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<KOTP> oxleef, of course, since that is what gets does, but to_i or Float or Integer will naturally remove that since a number will not, by its very property, have it. So no reason to remove it with an explicit call of chomp.
<KOTP> Though `gets` is "get string" so it will not get a pure number, it will get a string.
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<ox1eef_> Yeah, I would still use gets.chomp rather than rely on that. It is much more clear to the reader.
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<libsys> debian 12 ships ruby 3.1, cool
<libsys> curiously, arch is still shipping ruby 3.0
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<ox1eef_> Arch was super cool at one point in time, but I don't thnk it is the same anymore.
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<mooff> ssh ftp.debian.org ln -s sid rolling
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<lester29> can you recommend a ruby code review sites?
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<ox1eef_> GitHub xD
<ox1eef_> Or OpenAI
<ox1eef_> Or here, IRC
<havenwood> lester29: +1 here or Ruby Discord
<havenwood> Or both.
<havenwood> Post a repo and we'll give feedback!
<havenwood> There's a #code-review channel there ^
<havenwood> (for Ruby)
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<desnudopenguino> anyone working with roda floating around? i'm working through the "mastering roda" book, and have hit a wall with the inject_erb example
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<desnudopenguino> the example shows using a method and calling it from an erb template file, but when i try that, i get a NoMethodError for the method. i tried moving the method definitial all over the place in the app file and template file with no luck
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<havenwood> desnudopenguino: I think #inject_erb is meant to be called from your Roda routes. Make sure you enable the plugin.
<havenwood> Use #inject_erb from methods inside your routing tree, I believe. Then call those methods from your erb.
<adam12> desnudopenguino: I use Roda.
<adam12> desnudopenguino: I think it should work inside a template file too, but a stracktrace would be helpful.
<adam12> desnudopenguino: And this is assuming you loaded the plugin (which you did, right? :P )
<adam12> I normally use it inside a method and not inside a template, but because they share the same context when rendering a template, it should make no difference.
<adam12> Also make sure you've restarted your app.
<desnudopenguino> https://pastebin.com/vGPTj2kG is what i get
<ruby[bot]> desnudopenguino: we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
<desnudopenguino> sorry ruby[bot]
<desnudopenguino> i tried a plain <% inject_erb <somethnig> %> line in the erb file and that works
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<desnudopenguino> also just added the template/erb file to the gist
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<adam12> desnudopenguino: Oh. You'e defined try_it inside the template?
<adam12> desnudopenguino: The NoMethodError isn't from inject_erb but from try_it.
<adam12> desnudopenguino: You could try using define_method or define_singleton_method instead. IMHO, I'd extract this out to some other class and make it available to the view. If you need `inject_erb` in that class, pass in the roda instance.
<adam12> desnudopenguino: class TaskPage; def initialize(roda_instance); @roda_instance = roda_instance; end; def try_it(&block); @roda_instance.inject_erb(@roda_instance.cpature_erb...rest_of_bits); then in your route, task_page = TaskPage.new(self).
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<dsc_> after `gem install bundler` I get `ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::Exception) OpenSSL is not available. Install OpenSSL and rebuild Ruby (preferred) or use non-HTTPS sources`
<dsc_> this happened after I did: rvm install ruby-3.0.6
<dsc_> (and using that version)
<dsc_> how to fix this openssl error?
<dsc_> since I am using `rvm` I would expect it to install a correct version