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<hiyori> OS: Gentoo Linux (x64) (6.5.3-gentoo-dist)
<hiyori> I'm trying to build dev-ruby/psych but I got errors on the output, how do I fix this issue?
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<leftylink> dang it. So you can do Hash.new(0), you can do {a: 1}, but you can't do both (have a default value and some non-default values)
<leftylink> best I could come up with is something like {a: 1}.tap { _1.default = 0 }
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<leftylink> `h = {a: 1}; h.default = 0` was not acceptable since I didn't want to pollute local variables
<leftylink> I will just have to be grateful that tap makes possible things that there is not a specialised method for
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<constxqt> rare ruby L
<constxqt> my language lets you write %{'a': 1, *: 0}
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<nakilon> is it a bug?
<nakilon> Time.strptime "9/17/2023 16:46:05", "%D" => 2020-09-17 00:00:00 +0300
<nakilon> Time.strptime "16:46:05", "%T" => 2023-09-18 16:46:05 +0300
<nakilon> Time.strptime "9/17/2023 16:46:05", "%D %T" ArgumentError (invalid date or strptime format...
<nakilon> this looks retarded Time.strptime(s.split[1], "%T", Time.strptime(s, "%D"))
<leftylink> it is not a bug when we consider that %D is %m/%d/%y, and %y is a two-digit year not four-digit
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<nakilon> oh, didn't notice that year
<nakilon> thanks
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<nakilon> damn weird format in someone's google spreadsheet
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