havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<ox1eef_> adam12: Nice. That's close to what I have in mind.
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<myappie> https://gist.github.com/basicfeatures/c36821ae92e117e0d4ac49ecc974cbdc just finished - WARNING: Backup your project. Rewrites history and modifies files.
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<constxqt> bros
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<constxqt> anyone bored? i have a little challenge for you
<constxqt> write a program that just copies data from stdin to stdout but while it's copying it plots a sliding histogram on the tty showing the flow rate of the data for each 0.1sec interval
<constxqt> like this https://imgur.com/vvr8Nsh
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<leftylink> okay, I didn't know that...
<leftylink> pandabot rb [Class.new.name, (C = Class.new).name, Module.new.name, (M = Module.new).name]
<pandabot> [nil, "C", nil, "M"] - https://carc.in/#/r/fsno
<leftylink> so they learn their name upon being assigned to a constant.
<leftylink> what is the mechanism by which that happens?
<leftylink> is there a assigned_to_constant hook somewhere?
<ox1eef_> leftylink: Don't believe there is a hook for that. I'd guess it comes from the implementation of Module#name.
<ox1eef_> There is a const_added hook though, IIRC.
<ox1eef_> It was added in 3.2, though - and I believe that behavior predates 3.2. Probably not dependent on it.
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<levitating> Is there a way to do something like Array::map([]). So calling an instance method by referring to the class?
<ox1eef_> Nope. Not without some plumbing anyway. Ruby is OO first and foremost. But I like that pattern, and used it exclusively in a project of mine: https://github.com/0x1eef/ryo.rb
<ox1eef_> Specifically addressed here: https://github.com/0x1eef/ryo.rb#ryoeach
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<levitating> Ruby has such an elegant syntax but I wish it could be used more functionally. Cool project, I like prototypes.
<ox1eef_> I think it can be done but OO is usually the default.
<ox1eef_> Maybe check out Elixir if you haven't come across it yet. Essentially Ruby's syntax as a functional language.
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<levitating> I haven not played with Elixir yet, thanks for putting it back on my radar
<ox1eef_> Definitely worth a look, especially if you prefer functional paradigm.
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