I wonder if postinst shall delete existing domain files and call apt-worker update
what do you think?
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fine by me @ postinst, if it is necessary
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Wizzup: indeed something seems wrong with input method: today i got osso abook stop working with just the spin icon and black window. stop/start h-i-m-configurator made it working again (!?)
one more thing: if i start a qt app with QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct, launch time is quite similar to what i see on chimaera...until i launch/show conversations
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then all qt5 apps become very slow to launch, whatever i do
(even with conversations ui closed)
arno11: adressbook have absolutely nothing to do with qt5/qt-him
i never said it was the same issue btw
perhaps it simply crashed. I am not saying crashing is ok :)
well, you related abook crash with HIM
"Wizzup: indeed something seems wrong with input method: today i got osso abook stop working..."
arno11: BTW, seems you are very good at triggering bugs, (no kidding), consider enabling coredumps on your device(s)
yeah, that's just because i was toying with h-i-m and restarting it made abook working again
that way you just provide coredump files and we fix the issue
yes i can
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freemangordon: btw did you see the backtrace from yesterday ?
I think it is dsc_ that shall fix it, unless I have missed something
yeah ok
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Wizzup: it's a bit late but by chance, while dealing with slow qt5 launch, i eliminated the segfault
and now i'm able to launch tg-desktop quite 'quickly' with no bugs
i use QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/plugins/platforms" QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct telegram-desktop
other qt5 apps also don't segfault anymore