it expects to be run by a user with the same name as the app
i got it running before by just editing the .env.rb file to use my username instead
but then i thought "why not try and do it with the appropriate user to ease eventual deployment
so i su to new user, bundle, and rackup, and now i get that error
and it makes no sense to me
i am at the end of my tether
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assume my everyday username is 'user', and the app username is 'app'
'app' is part of the 'user' group, so has full access to 'user''s files
rbenv has been successfully installed for 'app', and bundling as 'app' was successful
'app' is also currently in the sudo group, though i'm not happy about that and am simply trying to get this nonsense to work
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what the actual fuck
now it doesn't work for either user
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web dev is just completely dreadful, even in ruby
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what the fuck is going on
god i fucking hate computers
i need fresh air
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actually, file location makes no difference
is this the result of some archane, obtuse legacy unix permission bullshit?
but then i so, how?
but i can't think of another explanation
i love how talkative it is in here
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Guest65: This isn't web dev, it's dev ops.
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Maybe an indictment that it's not simple, but it's not.
Take confort that your ability to self realize an entire stack is far greater than say aerospace or other fields alongside computer science.
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this question is not web-dev specific, though, except that it involves a library developed for web
this is (not) running on a local machine
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Guest65: What platform is this on?
Guest65: what command are you running that triggers the error above?
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Guest65: What version of Ruby?
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adam12: ruby 3.1.2, linux x86_64, rackup
Guest65: `bundle exec rackup` ?
that tells me i'm missing a bunch of gems, and tells me to run `bundle install` to install them
i have already done that, however
How'd you install Ruby?
What's output of `which ruby`
the user for whom `rackup` works gets the error `bundler: failed to load command: rackup (/home/user/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/bin/rackup)` when running `bundle exec rackup`
`app` user : `which ruby` > `/home/app/.rbenv/shims/ruby`
When you say you already installed the gems, you mean as that user?
It's probably easier to eliminate one user since it's going to be complex debugging both. Which user are you using for this? app?
well i'm currently logged into a gui as myself
where i originally got everythingf working
that project expects to be run as a user with a name that's the same as the app
It shouldn't.
so i created a user with that name, and `su`ed into it
I bet that's a bug if so. What makes you think that's the issue?
nothing, necessarily
i have no idea what the issue is
OK. Using the logged in user, is there any errors?
`bundle info sequel` reveals `/home/app/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/sequel-5.72.0`
right, so to reiterate, i am logged into a graphical session as myself
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i have two terminal emulator sessions open, one as me, and one as "app"
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i am "user"
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"user" runs `rackup` successfully, even in the test project created by "app" in "app"'s home folder
"app" always fails
Fails how?
What's your ideal setup? Did you want to run the app as `user`?
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fails with the message `<internal:/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in `require': cannot load such file -- sequel/core (LoadError)`
i want to run the app as app
Is there more of a stacktrace available? Can you put it in a github gist or paste or something?
Guest65: we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
Just ignore the bot
Paste doesn't load
and if you're using bundler, for simplicity's sake, always call `bundle exec` before the command while we're debugging. Because if not, bundler might not be loaded and then we're guessing.
I gotta run out for a bit. Put the full stacktrace from Ruby (not strace output) inside a gist so we can look at it. I'm suspecting rackup won't work out of the box with that template, since rackup was extracted to it's own gem a while back.
So you're probably getting rackup from another install.
I had to `bundle add rackup` to that roda-sequel-stack template to get rackup to start. It doesn't require a specific user.
it doesn't require a specific user to run, but it i want to develop it that way because i want to deploy it that way
also, it makes interfacing with the database roles a lot less annoying and cumbersome to run it as the desired user
previously, it had given the error `Could not find sassc-2.4.0, sequel-5.72.0, sequel_pg-1.17.1, sequel-annotate-1.7.0, capybara-3.39.2, ffi-1.15.5, bigdecimal-3.1.4, pg-1.5.4, nokogiri-1.15.4-x86_64-linux, xpath-3.2.0, racc-1.7.1 in locally installed gems`
but it seems that it now works after `bundle add rackup`
what is the explanation there?
`rackup` still fails the same way, as shown in the pastebin
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