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<freemangordon> arno11: why not simply uninstall qt HIM plugin until it is fixed?
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<dsc_> arno11: him causes segfault?
<dsc_> with telegram?
<freemangordon> dsc_: with all qt apps
<freemangordon> and also see Wizzup's comments ^^^
<dsc_> this is only since daedalus right?
<freemangordon> afaik
<dsc_> im in VM @ chimaera, how to go get daedalus
* freemangordon wonders if symbols were installed when this backtrace was captured
<freemangordon> you can clone the VM and do dist-upgrade
<dsc_> yes alright
<freemangordon> however, I saw no issue here (in my daedalus VM)
<dsc_> re symbols, doesnt seem stripped or optimized away
<freemangordon> maybe somethiong shall be done to trigger the bug
<freemangordon> ah, right, seems ok
<freemangordon> dsc_: I would recommend to wait for arno11 to provide steps to trigger the bug
<dsc_> hehe yes
<freemangordon> also, see what Wizzup said ^^^, the fix could be something trivial like checking for nullptr
<freemangordon> or maybe there is a flaw in the logic - why do you need to call QXcb::findHildonIm() in plugin destructor if VKB is not visible (for example)
<dsc_> QHildonInputContext::~QHildonInputContext() { sendHildonCommand(HILDON_IM_HIDE); }
<freemangordon> I admit I didn't look in the code, so feel free to ignore all my comments :)
<dsc_> yes they are good suggestions
<freemangordon> yeah, but is it visible?
<freemangordon> or simply do what Wizzup said
<freemangordon> anyway, have to run, ttyl
<dsc_> im looking
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<dsc_> arno11: I pushed a change
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<Wizzup> dsc_: let me build a new daedalus vm image
<Wizzup> I'm pretty sure the xcb connection is invalidated and this causes the segfault
<Wizzup> I think ti happens upon closing a program
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<dsc_> Wizzup: thanks. I think I fixed it then.
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<Wizzup> we made it to the next/final round of this nlnet call, will follow up when we know if make it or not
<Wizzup> probably in 1-2 months
<sicelo> very good news! thanks for sharing that info
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<Wizzup> yeah, although various things in the proposal we kind of already did, like daedalus
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