely can't configure the logger since the console API is slightly different, but you could (unfortunately) just turn it off.
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<mark22k> @adam12 To be honest, the uniformity of the output is more important to me than the library used. In this case I could also use the Console Logger for my own output.
<adam12> mark22k: I use it. It works well.
<adam12> I also just used the Logger lib (and tty-logger for some projects) but Console supports a neat feature where you can turn on/off specific class logs.
<adam12> So you could crank up the logging verbosity for a specific class during debugging.
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