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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: I'm not really sure I understood you properly, there's also: A.instance_method(:f).bind(self).call(x)
<ox1eef_> As long as self is an instance of B, and B inherits A, I think it should work. I'd take a second to consider if this is the right approach though. Seems a bit weird to me.
<johnjaye> self is a keyword i thougth
<johnjaye> er thought
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<ox1eef_> Why would that matter
<johnjaye> because i'm talking about calling it from outside the method
<johnjaye> meaning you define A. A has foo. you define B. B inherits from A. but B redefines foo
<johnjaye> so then I have a b object and want to get A's foo.
<ox1eef_> B does not redefine foo. It shadows foo on A. You can still call A#foo via super, or, if outside the context of the class, you can use A.instance_method(:foo).bind(instance_of_b).call(x)
<johnjaye> ah amazing. that does do it
<johnjaye> bind isn't in Kernel. where does it come from
<leftylink> just like always, you use Method#owner to find the answer to this question.
<johnjaye> it says A is the owner when I tell it A.instance_method(:foo).bind(b).owner
<leftylink> well you're asking for the owner of foo, so of course A is the owner
<leftylink> that doesn't tell you anything about what the owner of bind is
<johnjaye> is bind some kind of builtin that isn't in any object
<johnjaye> well i give up. it's not in Proc, Method, Object, or Kernel
<johnjaye> but thanks for the clarification
<leftylink> I can lead a horse to water but I can't make it drink
<ox1eef_> bind is a method of UnboundMethod. 'ri UnboundMethod#bind'.
<johnjaye> very strange. thanks!
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<johnjaye> if a is an array then is a[...-2] the most idiomatic ruby way of saying all but the last 2 elements?
<ox1eef_> Yep. I guess so.
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<Kartagis> hi. I'm having a problem with rvm installation. is this the place to ask?
<ox1eef_> Go ahead. I don't use it so I'm unlikely to be of help but others might.
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<Kartagis> I got an error when I invoked the command and I read the log but I can't make anything of it. all I want is to upgrade ruby on a Mac.
<Kartagis> ox1eef_: the command is curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
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<Kartagis> somebody said not to install ruby with homebrew, while another person says to do so.
<Kartagis> weird
<konsolebox> Kartagis: Always share the error if you're asking for help in IRC as people won't be guessing it. If the error message is just one line, just share it outright. If multiple, share it using a pastebin service.
<konsolebox> Kartagis: If you struggle at rvm, there's also rbenv which you can try.
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<Kartagis> konsolebox: yea, I decided to install ruby with homebrew. thanks though. I have a different issue now.
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<grasek> Hello, could someone help me? I've never beed using Ruby before and I try to just simply have the same blog like here: https://github.com/riggraz/no-style-please/ on my localhost:4000 I don't really get it, I tried to follow the documentation 4 or five times and all the time I end with default jekyll blog theme, it's a horror
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<grasek> I would like just to have that blog on localhost:4000 like it's described there, nothing else. I have everything installed, ruby, gems, jekyll, bundler etc
<grasek> All steps I tried, line by line
<grasek> Everytime exactly the same result, I don't even see the directories which are in the github repo. I tried to just clone the repo and then run bundle install and other commands, but it failed all the time
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<grasek> I feel so depressed
<grasek> Please, help me
<leah2> hmm
<ox1eef_> 1o/ leah2
<leah2> grasek: the Gemfile has this right?: gem "no-style-please"
<leah2> you have a stray ' in your steps?
<grasek> Yes, "no-style-please"
<grasek> No, no I used `"`
<ox1eef_> If you can put the source code in a git repistory, and push it somewhere (github, gitlab), that would probably have the best results.
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<grasek> okay, give me a while
<leah2> did it fail with something webrick?
<grasek> bpa.st/NVDQ as you can see the directory structure isn't the same like in the github repository
<grasek> and when I try to clone it and install:
<leah2> i tried it, works for me
<leah2> just had to add gem "webrick" to make it work at all
<grasek> but let's open /about at you localhost
<leah2> looks monospace
<grasek> there you can see 'this is base jekyll theme...'
<leah2> yeah but it looks differently
<grasek> and 'you can find minima theme....'
<leah2> than theme: minima
<grasek> okay, so let's clone the repo
<grasek> I got this error
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<leah2> 18:10:07 <leah2> just had to add gem "webrick" to make it work at all
<grasek> oh
<leah2> that's documented on https://jekyllrb.com/docs/
<grasek> how could I add this?
<ox1eef_> I don't think you need to clone that repo. It should be enough to add your own markdown files, and have them use the same theme.
<leah2> like the other gem line
<leah2> and run bundle install
<leah2> while that should work too... i added it to the Gemfile
<grasek> actually... it works!!! :)
<grasek> thank you so much! imperative programming is confused
<leah2> heh
<grasek> *confusing
<ox1eef_> NotImplementedError: dart-sass for x86_64-openbsd7.3 not available at https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/releases/tag/1.68.0
<ox1eef_> Sad panda.
<leah2> fucking sass
<ox1eef_> I think there's still sassc (written in C) that would probably work. I use that with nanoc without any problems. But since jekyll has a hard dependency on the dart version, it's basically unusable.
<leah2> sassc is not thread-safe
<leah2> also mine has installed ruby sass
<ox1eef_> Hrm..
<leah2> i still wonder what has to go wrong that your css preprocessor is too slow
<ox1eef_> On my personal projects I never had so much scss that performance was an issue, but I can see it being an issue in big Rails monoliths.
<leah2> then cache it
<ox1eef_> I should try Rails7. Curious to see how it handles scss. For the webpack era it mostly handed it off to NPM packages.
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