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<Sampersand> or not .god damnit. Anyways, looks like I segfaulted ruby somehow... https://github.com/ruby/rbs/actions/runs/6062461385/job/16448721385?pr=1489
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<ox1eef_> Looks like it is fixed on the nightly build, but probably worth reporting anyway.
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<mynameisdebian> A Scraper object has a name, but an inherited class has a name plus other attributes. I used *args in the base class to account for the extra arguments when I call super in the child class. Am I using inheritance properly, or is this bad practice? https://pastebin.com/KRPTCnLz
<ruby[bot]> mynameisdebian: as I told you already, please use https://gist.github.com
<mynameisdebian> Wow that's some real asshole of a bot that scolds you because you didn't remember that a year ago it told you to use gist instead of pastebin
<mynameisdebian> A Scraper object has a name, but an inherited class has a name plus other attributes. I used *args in the base class to account for the extra arguments when I call super in the child class. Am I using inheritance properly, or is this bad practice? https://gist.github.com/AumCoin/357029bde96faeedf4ef46e67a538646
<ox1eef_> Yeah I don't like ruby[bot] either but no need to freak out about it.
<mynameisdebian> sure that's true
<ox1eef_> Looking at your gist.
<mynameisdebian> thank you
<ox1eef_> Couple of notes: 2-space indentation is the standard in Ruby, and generally speaking, it is recommended for a subclass to match the interface of its superclass. In other words, the method signature would be the ame between two. So, the superclass should not define *args, but the subclass should (and if it breaks with the superclass, that'd be an error).
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<mynameisdebian> Can you give me an example of what the initialize lines should look like for the 2 classes?
<ox1eef_> L16 should replace L4. The interface should be compatible between all subclasses.
<mynameisdebian> but what if I have other subclasses that don't have "token", "api", etc.? Then the interface is not compatible anymore
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<ox1eef_> You could make those optional, the idea is that the interface should work the same across all subclasses, and if it differs, then that difference should be something that's optional.
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<mynameisdebian> ox1eef_ thank you
<ox1eef_> No worries.
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<leftylink> I don't want to use *args there because it allows for mistakenly passing in extra args that have no effect, which is confusing. so I'd just remove all args. I would call super(name) instead of super
<leftylink> s/remove all args/remove all *args/
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<OverCoder> I am trying to fix something a ruby source code
<OverCoder> how does ruby know where to call a function or whatever? I am not seeing imports anywhere
<OverCoder> does ruby not need explicit imports? does it glob the entire source directory? what?
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<mynameisdebian> I tried to install bundler as root but it told me not to. So I ran `gem install --user-install bundler
<mynameisdebian> ` as a normal user and it failed, telling me "There was an error while trying to write to `/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/cache/timers-1.1.0.gem`. It is likely that you
<mynameisdebian> need to grant write permissions for that path." Am I really supposed to manually need to grant permissions to this random path to use bundler to install a gem? I don't remember ever doing this before
<mynameisdebian> sorry I typed that wrong. Bundler works as a user, but when trying to do `bundle install` it fails with this message about write permissions
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<ox1eef_> You can use 'bundle install --path=.mybundle' instead.
<ox1eef_> OverCoder: The functions available to a C file is determined by the headers it includes.
<leftylink> if there are any doubts about where a function is defined, Method#source_location answers that question, but it seems that this is not actually the question at hand
<ox1eef_> You could be right. Not sure what they meant.
<leftylink> we can also examine the value of $LOADED_FEATURES to determine which files have been required. I can confirm that you do need to require a file before you can use the functions in it.
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<OverCoder> ox1eef_: C file? it's a .rb file
<konsolebox> OverCoder: Are you referring to how methods are imported when using require?
<OverCoder> I opened a .rb file and Found::Stuff::Like.this()
<OverCoder> where are these stuff defined?
<konsolebox> OverCoder: From another rb file or a loadable shared object.
<OverCoder> yea how does it know which .rb file to look into
<konsolebox> OverCoder: Try using Method#source_location
<konsolebox> E.g. Rails.configuration.method(:to_prepare).source_location
<OverCoder> thing is, it's a HUGE application and I can't just quickly re-run things
<OverCoder> (it takes time)
<OverCoder> I don't even know where that would be logged
<ox1eef_> Run 'bundle exec rails c', and run that command. It will return a two-element array, first element is the file where it is defined, second is the line number.
<konsolebox> OverCoder: It doesn't log anything. It just returns an array contain a string and an integer. You have to implement the logging.
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<ionface> I've got an old program which requires gtk2, my distro doesn't even have that available anymore, it doesn't gem install https://dpaste.com/54LV2RDSK
<ionface> how do I edit this gem to use gtk3 or whatever? https://github.com/gdelugre/pdfwalker
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