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<sicelo> Wizzup: i would appreciate it :-)
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* enyc_ meows
<enyc_> Hrrm, troubel with things like N900 is 3g-only ;-(
<enyc_> I wonder how well you can attach/embed/carry an lte-dongle or something, I guess that is in a way what neo900 wanted to do, usb connected lte thingie chipset
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<enyc_> I wonder why droid4 around same time has LTE
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<Wizzup> sicelo: ok
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<Wizzup> phoenix going down for a hopefully short reboot
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: something's wrong here https://paste.debian.net/1350248/
<freemangordon> in general - we shall either fix parallel package builds or disable them :)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: sorry, what do you mean
<Wizzup> I recently reduced the amount of job runners to 1
<Wizzup> but that doens't mean source/binary/repos can run out of order
<Wizzup> can't
<Wizzup> (from different pkgs)
<freemangordon> we have 4m7 package in chimaera
<freemangordon> see pastebin ^^^
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<Wizzup> I don't think this is a race
<Wizzup> but let's try to figure it out
<freemangordon> what else? a bug?
<freemangordon> perhaps dsc_ started daedalus build before waiting for chimaera one to finish
<freemangordon> I did the same a couple of times, if you remember
<Wizzup> quite likely
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<freemangordon> that's what I mean by "parallel build"
<Wizzup> but I believe all of these things should be separate
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> I udnerstood
<freemangordon> sure
<Wizzup> like, they have a separate cowbuilder too
<Wizzup> so I don't know when this would get messed up
<freemangordon> seems trhere is an issue in repo builder
<freemangordon> but that's a wild guess
<freemangordon> in any case, qt-input-maemo package shall be fixed
<freemangordon> as now it is not installable in chimaera
<gnarface> could the previous build have completed but simply not been cleaned from the build directory?
<gnarface> sorry to butt in
<Wizzup> freemangordon: let's just rebuild it and see
<freemangordon> gnarface: no idea, really
<Wizzup> gnarface: the build directories should be separate
<gnarface> ah
<freemangordon> Wizzup: doing dist-upgrade in the VM after installing meta from experimental
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> HAM should be ready too, will keep it in -devel for a while and will push to stable
<Wizzup> ok, sounds good :)
<Wizzup> maybe also build pkgs for daedalus if you haven't already
<Wizzup> ham etc
<freemangordon> I did
<Wizzup> great
<freemangordon> maybe you should push meta to -devel
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<arno11> Wizzup: i made a new PR (and close the previous one) for transitions
<Wizzup> cool
<arno11> this time the file clearly shows diff with the original one
<Wizzup> great
<arno11> btw i didn't test last dsc changes for hildon input but the segfault happens on my chimaera
<arno11> (the transitions PR is leste-config/pull/57)
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<Guest72> Hello I am wanting to install a cyanogenmod rom alongside maemo leste on my droid4/maserati.
<Guest72> I am familiar with the maemo leste installation. But the cyangenmod custom rom instuctions are saying to first root the phone and install safestrap which I'm unsure if is neccesary.
<Wizzup> I am bit fuzzy on this, I am not sure if you need safestrap, but kexecboot can boot to safestrap (and then do cyanogenmod)
<Guest72> oh interesting. I will get kexecboot installed first thing then
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<Wizzup> I think cyanogenmod install might remove kexecboot
<Wizzup> (so you need to install it again afterwards)
<Guest72> Okay. And i assume Safestrap will be another boot option from the kexecboot (only if safestrap is installed)
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<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> I think that is what I used to have many years ago
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