havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<weaksauc_> johnjaye yeah that's the official one
<weaksauc_> johnjaye but rubyapi.com is generally better in my experience
<weaksauc_> it's less browsable though
<johnjaye> i hope you mean rubyapi.org since that is the 3rd google result
<weaksauc_> oh yeah
<weaksauc_> i just did it from memory
<johnjaye> i was trying to make a joke about how we'd have to fight about it otherwise
<johnjaye> the top result is ruby-lang.org which apparently is not official
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<adam12> ruby-lang.org is official.
<adam12> (and it's subdomains)
<johnjaye> hmm, i was told it wasn't.
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<ox1eef_> ruby-lang is most def official. That's where you should be downloading Ruby from.
<adam12> johnjaye: maybe you're thinking ruby-doc.org? that one is unofficial.
<weaksauc_> yeah ruby-doc is not official but gets top billing on search engines often or at least used to
<johnjaye> oh ok you're right i'm confused
<johnjaye> ruby-lang and ruby-doc are the top results when searching for ruby doc
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<ox1eef_> ruby-doc does more harm than good IMO.
<johnjaye> i get the impression people don't like it. but i didn't ask for details
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<ox1eef_> Old rdoc template, bad ux, first result
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<weaksauc_> it used to use an older version of rdoc
<weaksauc_> still does i guess
<weaksauc_> 6.4 vs. 6.5
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<johnjaye> that is very exacting standard. at least to my naive ears
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<weaksauc_> it used to be a lot worse
<adam12> I'm not sure why it ranks so highly
<ox1eef_> Only God and a handful of search engineers @ Google probably know the answer to that.
<johnjaye> maybe it was super popular at one point so a ton of sites link to it?
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<ox1eef_> Might be. Or the name of the domain. SEO is usually guess work that has to be monitored ime.
<johnjaye> what do you mean monitor
<johnjaye> i thought SEO was like. let's put random words in our html so people will visit our page.
<johnjaye> like if you sell pancakes. you put pan, cake, pancake, Pancake, PAN CAKE, etc
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<ox1eef_> It is changing all the time exactly for reasons like that. Search engines want to find legitimate content, and not just content that is gaming its algorithms.
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<Guest85> Hello
<Guest85> Please I know here's a technical channel, but can I get a fundraiser support here?
<sam113101> no
<m_antis> raise funds for what
<m_antis> @ Guest85
<Guest85> For me and my family. My little son
<m_antis> :`-(
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<sam113101> that's what happens when your country doesn't have a proper healthcare system
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<adam12> gday
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<ox1eef_> Hello Adam!
<adam12> ox1eef_: how goes
<ox1eef_> Not too bad. Trying to figure out streaming audio on iOS.
<ox1eef_> You?
<adam12> ox1eef_: Ooh. Neat problem.
<ox1eef_> Frustrating problem -_-
<adam12> ox1eef_: Wrapping up work in progress for my current consulting client. I'm taking 4 weeks vacation and trying to not leave a bunch of open work.
<ox1eef_> Nice one
<adam12> A lot of "garden tending" work.
<ox1eef_> I like that type of work.
<ox1eef_> Easier to water a few plants than cut down a tree.
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<miah> depends on number of plants and size of tree
<adam12> ox1eef_: Indeed. It's actually interesting that there are some developers who only prefer 'garden tending' and don't want new feature work.
<adam12> It is quite enjoyable sometimes to refactor a piece of code that served it's purpose but a new pattern has emerged that's more appropriate.
<adam12> For this one scenario, a more formal wrapper around a 3rd party library emerged, so I've been collecting all the modifications that were made to support the 3rd party library into a single location, forcing better locality and making it easier to understand by new developers.
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<miah> nice
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