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<nona> got a wonderful code flower for y'all again. found it because it made rubocop throw an exception while trying out standard. it's a one-liner: `status == :success ? root_path : root_path`.
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<ox1eef_> Makes sense
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<adam12> nona: It's beautiful.
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<nona> adam12: That was the most ideal comment possible with regard to that line :D
<adam12> lol
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<aesthetikx> I like the term code flower
<adam12> Yeah, me too.
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<aesthetikx> Sometimes, when reviewing broken code: 'Yup, I remember the hot tub I was in when I wrote that' or 'Yup, I remember the airport terminal I was sitting in when I made that typo'
<adam12> lol
<adam12> I like to git blame something I think is silly then see me as the author.
<aesthetikx> Well, Of Course I Know Him. He's Me.
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<nona> funny aesthetikx, i feel like i write my best code while sitting on a train
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<nona> but fair, a train is a much different situation from an airport
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<aesthetikx> nona I agree, I like a train ride
<aesthetikx> I randomly got bumped for free to first class once in canada, was the best 4 hours of my life
<aesthetikx> free wine and goat cheese
<aesthetikx> hot towel
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<dorian> hey random question: anybody aware of an http message library, like *just* request/response classes you can construct from scratch with no baggage for actually being an http client or server? like http.rb and Net::HTTP both have weird pathologies
<dorian> (specifically, the former seems to have a hardcoded list of acceptable request methods while the latter hides its constructor behind a parse method)
<dorian> (the former also has yet another URI class)
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<adam12> dorian: we 100% need that in Ruby
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<adam12> dorian: if they indicated the protocol, I wonder if the ecosystem of ruby http clients would look different. Kind of how Rack changed things from the server side.
<adam12> If we had a contract that said you get a Request and return a Response, and we'd call a method that matched an HTTP verb, I wonder how that would be for libraries.
<adam12> MyLibrary.http_client = SomeHttpClientThatMatchesSpec.new
<adam12> http_client.get(HTTP::Request.new(some_request)) # => HTTP::Response.new(some_response_data)
<adam12> Not directly related to your question, but an opportunity for me to drop 4-5 different HTTP clients from my larger app Gemfile's would be a dream.
<adam12> This one project specifically uses net-http, async-http, httparty, faraday, excon, and typhoeus
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<weaksauce> why so many adam12
<adam12> dorian: also, might be worth checking out https://github.com/socketry/protocol-http
<adam12> weaksauce: dependencies of dependencies :( Gemfile only specifies faraday as a direct dependency.
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<adam12> I think I looked this project from Samuel already and never actually realized he was building kind of what I was imagining.
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<adam12> (I guess I should have specified Gemfile.lock)
<weaksauce> > Light-weight middlewar model for building applications.
<weaksauce> how metal
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<aesthetikx> adam12 is Request, Response a complete enough 'worldview' of http? e.g. what about http2, websocket upgrade, etc
<aesthetikx> I think its a good idea though
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<adam12> aesthetikx: I haven't given http2 enough thought to really form an opinion, but I see there is protocol-http2 from Samuel as well.
<aesthetikx> ioquatix is a machine
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<adam12> Indeed.
<adam12> ioquatix machinex
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<dorian> adam12: ay dios mio
<dorian> i don't think the http message semantics are different for http 2 or 3 are they?
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<dorian> i mean the syntax definitely is, them being binary and all
<adam12> dorian: The framing pieces likely need special handling.
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<dorian> plus some other stuff about pipelining or whatever
<dorian> hm
<adam12> dorian: I wonder if that is a lot lower level than most would want to be handling.
<dorian> in my mind http 2 and onward are like "the plumbing can handle that"
<dorian> but yeah would love a generic http message gem
<dorian> like HTTP::Message in perl
<dorian> (and HTTP::Headers, HTTP::Request, HTTP::Response &c)
<adam12> OOh. I didn't know there was a Perl equiv. Im going to check it out.
<dorian> yeah i think it's in lwp
<dorian> oh, no it isn't
<adam12> I wrote Perl for a number of years and I can't actually remember making an HTTP request in it. I wonder if my brain just blocked it out.
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<dorian> lol
<dorian> perl was my daily driver from 1997 to 2017
<adam12> I did mostly incoming stuff via cgi-bin.
<adam12> Some daemons.
<adam12> Calling out wasn't super common back then for what I was doing.
<dorian> then i tried to pick up clojure for a bit but that jvm startup/ram usage is a pita
<adam12> I ran a shell company in those days, so the big thing was managing people's bnc instances and scripting setting of vhosts, etc.
<dorian> then tried python but remembered why i didn't use it in the first place, now ruby is my daily driver lol
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<dorian> i did a lot of stuff in perl back in the day, probably should have moved on from it earlier tbh
<dorian> i had a client in early 2018 using ruby which i hadn't touched since some rails gig in like 2006?
<dorian> took to it pretty quickly though.
<adam12> Wow, that's not bad. I did primarily Rails up until ~ 2013, but then switched off to other libraries. I did some brief Elixir/Phoenix around 2014 before ending back up with Roda in ~ 2015?
<dorian> i just do bare microservices in rack these days
<Sampersand> heh, id been using ruby for ≈7 years before i started my current job, at which point one of the projects had me learn rails
<dorian> i'm actually in the middle of a research fellowship thingy to make a kind of not sure what to call it
<dorian> it's a sort of engine, or bus
<adam12> dorian: Can't beat bare rack when it's an option.
<adam12> Sampersand: Were you doing Ruby+Web before that?
<Sampersand> nope, I just used ruby for all my scripting needs
<adam12> I did some Padrino for a while. Submitted a _ton_ of PRs for it while I was doing so. But it's hard building applications for clients that has no solid release schedule. I can set my watch to Jeremy Evan's library releases.
<adam12> Sampersand: Cool!
<dorian> plack is nicer than rack; i kinda miss it
<Sampersand> yeah, i love digging into the internals of ruby and figuring out all the idiosyncracies
<aesthetikx> what is plack
<dorian> it's the perl equivalent of rack
<adam12> Sampersand: I enjoy code spelunking older Ruby projects and I've forgotten all the dirty hacks we used to do.
<Sampersand> i found ruby 0.49
<Sampersand> (and got it to compile on my m1)
<Sampersand> although i think you may have seen  that from the discord
<adam12> dorian: What's big difference?
<adam12> Sampersand: Yep. I've been meaning to check it out, but only so much time :\
<adam12> Maybe next few weeks since I'm on "vacation"
<Sampersand> haha nice
<adam12> dorian: I forgot there's Rack::MockRequest and Rack::MockResponse too, which could fit your use case perhaps.
<dorian> i mean in principle they do the same thing
<dorian> but i use (as you can probably tell) the request/response classes a lot
<dorian> i can't think of a specific example but i just find rack to be more prescriptive at the margins about how to do things
<dorian> watch, i'll probably end up writing my own http message class
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<dorian> i'm basically writing a microservice bus that handles url continuity for an entire address space
<dorian> and then has pluggable origins and filters
<Sampersand> oh, here's an interesting 0.49ism: there was only `fail` -- `raise` didn't exist. And, you could only call it with a single string argument
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<adam12> dorian: Interesting. What's the use case?
<dorian> so the goal of the project is to create conditions for what i'm calling "dense hypermedia", where the web out of the box is "sparse hypermedia"
<dorian> as in, if you take the average website and you clip off everything but the main content on each page, what you're left with might as well be word documents or pdfs or something; they are big documents with almost no links
<dorian> and what i want to do is make the medium more amenable to little things with lots and lots of links
<dorian> so that entails eliminating a lot of the crap and overhead of making things on the web
<dorian> stuff like linkrot
<adam12> Interesting.
<adam12> Sounds kind of like gopher?
<dorian> so the bus has a url resolver in it that is designed to never 404
<dorian> heh i think i have used gopher once in 1994
<adam12> Yeah, it's been forever since I used it too. Through dialup, if I am remembering right.
<dorian> yeah a gopher client shipped with trumpet winsock, lol
<dorian> on a 3.5" floppy
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<dorian> another way to say it though is i want to make it stupid dirt cheap and easy to make knowledge graphs
<dorian> the url continuity thing is an important aspect because if you don't have something explicitly marshalling that you get stuff breaking
<dorian> but presumably it would be applicable to ordinary websites that have to care about seo etc
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<dorian> anyway i'm writing it in ruby because ruby's rdf framework has a reasoner and the alternative is basically java
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<adam12> dorian: makes sense
<dorian> yeah turns out reasoners are pretty damn essential
<dorian> if you don't have one you end up making a bad copy of one
<aesthetikx> dorian do you have a github
<aesthetikx> hashtag followed
<dorian> huge huge huuuuge mess rn
<dorian> i started noodling on this thing in uhh 2018? as kind of a breadboard static site generator thing
<dorian> it's kinda limped along but now i am being paid to undertake the extremely painstaking refactor; by the time i'm finished it'll be unrecognizable
<dorian> for one it'll be a live engine rather than a static site generator (which i will reimplement as a sort of "end cap" on the thing)
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<ruser> dorian: that sounds like a neat project
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<dorian> it's a super great opportunity
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